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Monday, October 04, 2010

Fruitland City Council Election Results

Outen, Kerr & Cowell are the winners of the Fruitland City Council Race.

Charles Allen Jerread Located

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Very Busy Day

Today started off on the wrong foot with the alarm not going off. Then there was the typical mad rush to get our little guy up and fed, then out to the bus to start his day. Animals needed to be fed and of course there's the Blog with all the Posts that need to go up for the morning. It's a mad rush trying to get Posts up every 5 minutes.

Once the Posts started going up and ultimately complete, then it was off to 300 W. Main Street to start this round of Candidate Interviews for the General Election. I ran into a bunch of candidates over the weekend and I have to admit, there was this point of feeling like, are these people going to come through this go around?

Well, once we got started the phones started ringing off the hook. I'll bet we booked 80% of the open slots we have dedicated to ALL of the candidates. Joe Ollinger flat out refuses to be interviewed. Sorry Folks but if Joe Ollinger is that afraid of Joe Albero and believes I'd deliver anything less than what we have proven to already deliver, he doesn't belong running as County Executive. That goes for ANY of the candidates who turns us down for an interview as well. Again, we have proven to be fair and balanced.

Anyone who follows Salisbury News knows we have not been afraid to be critical about Rick Pollitt. Rick has always been an honorable man and even after we have thrown punches, Rick has no problem whatsoever sitting down like a true professional and answering our questions head on. Apples vs. Oranges, I say.

We'll be better prepared for tomorrow Folks and I do apologize for the lack of Posts. We stayed on top of comments but we did drag on delivering more news, sorry. The interviews will be 16 to 20 minutes long and once you see the line of questions we have prepared for each candidate you'll appreciate why we feel so strongly about getting their messages out to you. Without a question, by the time you go to the polls, you'll be more informed about who you should vote for than you have ever been in the history of voting for local and state politicians.

Thanks for your patience today.

Andy Harris Raises Over $500,000 In Third Quarter

Cycle to Date Nearly $2 Million

Severna Park, Md.– Andy Harris reports today raising over a half million dollars in the third quarter FEC fundraising period.  Harris raised $332,000 in just 35 days since the Pre-Primary filing.

“With this incredibly successful fundraising quarter, our campaign will be perfectly positioned to ensure voters are well-informed when they go to the polls on November 2nd,” said Andy Harris. “Once again, the overwhelming majority of our funds come from individuals who understand the importance of this race to the future of our country.”

Harris raised close to $2 million total in this campaign cycle.

Harris outraised his opponent in the Pre-Primary filing, July 1st – August 25th.

Today's Survey Question

If Fernando Guerrero Fought In Atlantic City, N.J.,

Would You Go To The Fight?


(Chester, MD) – The Wargotz for Senate campaign today announced the formation of Democrats for Wargotz, a coalition for Democrat voters outraged by the job-killing policies of Barbara Mikulski and the failure of Congress to fix America’s economy.
Robert Saunders, a Democrat and lifelong Maryland resident will chair the coalition.  Saunders is supporting Wargotz because career Democrat politicians in Washington stopped listening to their constituents and blindly pursued reckless economic policies that have damaged Maryland and hurt small businesses.
“Over the last four years Washington Insiders have sold out working families in favor of special interests, and all they have to show for it are even greater job losses and mountains of debt for Maryland taxpayers,” said Saunders.  “After 34 years in Washington Barbara Mikulski has lost touch with the people she was elected to serve, and it’s time we bring in new leaders with fresh ideas.  Dr. Wargotz is the clear choice for anyone who believes we should expect more, not less, from our elected representatives.”
Wargotz praised Saunders for his efforts, adding, “This election isn’t about Republican vs. Democrat.  It’s about who has the best vision to lead Maryland during these turbulent times.  Barbara Mikulski has failed Maryland for too long, and we just can’t afford another six years of failure.”
Dissatisfied Democrats can contact the Wargotz campaign at dems4wargotz@wargotz.com.

Kratovil’s Phony Attacks Getting Further From The Truth

SEVERNA PARK, Md. – Congressman Frank Kratovil released yet another phony ad Saturday, pulling supposed facts from midair and making accusations with no basis.

In his latest ad, Kratovil cites Andy Harris’s signing of the Americans for Tax Reform Pledge, saying Harris “supports tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas.”  Once again, the independent site,
Factcheck.org calls this ad “false,” saying the Pledge “says nothing about jobs at all.”

