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Monday, December 13, 2010

A Message To The Editor

Walmart Snitch Program Collapses Under the Weight of Homeland Security thanks to Andy Griffith

I find it funny that one Mr. Muir Boda has yet to speak for or against this. It appears Mr. Boda is another "Do as I say, not as I do" wannabe political hacks. He spoke out against TSA searches, but then 3 days later the walmart he worked at wouldn't let you through the exit without checking your bag. I ask you this: Do you trust someone (Walmart Employee) who makes minimum wage with properly identifying a "terrorist"?


  1. The employee is NOT checking for terrorist ...and neither is the Sam's Club employee who checks and counts the items in your cart against your register tape.

  2. It's funny that this practice should be happening at the North Store. At the WalMart I go to where I live, I am able to walk in the store, get greeted by a friendly employee, go about my shopping, leave, and as I leave, be told to have a nice day. Must be something rotten in the town of Salisbury....


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