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Friday, November 05, 2010

Today's Survey Question

Do You Teach Your Children To Say Thank You, Your Welcome, Yes Sir, Yes Mam, God Bless You (when someone sneezes) etc.?


  1. Thank you, you're welcome and bless you I do teach to her. She's only 3 but says excuse me when she passes gas or burps. If I sneeze she says bless you mommy! i also teach her to say please when she's asking for things.

  2. Not only do I teach them to say these things, but I call them out in public when they do not say please or thank you. I really believe that it is essential in the growing process. My parents did the same for me and I thank them for it.

  3. absolutely. no one has any basic manners anymore

  4. Absolutely! They learn by example.

  5. yes, constantly reminding and nudging her to use manners. even though many grown adults rarely use them these days. many people only care about themselves. if we took do unto others literally these days, it would seem most people would like to be treated rudely and with indifference.

  6. I always have taught my daughter to be polite to others, however I am noticing that some other parents are not doing the same for their kids. It's a shame.

  7. I do all that but the "God Bless you"
    we don't do religion

  8. I still don't understand how "god bless you" relates to a sneeze. I understand its the polite thing to do but lack the reason on why we say it.

  9. Without a doubt! I probably sounded like a broken record trick or treating.. "Did you say thank you?" I was very disturbed when my children were told they were NOT allowed to say Ma'am or sir in school. I am their parent and I believe in respecting others so for the school staff to tell my children they could not use the manners I taught them, I was really angry about it!

  10. I think it goes without saying that most people that are on here, reading your blog are intelligent, courteous individuals that DO teach their kids these manners. So, I would expect that 98% of the people will say yes. The people who don't teach their kids this stuff are the uneducated people who think society owes them something. Who respect no one. Just my opinion.

  11. I do not believe my soul will escape when I sneeze, so I don't ask my Lord and Savior to bless me because of sneezing.

    But thank you anyway.

    I do however, believe that my soul can be possessed by demons who can enter my skull through the cracks in the cranium area. Therefore I wear a skull cap at all times while in public.

  12. 10:35, I believe 'God Bless You' is said because every time you sneeze, your heart stops for a second. So, if your heart starts beating again, God has blessed you to continue living.

  13. Saying bless you in 10 more years might land you being sued, so Thank you is it.

  14. Yes I sure do. My daughter is only 22 months old and she has awesome manners already. Start them young and they are more likely to continue to have good manners as they grow up :)

  15. Yes, I did! It's called manners and you'd better have had them when we were growing up!

  16. It's the teachers job to do that, not mine. Isn't that what we pay them for???

  17. Are you kidding me 11:05!!!What kind of children are YOU raising!! These things should be taught early on even before they begin talking! Simple respect that obviously you don't have...Our teachers have enough to teach our kids. They should only have to reinforce the manners that we teach at home!

  18. 11:05, I surely hope that statement was sarcasm; if not you really need to re-evaluate yourself and the requirements to successfully accomplish your JOB as a parent.

  19. 11:05 are you out of your mind? Learning begins at home. My daughters are 20 and 24 now but they were taught from a early age to have manners and respect for others. They still practice that.

  20. I think 1105 was being sarcastic folks.

  21. Geesh! This comment section is a prime example of exactly what's wrong with society today--a sense of humor has been replaced with anger and aggression! For crying out loud--lighten up, people!

  22. My children say all these thing, except yes/no m'am or sir. They are taught to say Mr or Mrs, but that m'am sir stuff is not for me.

    I do notice and its often a hot topic of discussion in our family. My son holds the door for everyone, when we go shopping or wherever we are. He holds the door sometimes for so long that I get frustrated because I'm standing inside the door waiting for him. But RARELY does one say thank you to him! That enrages me! But he continues to do it, as he is taught for the one greatful person who thanks him or smiles, or tells him how rare it is a young man does that anymore.

    I think our adults could learn some manners... that may help all our children learn!

  23. Yes I do. As a matter of fact when my children say Daddy I respond with yes sir or yes ma'am to teach them that I am not above doing it as well. They also hold doors open for their elders.

  24. I don't have children, yet, but, I was taught by my parents and grandparents to be polite. I do the whole "yes ma'am, no ma'am, yes sir, no sir," etc. I even do it to the kids I substitute teach. They get a kick out of an "old person" (I'm 34 [thanks for the crummy job, Obama]) calling them ma'am and sir.

  25. No because I believe they should have free will on whether to say thank you . Why force if it is not sincere.

  26. 6:16 PM

    It's called teaching them manners! I guess you would allow them free will to join a gang and kill people too.

    BTW, your village called looking for you.

  27. peter alexander rottNovember 5, 2010 at 10:50 PM

    Of course.

  28. 6:16, your children are the ones that most people call "ingrates" under their breath. You are instilling in them a sense of entitlement. What is your child going to do when they are out in the world and are interviewing for a job? They aren't going to have any manners, so the employer won't hire them. To you that might not matter, but to the rest of us taxpayers, it does. Your offspring working means one less leech on society. But then again, you might be raising your kid to think that the government is the answer to all their problems and they can live off the government teat for their entire life.

  29. Yes, and we reinforced it with our own behavior and gentle (and not so gentle) reminers to them. And many years later I can say with honestly and pride that I have two teens that show respect and display manners. PARENTING-- IT DOES WORK


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