In reality, Frank Kratovil was the one who voted for the so-called Stimulus bill, sending $2.3 billion of
manufacturing tax credits overseas, allowing China and other countries to make green windmills and solar panels for American use.   What the Stimulus failed to do was create jobs in the First District.

It seems the only time Frank Kratovil wants to talk about jobs is when he’s falsely accusing Andy Harris. Kratovil has run five television commercials and not once mentioned creating jobs for Marylanders.

“Frank Kratovil is running away from his job-killing voting record,” said Bill Lattanzi, Andy Harris for Congress Campaign Manager. “The Eastern Shore’s unemployment rate is drastically higher than Maryland’s average, yet Frank Kratovil refuses to talk about jobs. Instead he insists on running phony ads that take the focus away from his votes supporting Nancy Pelosi’s out-of-touch legislation.”


The Central City District Commission (CCDC) has scheduled a meeting for Wednesday, October 6, 2010 at 12:00 noon.

The meeting will be held in Room 306 of the City/County Government Building (125 N. Division Street).
Dear Joe,

I have some very exciting news: President Obama is coming to Maryland this Thursday, and we want you to be there.

The President will be firing up supporters at a special afternoon rally on the campus of Bowie State University in Bowie, MD. He'll lay out the choice we face this November between moving forward with Governor O'Malley, Lt Governor Brown, and other dedicated Democratic leaders across the state--or whether we slip backwards to the failed policies of the past.

Click here to RSVP for the rally with President Obama.

The stakes couldn't be higher, but with your help we will make sure we can have stronger public schools, affordable college, and better economic opportunities. Don't miss this opportunity to rally with President Obama.

Tickets will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • WHAT: Rally with President Obama.
  • WHERE: Campus of Bowie State University, Bowie, MD.  Carpooling and use of public transportation is encouraged -- the MARC Bowie stop is just steps from the rally.
  • WHEN: Doors open at 1 PM Thursday, October 7th.
Further details about the event will be emailed to those who RSVP here.

Fruitland Fire Department Crab & Shrimp Feast

Folks, you know I tell it like it is, so when I make the following statement you'll know it to be true. We attended the Fruitland Crab & Shrimp Feast this past weekend and without any doubt, without any question, not only were these the best crabs I have eaten this season, they were the best crabs I have EVER eaten.

My hat is tipped to the Fruitland Fire Department! I don't know who you had cooking these bad boys but I want more! Thanks for a great time, a warm reception and the wonderful gifts you presented us.

Jimmy Johnson Won't Be Doing Another 'Survivor'

Jimmy Johnson had just wrapped his Sunday night football program in L.A., and with a glass of Heineken over ice, reflected on his time on "Survivor."

"It was one of the hardest things I've ever done," said Johnson, who was the third person to be voted off "Survivor: Nicaragua."

GO HERE to read more.

The Booming Anti-Bullying Industry

A crop of consultants and even software attempts to understand, and for some, cash in on the nation’s latest anxiety.

As instances of school, workplace and cyber-bullying receive greater attention, an unregulated web of consultants, therapists and coaches have sprung up.
"To a large degree, what we are seeing is a cottage industry," says David Yamada, a professor at Suffolk University Law School.

This new batch of bullying experts run the gamut from motivational speakers to trained educators and psychotherapists. There is no trade association or credentialing institution that tracks these people.

"I think being kind is great," says Rosalind Wiseman, author of "Queen Bees and Wannabees: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends, and the New Realities of Girl World." "But, anti-bullying programs call for social competency in extreme situations."

Internet and social media sites such as Facebook have opened new avenues for teenagers to taunt one another. And as people work longer hours under reduced pay and massive economic insecurity, tensions at offices run high, and incidences of workplace bullying have become more high profile. Add to this a recent spate of shocking teenage suicides, and you have an opening for an industry to attempt to fix the situation.
GO HERE to read more.

Candidate Forum In Somerset County

The Crisfield Area Chamber of Commerce and the Princess Anne Chamber of Commerce will co-host a candidates’ forum for state and major local offices running in Somerset County on Monday, October 18, 2010 at 6 p.m. at Crisfield High School.  The event will be moderated by a faculty member from University of Maryland Eastern Shore.

