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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Where Things Stand: Gulf Oil Spill Claims

After the blowout of the Deepwater Horizon well triggered the largest oil spill in United States history, BP vowed to "Make it Right [1]" for Gulf Coast residents affected by the spill. One of the central pieces of BP's program to make amends was to create a claims system -- as required under federal law -- to compensate individuals and businesses that lost money as a result of the spill.

ProPublica has examined the claims process closely to see whether BP and the government are delivering on their promises to the Gulf residents. Although nearly $3 billion has been paid out to date, there have also been chronic delays and a lack of transparency about payment decisions that have caused frustration and in many cases serious economic hardship to claimants.

GO HERE to read more.

1 comment:

  1. another failed government agency and do we really think they can run health care??? maybe the government should get out of the way of more drilling in the gulf and open up jobs for these people. oh and by the way where is all of the enviromental destruction we were promised


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