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Monday, December 13, 2010



Following years of public debate and planning the ‘new’ Station 16 located at 325 Cypress Street was completed in 2008.  After months of public discussion and phasing out Fire and EMS services, the former Station 16 was considered surplus by the city council.

Subsequent to months of dialogue the former Station 16 was considered surplus because 1) there’s no longer a need to host emergency services 2) the city had no use for the property 3) the city can not afford to operate/carry the building. These points were discussed years ago.

Bid requests for either a truck lease or selling real estate have a specific process to adequately inform the public of the request for proposal (RFP). These requests are posted in the paper and on the City’s website for months.  To further the public process the city also has pre-bid meetings for potential responses and allows 90 days for responses to be finalized and officially submitted to the Procurement Department.      

The City of Salisbury followed this public procurement process correctly and publicly advertised the RFP for the ‘old’ Station 16 in the summer of 2009, over 12 months after the ‘new’ Station 16 was commissioned.  The RFP was carefully crafted with specific scoring criteria to focus on economic development, downtown revitalization, historical significance, experience/strength of bidder and acquisition price. 

October 2009 submittals were due to the City’s Procurement Department. After the public marketing effort, there were two responses. After months of public work sessions, questions, debate, historical commission meeting(s), addendum(s), one proposal dropped out of the bidding.   

Our plan has been public information since October 22, 2009; we have had and welcomed discussion on our proposal since that date.
We have a proven downtown redevelopment track record and are qualified to see this project thru.  We will restore and reuse this historical significant downtown building by creating a regional self-supporting, hospitality destination located in the Heart-of-Delmarva, Salisbury Maryland Downtown.  Synergy with local hospitality establishments will enhance the image of downtown Salisbury by adding pedestrian movement downtown, adding to the existing customer basis that is downtown currently.

This city owned property will be transferred to the tax role, property, sales and amusement taxes will be contributed to the city’s coffers. Also the project will have 4-5 apartments on the second floor.  This project truly does implement the vision of the City of Salisbury, live, work, play, DOWNTOWN and is a step toward downtown’s vitality and having a true impact on the City of Salisbury.  This plan is based on several of many master plan studies completed regarding downtown’s future. We are taking ACTION!

Valuation of public property is no easy task; could the building be worth $1,000,000 or $2,000,000; maybe as a private residence or office; would the city accept that as the best use; in my opinion no? Valuation of public property is unlike a private transaction, the city looks at not just the highest price, but economic impact, tax revenue, highest and best use, strength of bidders and goes thru a complex disposition agreement to up hold the agreed upon use.

Within the RFP the city concentrated on the use of the property, out of 100% only 5% of the scoring criteria was used for pricing; further enforcing the city was focused on economic impact, tax revenue, highest and best use and strength of bidders

After redeveloping several downtown buildings, we understanding the total development cost of a project.  We have considered the redevelopment costs in our offer and prepared development analyses (included in our response on 10/22/09).  Our offer of $100,000 reflects only the acquisition cost; we will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and completely redevelop the property into a historical significant downtown destination.

We are pursuing the redevelopment of this wonderful property, working toward making Salisbury’s downtown a great place to live work and play.  If you oppose this project for the concept, timing or price, I am sorry.

The disposition has been public knowledge for over 24 months. Our proposal has been public knowledge for over 12 months. Our offer price is based on knowledge of historical building renovations.  You had every chance to submit an offer, you did not.

If you support this project please show up on Monday December 13th at the City Council meeting to speak in favor. 

This is your chance to have a very positive impact on our community’s core, your Downtown Salisbury!

If you are unable to attend the meeting please send emails to ALLCityCouncilMembers@ci.salisbury.md.us

Bradley Gillis


  1. It's a firehouse and it needs to stay a firehouse.

    Brad Gillis you are nothing but a SCAM ARTIST just like your daddy, your friend Doug Church, Mike Dunn and Barry Tilghman!!

  2. "The disposition has been public knowledge for over 24 months. Our proposal has been public knowledge for over 12 months. Our offer price is based on knowledge of historical building renovations. You had every chance to submit an offer, you did not."

    Why do I get the feeling this is condescending with an "UP YOURS" attitdue??

  3. Anybody who entrusts overbearing party boy brad to tell you the truth and look out for anyone's best interests but his own deserves what they get. The only people who listen to anything he says are the ones in the nightclubs late at night, is this the type of guy you want speaking for you Salisbury?

  4. It will be interesting to see if more folks speak agaonst this than against that "save streets" scam.

  5. making tax payer resources avalable to the tax payers seems like the only fair thing to do from a community perspective.why is the city council not representing the community....I'm sure that this is position that they were elected and sworn into.this issue should be cut and dry.

  6. The letter as written reflects poorly on the writer. As someone who tries to us language properly, I see that as a conglomeration of crap.

  7. Palmer Gillis already state he dont know what he will do with the property...He just wants it.

  8. I beg to differ 11:26 but Palmer Gillis has stated what he wants to do with the property, he's telling everyone he personally knows that his little boy has big plans for it.


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