For more information call Val Howard at the Crisfield Chamber office at 410-968-2500.

Obamacare Failing: High Costs, Red Tape Discourage Enrollment

It's a centerpiece of President Barack Obama's health care remake, a lifeline available right now to vulnerable people whose medical problems have made them uninsurable.

But the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan started this summer isn't living up to expectations. Enrollment lags in many parts of the country. People who could benefit may not be able to afford the premiums. Some state officials who run their own "high-risk pools" have pointed out potential problems.

"The federal risk pool has definitely provided critical access, in some cases lifesaving access, to health insurance," said Amie Goldman, chair of a national association of state high-risk insurance pools. "That said, enrollment so far is lower than we would have expected." Goldman runs the Wisconsin state pool, as well as the federal plan in her state.

California, which has money for about 20,000 people, has received fewer than 450 applications, according to a state official. The program in Texas had enrolled about 200 by early September, an official in that state said. In Wisconsin, Goldman said they've received fewer than 300 applications so far, with room for about 8,000 people in the program.

That's not how it was supposed to work.

Government economists projected as recently as April that 375,000 people would gain coverage this year, and they questioned whether $5 billion allocated to the program would be enough.

Federal officials won't provide enrollment figures, saying several large states have yet to get going.

Texan Wants Guard Troops At States' Call

A Texas Republican who steadfastly has prodded the federal government to better secure the U.S.-Mexico border has introduced legislation requiring the Defense Department to make National Guard troops available to states on request.

Rep. Ted Poe, in response to what he called the federal governments failure to answer the repeated requests of border state governors to protect the nation's international borders, has offered the National Guard Border Enforcement Act to ensure that border states "have the needed resources to protect their citizens from the ongoing border-related violence."

The bill, endorsed by 20 other Republican members of the House, would authorize the secretary of defense to make 10,000 National Guard troops available on request from a U.S. governor. In addition, the troops would be paid for by the federal government and serve under the command of the requesting governor.

"The first duty of the federal government is to protect its people," Mr. Poe said. "Texans are tired of the federal governments failure to secure our borders and enforce our laws, yet at the same time running roughshod over state governments when they try to enforce the law and protect their citizens.

"The federal governments 'not our problem' attitude is unacceptable and this legislation will require the Defense Department to do what they were created to do — protect the people of this country and the dignity of our borders," he said.

Currently, the Defense Department has allocated only 250 National Guard troops for the entire 1,254-mile Texas-Mexico border and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has said Texas must pay for any additional troops to enforce existing federal immigration laws along the international border.

More on this

Gun Control Set Off Explosion Of Drug-Cartel Violence

Last month, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told an interviewer that Mexican drug lords are "what we would consider an insurgency." Diplomatically enough, the State Department immediately rescinded her remark. But Mrs. Clinton is right. To wit: So far this year, the cartels' henchmen have assassinated 10 Mexican mayors.

Clearly, the drug lords are subverting the rule of law, obliterating northern Mexico's political infrastructure. And why not? The cartels have bought off the Mexican military, surviving politicians, judges and the police. As we learned in Iraq and Afghanistan, it takes a village to stop an insurgency. Too bad the Mexican people can't own guns.

According to Article 10 of the Mexican Constitution, our neighbors to the south have the same right to bear arms guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution:

"The inhabitants of the United Mexican States have the right to possess arms in their homes for their security and legitimate defense with the exception of those prohibited by federal law and of those reserved for the exclusive use of the Army, Navy, Air Force and National Guard. Federal law shall determine the cases, conditions and place in which the inhabitants may be authorized to bear arms."

There's your trouble. When it comes to personal protection, the Mexican government gets the last word. Or, in this case, the first. And that word is "no."

Long before the Mexican drug cartels cut a distribution deal with their South American confederates, back when Colombian drug lords were busy corrupting their society's democratic system, Mexico's federal government was cracking down on private gun ownership. Its war against civilian firearms began in 1968, after civil unrest spooked the powers that be. The Mexican government closed all privately held firearm stores. From that point on, all firearm sales had to go through the Mexican Defense Ministry. It determined what guns were sold to whom at what price.

