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Friday, December 17, 2010

Tom McGuire, Jonathan Taylor and Angeline Harvey On The Warpath

The first letter you see below is one that was sent out last night to our advertisers. The messages in different colors below that are just a few of the reply messages I received from our advertisers. Go ahead and read what they have attempted to say and do and I'll finish my statements at the bottom of this Post.

Whom It May Concern,,,,I am writing you concerning your advertisement on
sbynews.com. I'm not inquiring about the service you provide, quite the
opposite actually. If you will be so kind as to click the link I have
provided you will find the latest in a long line of distasteful posts made
on this website. I'm sorry but I find nothing humorous about depicting a man
with cancer as a ?walking corpse?. This is appalling and your paid
advertisement is sending a clear message to me as well as many other
consumers that you approve of this website's material. Therefore, do not
expect me or anyone else with morals to patronize your business as long as
you continue to support this garbage.,,,Angeline Harvey

"Thanks for the reply,

It is funny that they are complaining, yet they read your web site. I guess someone is holding a gun to their heads and forcing them to navigate to your web site and read the entire thing word for word. Those poor souls!

Our company is very pleased with the traffic that your site has sent to ours.

Keep up the good work."

"It’s a shame some people have nothing better to do…. It just proves the advertisement is working!!!!
Thanks ..you have a wonderful holiday season!!"

"The name on my caller ID when Tom called was Nicole Schaefer, the phone number is 443-359-5049.
Thank you for your time.  It was a pleasure talking to you."

"I recieved a call this morning from a gentleman, who I later learned was Tom from The Delmar XXXXX.
He immediately started rambling on about me supporting someone who wished Mr. Comegy dead.  I told him I had no idea what he was talking about.
Tom then asked me "don't you advertise on Salisbury News Blog?"  I replied yes I do.  He then proceded to tell me that Joe had wished that Mr Comegy
I didn't know who this guy was that I was talking to, but later found out that he was the same guy along with his wife or girlfriend (I am not sure of their relationship status) that had wished little Brooke dead, or to just let her go ahead and die.
Tom asked would I like him to send me the link for the article he was referring to on Salisbury News and I said yes.  He abuptly hung up then.  I recieved the e-mail and that is when I found out his name and that he was from The Delmar XXXXX.  I read the article and nowhere did I see that Joe had wished anyone dead.
The point of me writing is to let people know that yes, I advertise on Salisbury news.  I don't always agree with what Joe posts'.  That is called being human.  I do not and will not pull my advertising because someone tries to threaten, coerce, or affect our business with their outrageous behavior.
For the record, if you are reading this Tom, I won't miss your business, as you have never been our customer, so no effecting me there.  I will not be intimidated."
EDITOR: Jonathan Taylor put up a Post today stating all of the phone calls were working and that many of our advertisers stated they'd be removing their ads soon. I have not been to Taylor's Site but let me assure you, not ONE of our advertisers has complained. In fact, most of them have agreed with my intent of that Post. I never wished Gary Comegys dead and the final message is exactly correct, Tom McGuire and his sick Girlfriend/Wife were in fact the couple who openly in a letter wished Broke Mulford dead.
Mr. Taylor needs to recognize that his lies will always come back and haunt him. He regularly makes statements, (especially about me personally) that are complete and utter lies. That goes for Tom McGuire as well. Tom, I have never been CONVICTED of anything in my life. That's OK though, you're just too stupid, (stooped, as Tom would spell it) to research anything. Folks, while I'm sure those of you who visit those Sites wonder just how my Wife and I deal with such hatred from such sick people, who cares. They have said some of the worse things I have ever read on the Internet. Heck, anywhere, for that matter. However, who's sicker? The author of such lies or the people going there every day reading their hate? We choose to ignore them, so should you.
Salisbury News has produced almost 14,000 articles this year. If you're a business person and you've been fortunate enough to serve 14,000 customers this year, were all 14,000 satisfied? The answer is, NO. However, these clowns are attempting to contact our advertisers, yet there's only been ONE complaint out of 14,000!!!!! Their agenda is clearly recognized by our advertisers and our advertisers are NOT going to stop advertising with us simply because a few unemployed, section 8, food stamp, disability people blogging on YOUR DIME are complaining.
Might I STRONGLY suggest to these mentally challenged people complaining click the big red "X" in the top right hand corner of this exact page and be done with it. No one has a gun to your head forcing ANY one of you to come here. My advertisers will NEVER place me in a position where they threaten to leave Salisbury News because of a complaint. We are NOT the Daily Times, WICO, WMDT or WBOC, we can't be pushed around like they have. The money we have raised in 2010 gets paid out to local non profits and others in desperate need we don't even need to mention here. Joe Albero is NOT lining his pockets with cash, therefore I cannot be told what I can or can't do. Perhaps McGuire and Taylor just don't understand that.
To my Advertisers. If you receive a call or e-mail from these people, please ask them if THEY have rung the bell for the Salvation Army this year or last year. Ask them what THEY are doing to give back to our community. Taylor is so desperate for an advertiser he will say and do anything in the hopes people will now like him. "Ill never run national articles on my site." The next day, national articles everywhere. "I'll never mention Joe Albero again." The next day, Joe Albero this and that.
Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Lynn Cathcart, Gary Comegys, Shanie Shields and so many more like them have gone to incredible extremes to shut Salisbury News down. They use people like Taylor and McGuire to spread their hate and tell lies about me and my Wife, (including our Grandson) in the hopes we'll go away. We are here for the community. We are here to give back and make the Eastern Shore a better place to live and raise our Families.
If any one of you don't like Salisbury News, don't come back. Its that simple Folks. As for Mr. Comegys, I wish the man a full recovery. However, in the mean time, if any one of you think that if he became so ill he couldn't stand and that others wouldn't do anything to carry him into that Council Chambers in order to get certain desperate votes past, well, that's how I feel and I know many of you do too.
In closing I want to thank our advertisers for their support. Mr. Taylor, no one is cancelling their ads. In fact, here's one for you Jonathan. Today we welcome a brand new advertiser Peninsula Water Conditioning. Your games are over and if you hadn't noticed, no one is listening to you. They never have, actually.
If you'd like to run an ad with Salisbury News its very simple. Our rate is $100.00 a month for the ads you see on either side. You can send the artwork to alberobutzo@wmconnect.com along with a link to your Website and a physical address to send the billing. Wasting your money anywhere else is just foolish. We reach the biggest local audience than anyone else out there. If you want to reach a national audience then by all means contact the Daily Times. Salisbury News has no interest outside the Eastern Shore.

