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Friday, November 05, 2010

Two Years Ago Today



  1. Yeah, because Obama magically controls gas prices. I guess it didn't matter to you when Bush was president and gas was close to $5 a gallon.

  2. We want higher gas prices , higher food prices , higher taxes , ain't that right obamie. Even across the board , everybody pays the same and makes the same , socialist society.Where have you been obamie , such good ideas.

  3. The Federal Reserve is debasing our currency. It is falling like a rock and so prices will skyrocket. The amazing thing is this: Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke, aka Helicopter Ben, has publicly stated that the goal is to create price inflation in order to "get the economy moving again"

    This is all well and good for those who still have money and are making more of it than they did last year. Those people are called Central Bankers. They are the only ones in our economy who are making more money now than in the past. Complete and abject failure followed by government bail outs are now what passes for sucess in America. The Bankers are sucessful. They can afford for the economy to have "price inflation" so their stock values and commodity assets can go up in value.

    But the average American on the street is paying more and more for everything while at the same time, either losing his/her job or fearing the loss of his/her job.

    This is simply outrageous and criminal. The international bankers are artificially manipulating our economy to have busts and booms. We the people are paying the price for their sucess.

    Crime does pay after all.

  4. time to call in fereral oversight commission.

  5. maybe it's because the economy has atleast partially recovered from the doom and gloom days of 2 years ago. Or maybe you idiots should stop searching so hard for ammo to gain political points and spend more time with actual analysis of the issue.

  6. I'm going to call the fereral oversight commission right after I finish watching this Will Fereral movie

  7. Anonymous said...

    Yeah, because Obama magically controls gas prices. I guess it didn't matter to you when Bush was president and gas was close to $5 a gallon.

    10:39 AM

    Another Kool Aid drinker heard from! You better believe our government controls gas prices. Where do you think the taxes on the gas goes to!

  8. 11:51, you are an idiot who has the nerve to call someone Kool Aid drinker. Last I checked, the price of oil was the biggest driver of gas prices. And we all know the price of oil fluctuates alot faster than any congress/administration moves. How about we leave critiques to those who actually look at the facts before passing judgement.

  9. Why are all the Exxons anywhere from 2 to 5 cents above the market?

  10. Yeah, "change" is all we have left after the government taxes gas to death. With what I do to try to make a living, some days it literally doesn't pay me to go to work. That is sad. I want to work, but the truth is, sometimes I don't have the money to put gas in the tank. Sometimes by Friday, I'm running on fumes.


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