As you'd expect, this artificial concentration of supply led to a worsening of endemic corruption. Bottom line: Only the wealthiest Mexicans could legally secure a firearm for personal protection. Sometimes not even they could. The Defense Ministry's sales practices also reflected its self-serving political agenda. It restricted legal access to guns to the point where some Mexican law enforcement agencies were forced to smuggle in weapons from the United States. So were thousands of civilians.

Ironically, given America's history of individual gun rights, the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) helped Mexico combat gun-running. It's a partnership that continues to this day, only more so. Congress has just sent the ATF an extra $37.5 million to open seven new southern field offices, charged with stemming the flow of guns to drug cartels south of the border. Question: Are these American-sourced guns going to the cartels or to civilians desperate to protect themselves from the drug lords' reign of terror?
More from The Washington Times

Dustin Mills Fundraiser TONIGHT

Marylanders for Dustin Mills
Small Business Forum and Fundraiser
Monday, October 4th, 5:30-7:30pm
Market Street Inn
$30 per person, $50 per couple

FINALLY! A New York Pizza You're Going To Love!

Pani Pit Pizza finally opened their doors near Old Navy and Folks, I have to tell you, this place is just unbelievable!

You're not only going to be amazed at the food they serve, the portions are unbelievable and more importantly their pricing is the best I've ever seen.

If you're looking for a place to get lunch today, stop in and give these guys a shot. We did and we'll be going back often!

Corgi / Shetland Sheepdog Sheltie / Mixed


Two brothers, Barney and Rebel are looking for their forever home together. They are about a year old and they are house trained. We are a little shy at first but warm up quickly.  We are also very calm boys and love everyone after we get to know you.
The adoption fee is $500-for both
This includes, prior vetting, spay or neuter, heartworm and flea preventative.
For more information on FAQ's you can visit our website at pawsoftomorrow.com

For more information on adopting Barney & Rebel please email me at pawsoftomorrow1@gmail.com.

We are a non profit animal rescue based out of Ocean View DE.

Australian Shepherd/Golden Retriever Mix

Meet Chance! He's a little over a year old. Chance is a very sweet boy once you win his trust. Patience and time are a must when considering adoption.He gets spooked by loud noises and doesn't want to leave the house,his comfort zone too much, he won't want to go for walks. He loves playing with other dogs and is very loving with men,women and older kids. He loves to chase things and is a great bug hunter. He is good with indoor cats, but likes to play chase with them outside. He likes sleeping in his crate and being up high on things. He enjoys sitting in the window and watching the birds.If you are looking for a loving companion and have the patience to earn his trust he will become a loving member of your forever family.
The adoption fee is $300.
This includes, prior vetting, spay or neuter, heartworm and flea preventative.
For more information on FAQ's you can visit our website at pawsoftomorrow.com

For more information on adopting Chance please email me at pawsoftomorrow1@gmail.com.

We are a non profit animal rescue based out of Ocean View DE.

Doxie Mix For Adoption

Meet Blitzy! She's around 2yrs old and appears to be a doxie mix. She's about 30lbs, house trained, and is a huge snuggle bug. She is also crate trained if needed. She currently lives in a foster home with two other larger dogs and a cat. She loves to go on walks and car rides. She knows her name and listens when you speak to her. She doesn't stray far from you as she loves your attention.
The adoption fee is $300. This includes, prior vetting, spay or neuter, heartworm and flea preventative. For more information on FAQ's you can visit our website at pawsoftomorrow.com
For more information on adopting Blitzy please email me at pawsoftomorrow1@gmail.com.
We are a non profit animal rescue based out of Ocean View DE.

CBS's Arenstein Arrested For Growing Marijuana

Metropolitan Police Department officials confirmed that Howard Arenstein and his wife Orly Katz were arrested at their Georgetown home last night for possession of marijuana with intent to distribute.

Arenstein's lawyer confirmed that Arenstein is the CBS Radio reporter and D.C. Bureau Chief.

According to court documents, Arenstein and Katz grew marijuana plants in planters outside. The couple had several plants ranging as large as 8 feet in height. Police discovered drug paraphernalia in their home.

The arrest was made after police received an anonymous tip. Both Arenstein and his wife were released on personal recognizance.

CBS declined to comment for this story.

Arenstein is the executive producer of the weekly public affairs broadcast, "The CBS News Weekend Roundup," which airs on hundreds of CBS News affiliates. He won an individual Edward R. Murrow award for Feature Reporting in 2002 and a second in 2006 for his coverage of the Washington Nationals' first home game.