Might I Add: Mr. Taylor, if you need us to come over and plow you out of this recent snow, we don't discriminate, we just give back.  


  1. funny how you never printed the comments that called you out on bad form with comegys. always the one-sided poster.

  2. anonymous 1:00, aka, Jonathan taylor, we DID publish those comments. In fact, I recall one of them being from Frank Comegys. Nice try.

  3. Joe,
    I check your website often, mostly to argue. I disagree with a lot of the political posts and I love a good debate. It's good practice for later. Anyway, though I almost always disagree the formality of the site has gotten much better over the past year. Just a suggestion....people like this will continue to try to bring down the site, but you know that your advertisers aren't listening and that's all who needs to know. Leave these kind of posts out. You have no need to stoop to their level or defend yourself. People come to this site over and over for a reason, they trust you.
    Mentioning them on your site just makes people want to see what they wrote so you give them more publicity. I looked for his blog after you gave his name. They want to play the high school games and it looks like they're winning by getting you involved. Remain above them and don't post about them and this site will look and feel much better. It would be so nice to see the Red Kettle Volunteer charts without the high school drama above. Political debates and giving local opinions is great, but the personal stuff just undermines the site. Thanks! Happy Holidays from a democrat!


  4. J.T. Give me some of my taxes back they you are stealing from your wheel chair.

  5. Joe, these people are sooooo obsessed with you it is insane. I love you site and what you stand for. Those other sites would not even be there if not for YOU. ^_^

  6. Thank you to SBYNews, Joe and all the anonymous helpers you have. You guys are the best news source out there. JT and Tom are bottom feeders!

  7. I guess this is what JT meant when he said "you'll get yours JA". Well Joe, do ya feel got? Keep up the GREAT work my friend.

  8. I am not associated with and don't have a clue about other blogs and the above. In my opinion, I find it very distasteful with regards to your post regarding Gary Comegy's. Like I said thats my opionion, however that will not stop me from reading your post
    or buying from your advertisers.

  9. Don't you think for one minute that your advertisers will be left alone. The battle has only begun.

  10. I sent the section 8 housing 400 pound moron a comment,but he did not post it.All I said was that he is a Joe Albero wanna beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

  11. Joe when you were clearing sidewalks last year from the snow where was JT? When you were belling ringing for weeks on end where was JT?

  12. 2:33, He was sitting on his 500 pound lazy rear end eating twinkies and laughing in your face, all paid for by the taxpayer. Jonathan is all talk, no action. He's a wanna be Joe Albero, along with Robinson, McGuire and Burke. Here's a message to each one of you. "The best revenge is to live a good life." If there's one thing I have that they SHOULD be jealous of is that I live a good life. I have the greatest Wife on earth. ANYONE who knows her will testify to that. We have been blessed raising our Grandson, who is my partner 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Its not about money, its about happiness and that's what kills these people inside. They have miserable marriages/wives. Heck, considering their mentality, who in their right mind would partner with these kind of people anyway. Nevertheless, that's their problem. By the way boys, we had a RECORD day yesterday. Thanks for all the help.

  13. "Don't you think for one minute that your advertisers will be left alone. The battle has only begun."


  14. ...and, Taylor is good buddies with Boda.

  15. The fat one can bitch to all the advertisers on here all he wants...but one thing is for sure... he doesn't make enough on welfare to spend it in their places of business!!

  16. I admire a man that stands up for his beliefs and ALWAYS tries to do the right thing.
    Merry Christmas, Joe, to you and your family.

    Craig Theobald

  17. barry tillman needs to to go over to fat boys and change his diaper. sounds like he's getting a rash

    that's a good name for jt, butt rash lol

  18. Joe, I love the fact that you call these people out on their actions. They are not and never will be taken seriously in this community. You give back and all they do is take away. I am a huge SBYNews fan and also will be. ^_^

  19. Joe you just can not fix stupid !!

  20. I've been an advertiser here for a couple of months now.

    I have not received any complaints about the content of SBYNEWS ....

  21. He left negative feedback on my Google page, but I was able to have it removed. He's got nothing to do but to sit on his rear and act like the moron he is.

  22. Call his bluff JT and have him come over and shovel snow. NOT A CHANCE THE TWO BIT PHONY ! !


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