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Thursday, December 02, 2010

Today's Survey Question

What Would YOU Like For Christmas/Holidays?


  1. A pellet stove so I can afford my electric bill!

  2. Relief from the endless fighting between liberals and conservatives. That's a good place to start for a little "Peace On Earth!"

  3. well not yet, but after the new congress is sworn in, for obama and biden to resign

  4. dinner or breakfast with my family

    We do this every year and is BETTER than any present.

  5. Peace around the world, no crime here & a vacation to somewhere nice & warm & relaxing.

  6. There has been a great interest this year of people asking about special pie, dessert cake, decoated cookies to give as presents. It sure wont sit on a shelf and gather dust. The giver might even share the dessert that was given.

  7. Enough work to come in to make enough money to pay our bills....

  8. jobs for the many that are currently out of work, health care w/out ridiculously high premiums, peace world wide, and I'll finish with having an honest Congress (yes, I know that is a true fantasy dream!)

  9. At the holidays everyone gathers at my parents house Christmas Eve and have dinner and enjoy relaxing with all the family.Christmas day all the family gathers at our home and eats dinner and spends the evening playing WII Bowling.We look forward to these 2 days the most its all about Christ and Family. Merry Christmas to all!!

  10. My son has lost his job as a surveyer. I hope and pray he will find a job. He has four children depending on him. He is a determinated person. He will find something to do. Just keep the faith and a prayer for him and others out of work.

  11. I have all I need for Christmas...All 3 of my boys home safe and sound, a wonderful family, my good health, friends that has been my rock for a very tough year and being able to give thanks for all I have in my life. I guess I would have to say I would like for the rest of the world to see the positive in every negative and to count their blessings. It is true yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is not a promise all we have is this present today. Live it and be thankful for it. Happy Holidays to all. May your holiday season be filled with laughter, joy and love.

  12. I would like for America to celebrate Christmas for it's true meaning , Christs birthday. Not Santa , or any other thing.
    The country was built on the Christian religion , not muslim religion.

  13. For everyone who doesn't have a job, and wants one, to have it.

  14. Peace for the Country and a job for those who don't have one, including myself.
    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Kim Heath

  15. for people's hearts to be softened just a bit. and think of others more than themselves.

  16. Peace on Earth and for people to remember "Good Will towards Men"!

  17. A job and better health.

  18. For liberals to grow a brain and to stop giving away and weakening our country.

  19. To get results that my 4yr daughter does not have a tumor in her brain!!! Just wish all the test would be done so we can know what is going on!! She has been through so much in the last 4 months!! That would be the GREATEST GIFT OF ALL!!!!

  20. To have folks celebrate Christmas for the reason,The birthday of Jesus Christ.As Anon 11:49 stated, The USA was built on the Christian Religion and nothing else !!!!

  21. I'd love it if Louweasel and Bubba would suddenly just resign.
    What a sweet gift!

  22. 12:29 PM

    for people like this to become magically nice

  23. peace, health and happiness

  24. Annon 12;36, God knows the things that I need, such as a job, so
    I will use the prayer time to pray for your daughter's health. i sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas. Please have faith.

  25. I would like for 12:36's daughter to be okay. Thankfully I have everything and more that I need.

  26. I want to see the Joseph House, Christian Shelter and Halo all go out of business because there would be no need for their services.
    In the mean time let's thank God for these agencies and the people who staff them and for all those of our community that support them.

  27. For just one day - for life to be "fair". That the wicked and evil don't get their way but do get what they deserve.

  28. Not to have to travel, just stay home with my husband and son and enjoy the day.

  29. I cant change the world, or make jobs or make a sick child well but i can pray and hope what little i give brings some Peace.We live in a trying time,i know im raising grandchildren,and i wouldnt change that at all. I love a full house,but we all know its hard to make ends meet. So I would like a good christmas for grandkids, my health to hold out to raise them,and the prayer to at least give some peace to few.

  30. i would like 12 36 daughter to be healthy in 2011 and beyond my prayers are with you and your daughter god bless both of you

  31. On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me....A Pelosi in a gray cell....

  32. 12:36 You put my life in check. Nothing is needed more then a healthy child. I pray for you and your family and you receive that wonderful news of clean scans. Bless your little angel.

    Kim Heath


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