Test-Tube Baby Pioneer Wins Nobel Prize In Medicine

Britain's Robert Edwards developed in-vitro fertilization

Robert Edwards of Britain won the 2010 Nobel Prize in medicine on Monday for developing in-vitro fertilization, a breakthrough that has helped millions of infertile couples worldwide have children.

Edwards, an 85-year-old professor emeritus at the University of Cambridge, started working on IVF as early as the 1950s. He developed the technique, in which egg cells are fertilized outside the body and then implanted in the womb, together with gynecologist surgeon Patrick Steptoe, who died in 1988.

GO HERE to read more.



J2 COME SOFTLY TO ME The Fleetwoods
J3 ONLY YOU Tony Williams & The Platters
J4 A TEENAGER IN LOVE Dion & The Belmonts
J5 GOOD LOVIN' Felix Cavaliere & The Rascals
J6 I'M IN LOVE AGAIN Fats Domino
J8 BYE BYE, LOVE The Everly Brothers
J9 LITTLE DARLIN' The Diamonds
J10 GOODY GOODY Frankie Lymon
J11 DREAM LOVER Bobby Darin
J12 WHY DO FOOLS FALL IN LOVE? Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers

J13 TOO MUCH Elvis Presley
J14 THAT'S WHY (I LOVE YOU SO) Jackie Wilson
J15 GET A JOB The Silhouettes
J17 OH WHAT A NIGHT (IT REALLY WAS) Dinah Washington
J21 YOU SEND ME Sam Cooke
J23 YOU BELONG TO ME The (original) Duprees
J26 ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK Bill Haley & The Comets
J27 YOU BETTER KNOW IT Jackie Wilson
J28 BUTTERFLY Charlie Gracie
J32 DON'T GO BREAKIN' MY HEART Elton John & Kiki Dee
J33 IT"S MY PARTY Lesley Gore
J35 EVERYBODY LOVES A CLOWN Gary Lewis & The Playboys
J36 I GOT YOU BABE Sonny & Cher
J37 BABY, DON'T CHANGE YOUR MIND Gladys Knight & The Pips
J38 Debbie Does Doo Wop! DENISE, DENISE Blondie
J39 TIE A YELLOW RIBBON Tony Orlando & Dawn
J40 HELP The Beatles
J41 BROWN SUGAR The Rolling Stones
J42 CHANTILLY LACE The Big Bopper (J.P. Richardson)
J43 NEEDLES AND PINS The Searchers
J44 CALIFORNIA DREAMIN' The Mamas & The Papas
J45 DO THE FREDDIE Freddie & The Dreamers
J46 1-2-3 Len Barry
J47 LONG TALL SALLY Little Richard
J50 BE MY BABY The Ronettes
J51 SURFIN' USA The Beach Boys
J52 BABY LOVE Diana Ross & The Supremes
J53 PIECE OF MY HEART Janis Joplin
J54 RUNAWAY Del Shannon
J55 YOUNG GIRL Gary Puckett & The Union Gap
J56 THE WONDER OF YOU Elvis Presley
J58 SUPERSTAR The Carpenters
J59 IMAGINE John Lennon
J60 ROCK & ROLL IS HERE TO STAY Danny & The Juniors
J61 SIXTEEN REASONS Connie Stevens
J62 LOUIE LOUIE The Kingsmen
J64 MONA LISA Nat King Cole
J65 OH, GIRL The Chi-Lites
J66 MONEY HONEY Elvis Presley
J69 BIG GIRLS DON'T CRY The original Four Seasons
J71 PIPELINE The Chantays
J73 SEARCHIN' The Coasters
J74 HAVE YOU HEARD The Duprees
J75 SLEEPWALK Santo & Johnny

Passengers Forced To Stand During Flight Because There Weren't Enough Seats

While airlines like RyanAir mull over "standing-room seating" and designers create plane seats that will bring tears to your eyes, one airline in Russia figured out how to get passengers to stand up during a flight -- just tell them to.

More »

Cape May Point, N.J.

This happens at Cape May Point, NJ every night, who knew?

