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Monday, October 04, 2010

CBS's Arenstein Arrested For Growing Marijuana

Metropolitan Police Department officials confirmed that Howard Arenstein and his wife Orly Katz were arrested at their Georgetown home last night for possession of marijuana with intent to distribute.

Arenstein's lawyer confirmed that Arenstein is the CBS Radio reporter and D.C. Bureau Chief.

According to court documents, Arenstein and Katz grew marijuana plants in planters outside. The couple had several plants ranging as large as 8 feet in height. Police discovered drug paraphernalia in their home.

The arrest was made after police received an anonymous tip. Both Arenstein and his wife were released on personal recognizance.

CBS declined to comment for this story.

Arenstein is the executive producer of the weekly public affairs broadcast, "The CBS News Weekend Roundup," which airs on hundreds of CBS News affiliates. He won an individual Edward R. Murrow award for Feature Reporting in 2002 and a second in 2006 for his coverage of the Washington Nationals' first home game.


  1. wow people robbed and murdered all over DC everyday and all the cops had to do this day was bust these people for growing pot for personal use ..... apparently the police have their priorities mixed up

    im not saying its right ....but come on the DC police should be busting real crim's

  2. What a waste of time and money, legalize it.

  3. Crimes occur everyday because of drugs, that is the root of 99 percent of all crime today-legalize it?-HA-Do you think people will stop robbing once it is legalized? Will all the thugs all of a sudden have money when they legalize it-RIGHT-tougher laws is what we need-people have too many rights as it is-or think they do-there is no respect in this world because everyone is too concerned with themselves and what they think is right and what they think they should be able to do. They were growing weed, they know it is wrong and they were hoping that their upper class jobs would cover it up-book 'em.

  4. Growing weed isn't wrong, per se. It's just illegal.

    Here are some more foolish laws on the books in MD:
    It is a park rule violation to be in a public park with a sleeveless shirt. $10 fine. This would include joggers that go shirtless. (1898) (Baltimore)

    •No person who is a “tramp” or “vagrant” shall loiter in any park at any time. (Baltimore)
    •It is a violation of city code to sell chicks or ducklings to a minor within 1 week of the Easter holiday. (Baltimore)
    •Though you may spit on a city roadway, spitting on city sidewalks is prohibited. (Baltimore City)
    •You may not curse inside the city limits. (Baltimore City)
    •You can not have a antenna exposed outside of your house yet you can have a 25′ satellite dish. (Columbia)
    •Though clotheslines are banned, clothes may be draped over a fence. (Columbia)
    •A law from the early 1900’s prohibits men from going topless on the Boardwalk. (Ocean City)
    •Eating while swimming in the ocean is prohibited. (Ocean City)
    •It’s not the maid! In Baltimore it is illegal to wash or scrub sinks, no matter how dirty they get.
    •In Baltimore it’s illegal to throw bales of hay from a second-story window within the city limits.
    •In Baltimore it’s also illegal to take a lion to the movies.

  5. 10:40 is living in a non-informed dream world. We have 2 MILLION people in prison (just in the USA)...thats not a misprint -- 2 MILLION! And pot is easier to get than EVER. And YOU want MORE laws? And it's FAR from just "thugs" smoking pot. Presidents (of the USA) have smoked it. Senators, judges, doctors, cops, and lawyers smoke it (notice, present tense). As far as "what someone thinks is right"? THAT'S what the current laws are -- what someone thinks is right, and judging from the availablity & widespread use, they're wrong. Perhaps you've heard of one of the most powerful and unchangeable economic laws ever known, that of "supply and demand"... NO LAW can alter it, or wipe it away (did it owrk in Prohibition???) MILLIONS of regular citizens (not thugs, but people you meet EVERY day) smoke pot. And you can't stop it. EVER. There aren't enough prison cells or police. Decriminalize it (a former President's recommendation) or legalize it and tax it. But the laws that exist now?? they AIN'T working and even the police admit it. Now go back to your Draconian dream world.

  6. What we need is legalized regulation. What we have now, due to prohibition, is a non-regulated black market to which everybody has access and where all the profits go to organized crime and terrorists.Prohibition causes massive crime and suffering, causes government/police corruption, causes America to have the highest prison population of any country in the history of the planet, causes Americans to lose all their rights and all their true values, causes the waste of trillions in taxpayer dollars, causes wars, causes violence and death in other countries, causes America to be hated by other countries, funds criminals, funds terrorists, causes the people who use drugs to be instant criminals who have to spend 100x the money for an inferior, adulterated, impure, unmeasured and thus unsafe product. Drug prohibition was started as a policy of racism and it perpetuates racism to this very day, more strongly than it ever did. Wake up, America!

  7. legalize and tax it like tobacco to fund healthcare.

  8. 1:26 Great idea!! cj

  9. Statutory Law is UnConstitutional.


    No one should tell you or I what we can smoke, eat or drink. We own our bodies.

    Common Law = We own our bodies

    Statutory Law = Dicatatorial Powers

  10. It is against the law~
    The penalty for smoking it is death .
    Smoking kills!

  11. Mr. Government please tax and regulate a plant that some of us enjoy.

    Thank you

  12. DC is a safer place now that these two dangerous criminals are behind bars.
    Thanks for getting them off the streets, DCPD. Don't worry about the murder rate in your city. The pot growers are far more important.


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