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Saturday, March 06, 2010

Billy & Stephanie Burke Make Complete Fools Out Of Themselves, AGAIN!

"Has Anyone Bothered to Tell Mikey That Your Supposed to Have a Treasurer Who is Alive?"

"This looks really really bad and frankly Mike should know better. He can’t just say I am making this one up, or I have an axe to grind.

It is March and Ms. Bridgeman passed away on November 1, 2009, and five months later he still does not have a new Treasurer."

Editors Note: Craig Theobald was appointed Mike McDermott's Treasured in December of 2009, soon after Roseann Mulderig Bridgman passed away in late 20009.

The Burke's, (once again) made a huge deal out of Mike not having a current Treasurer and as always they were completely wrong. Maybe Food Stamps do that to people, I wouldn't know.

In Memory Of A Dear & Respected Friend

Sharptown Fire Department Lifetime Member, Firefighter and Wicomico Fire Police Member Charlie Richardson passed away Friday Evening. Charlie’s viewing will be at Frampton’s Funeral Home in Federalsburg – Tues (3-9-2010) 6PM-8PM and Weds (3-10-2010) 1PM-2PM, Funeral services will follow with Interment at Hillcrest Cemetery in Federalsburg.


Indian Chief "Two Eagles" was asked by a white U.S. Government official, "You have observed the white man for 90 years. You've seen his wars and his technological advances. You've seen his progress, and the damage he's done."

The Chief nodded in agreement.

The official continued, "Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?"

The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied:

"When white man find land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water.

Women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spends all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex."

Then the chief leaned back and smiled "Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that."

Maryland: "Castle Doctrine" Legislation

Maryland: "Castle Doctrine" Legislation to be Heard on Tuesday, March 9

Please Contact Members of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee!

On Tuesday, March 9, the Maryland Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee will hear two bills seeking to codify the "Castle Doctrine" principle into Maryland state law.

Senate Bill 386, sponsored by State Senator Nancy Jacobs (R-34), would provide civil immunity to a person who uses force, including deadly force, against someone who enters their dwelling or business with the intent to commit first, second or third degree burglary or a crime of violence.

Senate Bill 411, sponsored by State Senator Thomas Middleton (D-28), would provide immunity from damages when force, including deadly force, is reasonable under the circumstances to repel an attack.

Over the years the Chairman of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee, State Senator Brian Frosh (D-16) has consistently put these bills in his pocket, never to be brought up for a vote.

It is time for Senator Frosh to bring these bills up for a vote! Please contact the members of the Committee and respectfully urge them to support your right to self-defense and to bring these bills up for a vote.

Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee: State Senator Brian E. Frosh (D-16), Chair (410) 841-3124, (301) 858-3124, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3124 (toll free)brian.frosh@senate.state.md.us

State Senator Lisa A. Gladden (D-41), Vice Chair(410) 841-3697, (301) 858-3697, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3697 (toll free)lisa.gladden@senate.state.md.us

State Senator Alexander X. Mooney (R-3)(410) 841-3575, (301) 858-3575, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3575 (toll free) alex.mooney@senate.state.md.us

State Senator Larry E. Haines (R-5)(410) 841-3683, (301) 858-3683, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3683 (toll free)larry.haines@senate.state.md.us

State Senator Norman R. Stone, Jr. (D-6)(410) 841-3587, (301) 858-3587, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3587 (toll free)norman.stone@senate.state.md.us

State Senator Jennie M. Forehand (D-17)(410) 841-3134, (301) 858-3134, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3134 (toll free)jennie.forehand@senate.state.md.us

State Senator Jamie Raskin (D-20)(410) 841-3634, (301) 858-3634, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3634 (toll free)jamie.raskin@senate.state.md.us

State Senator C. Anthony Muse (D-26)(410) 841-3092, (301) 858-3092, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3092 (toll free)anthony.muse@senate.state.md.us

State Senator Bryan W. Simonaire (R-31)(410) 841-3658, (301) 858-3658, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3658 (toll free)bryan.simonaire@senate.state.md.us

State Senator Nancy Jacobs (R-34)(410) 841-3158, (301) 858-3158, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3158 (toll free) nancy.jacobs@senate.state.md.us

State Senator James Brochin (D-42)(410) 841-3648, (301) 858-3648, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3648 (toll free) jim.brochin@senate.state.md.us

Two Rednecks

One day, two rednecks named Bubba and Earl were driving down the road, drinking a couple of Buds. The passenger, Bubba, said, "Looky thar up ahead Earl. It's a po-leece roadblock. We're gonna get busted fer drinkin' these here beers!"

