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Monday, December 13, 2010

RNC Chairman Steele To Announce He Won't Run For Second Term

GO HERE to read more.


  1. Will he admit that he was just a token? "the dems got them a black man, why don't we get one too"

    You lead your party from a doldrums of defeat in 2008 to a victorious takeover in 2010, and they still want to throw you out. lol

  2. Agreed! He really wasn't very good at leading the party, and became more and more of a liability. Too many times he was the story, instead of what the party was trying to do.

  3. Done,done;I'm on to the next one

  4. Don't let the door hit you, Michael.
    And don't spend any more money, either. You've set up enough of your friends.

  5. Good job Micheal. We will miss you.


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