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Monday, December 13, 2010

Old Fire House


  1. Maybe Shanie should apply for a job with Palmer Gillis so she can get off unemployment. Sucking on two taxpayer teats, city council pay and state unemployment doesn't bode well for an elected official.

  2. What are idears? (2:46)

  3. I just heard that Palmer Gillis said he DONT even know what he will be doing with that property. This is what was said last week??????????

  4. for 4 min and 34 seconds she said nothing .....the same thing over and over. What an idiot! Is this the best and most intelligent person we can find in that area?

  5. let somerset county and princess anne subsidize the restaurant in princess anne, lord knows they could use an upscale restaurant in their own town

    berlin has the atlantic hotel and the globe theater what does princess anne have?

  6. UMES , Mmmmmmm , stay in somerset please!! We don't need anymore crime here.

  7. OMG and I am so embarrassed this is representing the city. What a mess!!!

  8. What the hell did she say?

  9. 11:08am, remember the people who voted her into office are of the same memtality as she.

  10. I'm sure this video was posted so that the community can have a hearty laugh. Somehow, Shields just doesn't get it.

  11. Ummm...Ummm...The Far Station has competitions....it ummm...ummm..could be he'ped...ummm,,,ummm,,,,duh.

  12. Where exactly is Merlland?

  13. New Ideers ! Did she say Ideers ? The only assett is the big one sitting on the bench. Do they get any dumber ?

  14. From what I hear shanie went into the voting booths to HELP the people vote. This is totaly wrong!
    Thats how she got relected "she helped" them

  15. She had to mention Kentucky Fried. The far station ideyer. rotfl.

  16. She makes me glad that I now call Florida home. No amount of marketing from UMES or anywhere else is going to make people go downtown especially at night to dine at a restaurant. She is inferring that everyone who attemted to make a go of a restaurant in City Center were inept with no Marketing skill.
    I have been reading about the caliber of people that are hanging around the library at night...seems to me that the fire station is just across the street. Sure not going to park my car near there at night.
    Could never understand how that woman made the council anyway. Voters ought to be ashamed of themselves.
    Oh, Salisbury what hath thou done with thyself????? jackkcharl@aol.com

  17. Is she speaking English?

  18. I'm sorry I don't wish to be mean but Salisbury this makes you look like a punk wannabe city.

    Even struggling through her bumbling Ebonics english, she has no conviction in her tone.

    She has no 'ideer' what she is talking about, or even what she wants to convey.

    It's no wonder then why you don't have more intelligent and qualified people in local government.

    Most would be too embarrassed to be associated with these type of people you have now.

    Not to mention the frustration of actually trying to get something positive accomplished.

    You really need to look into peoples' background and qualifications before you put that check mark besides their name next election.

    They are failing Salisbury, and to a certain degree the people of Salisbury have to share a little of that blame since they were the ones who put them into office.

    I hope past experiences will make all a wiser voter.


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