"Don't worry Bubba," Earl said. "We'll just pull over and finish drinkin' these beers, peel off the label and stick it on our foreheads, then throw the bottles under the seat."

"What fer?" asked Bubba.

"Just let me do the talking, okay?" said Earl.

They finished their beers, threw the empty bottles under the seat and slapped the labels on their foreheads.

When they reached the roadblock, the sheriff said, "Have you boys been drinking?"

"No sir." said Earl. "We're on the patch."


Forgotten School

Every so often, something surfaces that tells a tale of a long forgotten business. Such is the case of the Wilbro School of Beauty Culture.

A book was offered to me by Henrietta of Henrietta’s Attic that really intrigued me. There are history books of Salisbury and Wicomico County and I probably have them all. I even have some books that were written by local residents, both present and past. But this was a text book. It had a copyright of 1939 and consisted of 349 pages with 19 sources referenced in the bibliography. The hardbound edition was titled “Standard Textbook on Cosmetology”. On the title page, under the title, was the explanation that it was “A practical course on the scientific fundamentals of beauty culture for students and practicing cosmetologists”. Along with the 1939 copyright, the only printing on the page was at the bottom of the page. Here is where it really got interesting. It boldly proclaimed “Wilbro School of Beauty Culture, 112 Main Street, Salisbury, Maryland”. The 1940 Salisbury City Directory lists the school at 112 Main St. (now 108 W. Main St.) in the Whealton Building with a phone number of 632 and Ralph A. Williams as the managing director.

Other interesting facts about the book are the notations made inside the front cover. The name of Mary Louise Fields on the right hand page could have been the name of the owner. There is an address of 1008 E. Church St. on the left side. That address is now 716 E. Church St. (the street numbers were changed in Nov. 1952). I could find no listing for a Fields at that address, but I did find a listing for a Wood S. Fields at 1006 E. Church St. (now 712 E. Church St.) in the 1944 Salisbury phone book.

Also written in the front pages were the names of two local businesses: Dixon Jewelry Store and Ralph and Gaskill’s Men’s Shop. The date of October 17, 1940 was noted on the inside of the cover.

I can find no other reference to the Wilbro School. There is no listing in the 1934 Salisbury City Directory nor in the 1944 Salisbury phone book. Why was this business that saw fit to print a 349-page textbook so short-lived? Maybe the owner entered the military after 1940, and that is the reason for the discontinuance of the school. A textbook is usually the sign of some sort of permanence, but that seems not to be the case here. Maybe the textbook was a standard printing, and the name of the Wilbro School of Beauty Culture with its address was added as a sales tool for the publisher.

Sometimes the finding of an artifact or document leaves more questions than answers. This may be one of those cases.


MAY 22ND,2010


ObamaCare 3.0 - The Worst Bill Ever

This is taken from a letter written by Former Republican Congressman J.D. Hayworth who is challenging John McCain in Arizona

ObamaCare 3.0 - The Worst Bill Ever
It's a Half Baked, Half Hearted, Sloppy Mess that Will Cost Over $1 Trillion!

The President released his own version of the twice-rejected healthcare reform bill, aka ObamaCare 3.0. The American people took to the streets, invaded town halls, flooded the Capitol switchboard with phone calls and even elected a Republican in Ted Kennedy's Senate Seat to STOP ObamaCare 1.0 and ObamaCare 2.0.

So, what makes ObamaCare 3.0 any different?

NOTHING! It is Still a Government Takeover of Health Care. This new scheme defrauds America with a plan that repackages the same approach already taken by the U.S. Senate. A scheme that Americans have already rejected in the Latest Rasmussen Poll - as 56% Oppose ObamaCare!!!!

What makes it even worse, this bill is a slopped together, hasty, half-hearted mess. This bill is simply designed to trick Americans into believing that the bill is a bipartisan bill that reconciles the House and Senate bills.