October 4th In American Presidential History

Rutherford B. Hayes (R - Ohio, October 4, 1822 – January 17, 1893) became the nineteenth U.S. president in 1877 after a bitterly contested election that pitted him against Democrat Samuel J. Tilden of New York. Tilden won the popular vote, but disputed electoral ballots from four states prompted Congress to create a special electoral commission to decide the election's result. The fifteen-man commission of congressmen, senators, and Supreme Court justices, eight of whom were Republicans, voted along party lines to decide the election in Hayes' favor. The electoral dispute has come to be known as the Tilden-Hayes Affair. Because of the tension surrounding this partisan decision, Hayes secretly took the oath of office in the White House Red Room. He was the first president to be sworn in at the residence.

As president, Hayes promptly fulfilled the promise he had secretly made to Democrats during the electoral dispute: that he would withdraw Federal troops from those states that they still occupied in the former Confederacy, thus formally ending the Reconstruction era. This action eased acceptance of Hayes' presidency among Southern Democrats and strengthened the rising spirit of postwar reconciliation among white Americans. It did so, however, at a severe cost to Southern African Americans, who, in the absence of the protection and governing oversight the troops had effected, quickly found their civil rights abolished by the white majority and their position in society fixed by the massive racial oppression of the Jim Crow era. It would be many decades, until the Civil Rights Movement of the twentieth century, before African Americans in the South succeeded in breaking the forces of Southern white supremacy—whose triumph the secret compromise of 1877 ensured.
Among Hayes' achievements as president were his work to restore confidence in government in the wake of the corruption-riddled Grant administration, his leadership on civil service reform, and his signing of the bill that allowed women attorneys to appear before the U.S. Supreme Court. Hayes was also the first president to host the "Easter Egg Roll" for children on the White House Lawn. His wife, Lucy Ware Webb Hayes, with whom he had eight children, was the first president's wife with a college degree and the first president's wife to be known as the nation's "First Lady."
Although his presidency restored confidence in the Republican Party, Rutherford B. Hayes refused to run for reelection. He left the White House in 1881, devoting his retirement to humanitarian prison reform and—perhaps ironically, considering the circumstances of his accession to the presidency—to creating educational opportunities for black youth in the South. Hayes died in 1893 at his Spiegel Grove estate in Fremont, Ohio.

SEC: Stock Market "Flash Crash" Caused By Single $4.1B Sale

Officials today announced they can trace May's stock market flash crash to a single transaction. On May 6, 2010, at 2:32 pm, Waddell & Reed Financial of Kansas initiated the sale of 75,000 E-Mini Standard & Poor's 500 futures contracts. A sale of this size, about $4.1 billion worth, would usually happen over five hours, but instead the trading algorithms sold them within 20 minutes "without regard to price or time." At 2:42 pm, markets starting plunging 5% in five minutes.

More »

No Joke! Illiterate Clown Triumphs In Election

'What does a congressman do? The truth is I don't know, but vote for me and I'll tell you'

Voters the world over complain about having clowns for politicians, but Brazilians embraced the idea on Sunday by sending a real one to Congress with more votes than any other candidate.

Francisco Everardo Oliveira Silva, better known by his clown name Tiririca, received more than 1.3 million votes in Sao Paulo state in Brazil's presidential and congressional elections. That was more than double the votes of the second-placed candidate in Brazil's most populous state.

GO HERE to read more.

Coupon Sites Offer Deep Discounts, Let You Splurge

Clipping coupons isn't just for saving money on groceries or trips to a chain restaurant.
A number of group coupon-sharing Web sites have sprung up that offer deep discounts of 50 percent or more on experiences rather than products, things such as skydiving, hotel stays, massages, even foreign language courses.
"Sensory deprivation tanks was actually a big one," says U. S. News & World Report Alpha Consumer Kimberly Palmer.
Perhaps the most popular coupon-sharing site is Groupon, which offers a new deal every night at midnight, tailored to your place of residence, then gives you 24 hours to snap it up and tell your friends. A minimum number of people must purchase the coupon, or it won't take effect.
"That's why a lot of people will say on their Twitter or Facebook pages that they just bought the coupon and encourage their friends to do the same," Palmer says.
There's also a maximum to the number of people who can buy. Once the limit is reached, the offer is withdrawn, adding a further element of speed and excitement to the purchasing process.
Groupon and sites like it, such as Half Price D.C., livingsocial.com and 8coupons.com, represent a new market for a money-saving method that's long been associated with soup cans and cereal boxes.
"Groupon is actually targeted at people who are pretty high earners. They often are single people living in the city who want to try new things," Palmer says.

