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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Board Of Education Honors Outstanding Students, Staff And Schools At Jan. 18 Awards & Recognitions Night

The Wicomico County Board of Education honored outstanding students, teachers, school groups, staff members and schools at its Jan. 18 Awards & Recognitions Night at the Wicomico High School Auditorium.

Community Giving Activities

Parkside High School, under the leadership of teacher Joe Showacre, for collecting $1,152 for the WBOC Bless Our Children Campaign in 2010. Students helped boost the total by dropping coins into jars. Parkside was the only school on the campaign’s list of $1,000-plus donors.

Salisbury Middle School’s A-Team, for an innovative collection for the Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign. The campaign encouraged students, staff and families to donate, and secured business sponsors who turned donated Eagle Bucks into cash. The school raised $870 for the Salvation Army. The Board recognized Bud Elzey and students Rylee Baker, Tyr’es Parsons and Heather Starner.

James M. Bennett High School’s Student Government Association, for the first Clippers vs. Cancer Game-a-thon on Dec. 4 to raise funds for the Brooke Mulford Foundation, which supports efforts to fight childhood cancer. From noon until midnight, the SGA and other clubs and organizations manned game and activity stations. The Game-a-thon raised more than $3,000 to battle childhood cancer. The Board recognized SGA adviser Heather Martin. SGA representatives on the project included Becky Pierson, Lizzie Weaver, Katie Gutoskey, Katie Rodriguez, Stephen Sechler, Brandon Sells, Mary Ryan, Claire Morris and Chandler Raffa.

Fruitland Primary School’s Relay for Life team, for joining in the annual Wicomico County Relay for Life and for being named the Best Rookie Team for team enthusiasm, team participation, money raised and on-site fundraising. Fruitland Primary Skippers team captain was Barbara Lord and team members were Tammy DeBerardinis, Stefanie Brinsfield, Carolyn Check, Jennifer Coburn, Denise Collins, Ellen Harlan, Barbara Israel, Laurie Kamps, Trudi Kulynycz, Dana Lynder, Jan McCabe, Samantha Miles, Jennifer Morris, Susie Jones, Janice Primm, Sally Eusebio, Brandy Rathel, Linda Stanley, Michele Stuetz and Mary Taylor.
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