The President had not put forward actual bill language, but rather has re-branded and made changes to the Senate-passed bill, H.R. 3590, in order to gain the support of more liberal House members.

Honestly, this White House should be ashamed of itself for not even trying to respond to the public's demand for affordability, choice and transparency The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) cannot even score the latest ObamaCare scheme because it lacks enough substance and detail to do so.

White House spokesman Dan Pfeiffer said, "We took our best shot at bridging the differences (in the House & Senate Bills)." If this is the "best shot" the White House has to offer, then it is time for the President Obama to admit he is not up to the task. Time to hit the Reset Button and START OVER.

The Wall Street Journal reported ObamaCare is the Worst Bill Ever with epic new spending and taxes, pricier insurance, rationed care, and dishonest accounting.

The President's proposal still contains:

Mandates and Higher Premium The proposal maintains the individual mandate and the Senate's "free-rider" employer mandate that will increase individual premiums by up to 30 percent according to the Congressional Budget Office DEEP Cuts to Medicare and HEFTY tax increases to pay for the expansion and creation of new entitlement programs: Specifically the proposal increases cuts Medicare Advantage plans, cuts what doctors and hospitals are paid to treat seniors, raises the Medicare payroll tax even higher (adding it to a tax on earned income in addition to a tax on "high income individuals") and adds a new tax on every American who owns stocks or bonds.

No real medical liability reform: No changes to the insufficient medical liability provisions as passed in the Senate bill.

New bureaucratic boards that dictate how doctors practice medicine and gives government agencies control over what new technologies health plans can provide. : Maintains provisions such as the comparative effectiveness research board (Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute, the Independent Medicare Advisory Board (IMAB) or "MedPAC on steroids", and more. Americans will be forced to select from health plans with benefits restricted by government bureaucrats.

A form of a government-run plan: The proposal allows the federal government to shut down private health plans and replace them with public health coverage
Sweetheart deals for Every State: It extends the "Louisiana Purchase", various provisions of the "Cornhusker kickback", carve outs for unions, and many more to every state.

Broken promises: Obama set several parameters, including that the bill would cost under $900 billion, not raise taxes on those making under $250,000, families' health insurance premiums will go down by $2,500 a year, and if individuals liked what they had they could keep it - however none of these promises are kept.. They are broken twice over by President's rewrite of the Senate bill.

Charles Krauthammer points out: "the plan that the administration unveiled ...is really a travesty masquerading as outreach to the Republicans.

In effect, what you have here is a $2 trillion-dollar expenditure at a time when the president is hypocritically calling for deficit reduction.... it is entirely a farce."

So what is the real end game for the Big Government Gang?

Pelosi said, "We (Liberal Democrats) will go through the gate," "If the gate is closed, we will go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we will pole vault in. If that doesn't work, we will parachute in. But we are going to get health care reform passed for the American people for their own..." (GOOD?)

White House spokesman Dan Pfeiffer recently tipped his hat on Obama plans to utilize the reconciliation process to pass ObamaCare in the Senate on a party-line vote.

This is in sharp contrast to the much-touted "bipartisan health care summit" concept. Pfeiffer said Obama's bill - largely modeled after the Senate-passed bill - should get an "up-or-down" vote, and added, "This package is designed to provide us the flexibility to achieve that if the Republicans decide to filibuster healthcare reform."

"Reconciliation" in Barack Obama's terminology does not mean "reconciling" the Democrats and Republicans on health care. "Reconciliation" to Obama Reid and Pelosi means -- MAKING IT A PART OF A BUDGET BILL, SO THAT ONLY 51 VOTES ARE NEEDED TO PASS!

Health Care Reform And Taxpayer Funded Abortion

Taxpayer-funding of abortion is extremely unpopular with the American people, and it may be the issue that prevents socialized medicine from becoming a reality in America. Speaker Nancy Pelosi got testy with reporters yesterday when the issue of abortion in the ObamaCare bill came up. When asked about it, Pelosi said, “This is not about abortion! …I will not have it turned into a debate on (abortion).” She then went on to suggest that the Senate’s bill “is abortion neutral.”