GO HERE to read more.

What In The Heck Do Clerks Of The Court And Register Of Wills Do And Why Are We Still Electing Them?

Howard County Executive Ken Ulman was introducing Democratic candidates around the room at a fundraiser for a House of Delegates candidate last month when he spied Bryon MacFarlane.

He’s running for register of wills, Ulman said. “You can ask him what they do.”

What indeed does a register of wills or a clerk of a court do and why are Maryland voters still electing them in partisan elections?

The only thing political about these offices is the partisan election that gets candidates elected to four-year terms. The rest of the time, registers of wills and clerks of courts are doing specialized full-time administrative jobs in the judicial branch of government.

GO HERE to read more.

How Not To Be Annoying And Incompetent At E-mail

Just because you've fired off dozens of emails every day for more than a decade, it doesn't mean you've been doing it right. You may reinforcing bad habits with each misfired message, unaware that you're rankling friends, business contacts and customer service reps.

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P.O. Box 145 * Sharptown, MD 21861

Sponsors a



(Contested Seats Only)


MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2010 -- 7 to 9 PM

In the

Amphitheatre of Guerreri Hall (GH 101)



At Large: Dave Cowall -- Bob Culver –

Matt Holloway -- Ed Taylor

First District: David Goslee -- Sheree Sample-Hughes

Fourth District: Bob Caldwell -- Dave MacLeod

Candidates Will Be Questioned on Significant Issues Expected to Face the

County Council during the Next Term – 2011 through 2014 by

DON RUSH of WSCL/WSDL (Voice of Salisbury University)

*** For information, contact Mike Pretl at 443-323-3060

The Fence

Which side of the fence? 
If you ever wondered which side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test! 

If a Republican doesn't like guns, he doesn’t buy one.
If a Democrat doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.   

If a Republican is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat.
If a Democrat is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.   

If a Republican is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a Democrat is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.   

If a Republican is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A Democrat wonders who is going to take care of him.   

If a Republican doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Democrats demand that those they don't like be shut down.   

If a Republican is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A Democrat non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.

If a Republican decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it. 

A Democrat demands that the rest of us pay for his.   

If a Republican reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.
A Democrat will delete it because he's "offended".

Opportunities To Support Our Students and Schools

Friday, Oct. 22
3rd annual Harvest Fest
Mardela Middle and High

From 6-8 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 22, the Mardela Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society and the Mardela Student Government Association will sponsor the 3rd annual Harvest Fest at Mardela Middle and High School. This event is for children fifth grade and younger (must be accompanied by an adult). There will be trick-or-treating throughout the school, a hayride which leads to a haunted forest, and entertainment in the cafeteria. The public is invited to attend. A $5 donation per child is requested. 410-677-5142.

Saturday, Oct. 30
Applebee’s Flapjack Fundraiser Breakfast Benefitting the James M. Bennett High Junior Class

Support the Junior Class (Class of 2012) at an all-you-can-eat Applebee’s Pancake Fund-raiser Breakfast from 8 -10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 30. Tickets are $6 per person for all-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage and beverage (coffee, orange juice, soda and tea). The breakfast will be served at the North Salisbury Applebee’s. For tickets please contact class advisors Erin Davis (edavis@wcboe.org) or Kathy Elliott (kelliott@wcboe.org).

Commemorative JMB T-Shirts

The Junior Class of James M. Bennett High School is selling T-shirts commemorating the new Bennett. The shirts are $15 for sizes small-XL and $17 for sizes XXLarge and XXXLarge. Please email Erin Davis (esdavis@wcboe.org) or Kathy Elliott (kelliott@wcboe.org) if you are interested. Checks payable to JMB can be mailed to the school at 300 E. College Ave., Salisbury MD 21801, or dropped off at the school. Call 410-677-5141 for information

Highlighted Events Next Week In Wicomico Schools

Oct. 4-14
HSA Testing
All Wicomico County High Schools

The High School Assessment (HSA) tests will be administered for students who previously took but did not pass one or more assessments. Students should speak with the high school guidance office to sign up.