Democrat Bart Stupak of Michigan disagrees and is quoting the healthcare bill “chapter and verse.” When told of Pelosi’s statement at a press conference yesterday, Rep. Stupak responded:
“She’s incorrect. I’d ask the speaker to direct her attention to page 2069 through page 2078. There are two ways in those pages where you pay for abortion. Number one, you get tax breaks that subsidize your insurance policy that will pay for abortion. Number two, when you read the legislation, one dollar per month for all enrollees, must go into this fund for ‘reproductive care,’ which includes abortion coverage.”

Whom do you believe – the Speaker from San Francisco or a courageous congressman willing to buck his own leadership?

Here’s why abortion funding is such an issue: Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) and Joe Pitts (R-PA) introduced an amendment in the House to ban abortion funding in the healthcare “reform” bill. It passed overwhelmingly with the support of 64 Democrats, and Nancy Pelosi was not one of them. But the Stupak/Pitts amendment was opposed by President Obama, and did not survive the Senate. In its place are the abortion funding provisions Rep. Stupak noted above. And that’s why Democrats are at an impasse today.

To make the reconciliation process work, the House must pass the Senate bill with no changes. That means the 64 House Democrats who supported the Stupak/Pitts amendment must now vote for a bill that funds abortion. It will be difficult, if not impossible, to address abortion in the reconciliation process. To understand why, click here for an excellent analysis. New polling data suggests abortion funding could be devastating for Democrats at the ballot box.

GM To Reinstate More Than 600 Dealerships

That’s about half the number that had been slated to be cut

DETROIT - General Motors Co. will reinstate 661 dealerships it sought to drop from its sales network.

GM executives said Friday that the dealerships — more than half of those seeking to stay with the automaker — will receive letters giving them the option to remain open. GM said it would not have enough time to negotiate with all 1,100 dealerships that appealed the automaker's decision to close them within a four-month window imposed by the federal government.

"By doing this we save a lot of time, energy and dollars," said Jim Bunnell, GM general manager of network support, saying the company wished to avoid a "very large arbitration process."

GO HERE to read more from MSNBC.

Trooper’s Arrest Suspects For C.D.S. Violations

DATE & TIME: 03/05/10 @ 1524 hours
C C. CARD NUMBER: 08-54-002238
LOCATION: Main Street and Three Bridges Road, Willards Wicomico County, Maryland


On 03-05-2010 at approximately 1524 hours, Trooper Wagner of the Salisbury Barrack stopped a vehicle at the above location for a traffic violation. The Trooper became alerted to indicators of criminal activity in the vehicle and a Maryland State Police K-9 was requested to scan the vehicle. A quantity of Marihuana was recovered from the suspect and vehicle. The driver was placed under arrest and transported to the Wicomico County Detention Center for a hearing in front of a District Court Commissioner.

1. Peter John Merkl w/m age 50 of Pittsville, Maryland


The Ocean City Police is seeking volunteers to train and become OCPD Reserve Officers
for the upcoming March 20, 2010 training class. Reserve Officers are civilians trained to
support the Police Department and serve the citizens of Ocean City by providing
volunteer services to supplement regular law enforcement personnel in the performance
of specific duties.

Beginning in 1999, the program started with seven civilian volunteers who received 40
hours of training occurring over 8 consecutive Saturdays. Since then 24 persons have been
trained. The training was designed to prepare members for the duties and assignments
associated with the newly formed corp. Training topics included the following: Police
Customs Courtesy, Conduct and Ethics, Community Policing, Crime Prevention, First Aid
and C.P.R. , Police Radio Communications, Traffic Control, Conflict Management and
Resolution, Crime Scene Searches and Protection, Report Writing, Parking Enforcement,
Administrative Support, Weapons Familiarization, Maryland Court Rules & Procedures,
Courtroom Testimony and Uniform Care and Appearance.

Since its inception the OPCD Reserve Officers have contributed over $1,000,000 in savings
to the taxpayers of Ocean City through their generous support to the OCPD. These
dedicated citizens have been a vital component of the OCPD’s community policing
strategy and have been lauded for their commitment to both the visitors and citizens of
Ocean City.

Don’t miss the opportunity to volunteer with one of the most progressive police
organizations in the nation. Once your training is complete you will serve along side the
some of the finest police professionals anywhere.

For an application or to receive additional information, please contact the OCPD Human
Resources or Public Affairs offices at: 410-723-6610. Application deadline for this class is
March 17, 2010.


ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Martin O’Malley, Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown, Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr., and House Speaker Michael E. Busch, joined by legislators and business leaders, celebrated the success of Maryland’s higher education system and outlined the blueprint for the future. Building on the accomplishments from this term, the Maryland General Assembly is currently considering legislation to continue improvements in higher education into the future.

“Working together with the leaders of the General Assembly, we’ve made real progress to improve higher education in Maryland and make a college education accessible and affordable for more Maryland families rather than fewer,” said Governor O’Malley. “Even in difficult economic times, we’ve made the necessary investments to improve Maryland’s world class higher education system and open the doors of a college education to Maryland’s middle class. By providing additional stabilization guarantees for tuition in the future, families can better prepare for the costs of higher education, preventing the types of peaks and valleys that volatile economic times can create.”

One of the main goals for the State this past term has been to cement accessibility to higher education as a viable option for all Maryland residents. “In today's knowledge economy, a high quality, affordable and accessible higher education system is not a luxury, but rather a necessity. Our colleges and universities – as both hubs of learning and centers of discovery—drive our economy, provide opportunity to our citizens, and greatly enhance our quality of life,” said William Kirwan, chancellor of the University System of Maryland (USM).

In 2006, in response to a 40% tuition hike over four years, the General Assembly passed the Tuition Affordability Act to freeze tuition and created the Commission to Develop the Maryland Model for Funding Higher Education, chaired by Delegate John L. Bohanan, Jr. (commonly known as “The Bohanan Commission”). The Bohanan Commission, comprised of university presidents, private sector leaders, elected officials and educators across the State, created a 10 year blue print for funding the State’s higher education system and continue the development of a top-tier workforce in Maryland.

“Governor O’Malley and I have set ambitious goals to expand opportunity to more Marylanders, advance our diverse economy and create more jobs for our residents,” said Lt. Governor Brown, a member of the Bohanan Commission. “Our diverse and well-educated workforce is the key to our future competitiveness and that is why we choose to invest in our human capital during difficult economic times. I applaud the Commission’s work and look forward to working with partners in higher education, as well as the public and private sector, to maintain our strong commitment to building the nation’s strongest network of colleges and universities and maintaining the country’s most dynamic workforce.”

Governor O’Malley has introduced several pieces of legislation this session to continue the higher education gains for students across the State, which were based in part on recommendations of the Bohanan Commission:
· Tuition Stabilization (SB 283/HB 470) – This legislation designates a portion of the Higher Education Investment Fund to fund any tuition increase at 3% for next year.
· Educational Longitudinal Data System program in Maryland (SB275/HB 467) – This bill establishes a statewide data system to track student performance information from kindergarten through college. Maryland is pursuing a federal grant to implement the program.
· Codifying the P-20 Leadership Council (SB286/HB 466) – This legislation codifies the P-20 Council and adds four legislative members. The Council was created by Governor O’Malley in 2008 and will continue to focus on aligning pre-kindergarten through postsecondary education and ensuring that Maryland will produce and maintain a competitive workforce.

“In Maryland, we have continued to invest the majority of our resources in education because we recognize the importance of a high quality, well-educated workforce,” said Speaker Michael E. Busch. “I commend the work of the Administration, the legislature, and the Bohanan Commission for reinforcing the importance of ensuring that every child that wants to get a college education can get a college education.”

The O’Malley-Brown Administration and the General Assembly created the State’s first ever dedicated revenue source for higher education, the Higher Education Investment Fund (HEIF), in 2007. The HEIF, along with a universal commitment and focus on the importance of higher education, has lead to an overall investment of $6.4 billion in operating support and over $1.1 billion in capital funding since fiscal year 2008.

“It doesn’t matter how much business services companies bring in, if they are unable to find the highly educated individuals to deliver on those commitments,” said Larry Letow, President of Convergence Technology Consulting, LLC and chair of the Bohanan Commission Capital Investment workgroup. “The State of Maryland has helped companies like us find talented individuals by developing a strong higher education system.”

Maryland is one of the most educated states in the nation, consistently ranking among the top for the number of residents with college and post-graduate degrees. Four Maryland institutions rank on Kiplinger’s 100 Best Values in Public Colleges and six institutions rank among the best in US News & World Report.