Tuesday, Oct. 5
Unified Tennis Season Opens
Wicomico High at James M. Bennett High

Wicomico’s second Unified Sports season will open Tuesday, Oct. 5 when players from Wicomico High School and James M. Bennett High meet in the first competition of the season at JMB at 3:30 p.m. Mardela High will play at Parkside High on Thursday, Oct. 7, 3:30 p.m. All four teams will also play on Tuesday, Oct. 19. Wicomico is partnering with Special Olympics Maryland to field Unified athletic teams on which students both with and without intellectual disabilities can play and compete together. The inaugural Unified Sports season of bocce last spring was a big success.

Thursday, Oct. 7, 10:50-11:42 a.m.
Wicomico Band Welcomes “Sesame Street” Musician
Wicomico High School

This fall, the theme of Wicomico High School Marching Band’s program is the music of “Sesame Street,” and on Thursday from 10:50-11:42 a.m. the band will welcome a renowned musician from that famous children’s show. Jim Mitchell, a Salisbury guitarist who spent years commuting to New York to record music for “Sesame Street,” will visit the Wicomico High band room to talk with students about his experiences as a professional musician and to play some guitar. Mitchell played music for “Sesame Street” from 1969-1996, playing guitar on all the recordings of Sesame Street episodes during that time.

Thursday, Oct. 7, 6-8 p.m.
Gang Awareness Training
Offered at James M. Bennett High School

The Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention and Maryland Del. Jim Mathias are sponsoring a special Gang Awareness Training event from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 7, at James M. Bennett High School. This training is designed to expand the knowledge of gang activity, awareness and prevention in and around our community. This initiative is open to all interested community members. If you would like more information about this Gang Awareness Training, please see Wicomico County Public Schools web page at www.wcboe.org for a flier and agenda for that evening.

Saturday, Oct. 9
STEM Saturday
Salisbury Middle School

The first STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) Saturday of the 2010-11 school year will be held at Salisbury Middle School from 10 a.m.-noon on Saturday, Oct. 9, with students in grades 4-5 exploring the stars and the universe in “It’s a Starry, Starry Night” and middle schoolers building a bridge for competition in “Bridge Design and Fabrication.” The elementary offerings are new to the STEM Saturdays schedule this year. Anyone interested in attending a STEM Saturday event must pre-register, and early registration is recommended as the courses fill up early. STEM Saturdays will also be held in November and each month from January to April. For a detailed schedule and registration form, visit www.wcboe.org and click on the STEM Saturdays Top Story. For information contact Gretchen Boggs at 410-677-5149 or gboggs@wcboe.org.

Up with People Seeks Host Families
Cast to Perform in Salisbury Oct. 12; Host Families Needed Oct. 10-14

Families in Salisbury will have the unique opportunity to bring a bit of the world into their own homes between October 10 and 14 when an international cast of Up with People arrives in Salisbury, a stop on their 2010 world tour. The Salisbury visit of Up with People is sponsored by the Wicomico County Board of Education.

Local families in the Salisbury area are being sought now to sign up to host the cast members between Sunday, Oct. 10 and Thursday, Oct. 14. Those interested in hosting are encouraged to contact Liz Davis on the Salisbury Advance Team at ldavis@upwithpeople.org or by calling 410-677-4400 and asking for Up with People, or 505-850-3113.

Host families are being sought to keep one or more students from Cast B 2010, the 90-member Up with People cast and staff which represents 17 countries and more than 25 states. The opportunity to stay with local families during their stay in each community is a centerpiece of Up with People’s 22-week program. The giving goes both ways…while families share their traditions and local attractions; the cast members share their experiences and cultures. Those with smaller children or young teens in their home often find that the Up with People cast members are wonderful role models and provide a glimpse into other countries, cultures and traditions they might not often experience in Salisbury.

Local host families are asked to provide a bed, local transportation at the beginning and end of each day, as well as breakfast and most dinners. While gone during the day, participating in regional learning, community service and show preparation, most evenings cast members will be home with the family to participate in their activities and interests.

In addition to many wonderful experiences with their new “son” or “daughter,” each host family will receive two complimentary tickets to the Up with People Show which will be held at Wicomico High School on Tuesday, October 12 at 7 p.m.

Dog Found In Delmar

We have a small papillon which is sporting a light blue collar but no tags.  He appears to be a house dog kept in good condition and properly just escaped from the owner.  There is a fresh injury to his ear. 

He was found running loose in the Holly Oak development in Delmar DE. 

Please call 443-359-3439 if this is your pet.