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Friday, November 05, 2010

Rep. Bachmann Blasts Obama's Pricey Asia Trip

Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann has blasted the White House for what she calls “over-the-top” spending on President Obama’s upcoming trip to Asia.

Obama leaves Friday on a trip that begins in India and will also take him to Indonesia, South Korea and Japan. Reports are circulating that the president and his entourage of about 3,000 officials, business people, journalists, and security personnel will spend some $200 million a day during his 4-day visit to India, which would put the tab for the entire trip well over $1 billion.

“We have never seen this sort of an entourage going with the president before,” Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in an interview that aired on Wednesday.

“And I think this is an example of the massive overspending that we’ve seen, not only just in the last two years, really in the last four.”

Britain’s Daily Mail reported that the trip will involve 40 aircraft and six armored cars, including a black Cadillac with its own communications center that will transport Obama during his visit to India, with planned stops in Mumbai and New Delhi.

Some 500 American security personnel have reportedly been in India for weeks preparing for the presidential visit.

There is even a report in India that the United States will move a fleet of 34 warships, including an aircraft carrier, into position to patrol the sea lanes off the coast of Mumbai during Obama’s stay.

Commenting on the reported costs of the trip, White House spokeswoman Amy Brundage said: “Due to security concerns, we are unable to outline details associated with security procedures and costs, but it’s safe to say these numbers are wildly inflated.”

But several sources including The Telegraph in Britain are reporting that security measures in India are so extensive that all coconuts on trees near Mumbai’s Gandhi museum, one of the sites Obama will visit, are being removed.


  1. There is so much out of control spending connected with the current white house occupants. This is absolutely ridiculous. Obama why don't you try staying home for a change and see what it's like. If you want to continue spending, Salisbury and a few other towns around the country could use some money. You really know how to slap Americans in the face, and kick them when they are down. 2012 can just not get here soon enough.

  2. He is trying to get support of the muslim nations.I've told you before , it's a culture thing. Spend money that isn't yours , it's very easy.

  3. Dummy knee jerk politicians taking advantage of a dummy knee jerk base.

    The Pres. is traveling to countries that are racked by terrorist attacks as well as a countries that face an ongoing threat of nucler assault.

    All of a sudden the right is questioning the need of a pres. to visit a country where we have increased exports 3 fold and that can also act as a counter balance to China(India), a key US ally that also can play a role in increasing our exports (South Korea), and a nation actively fighting the war on terror (Indonesia). Not to mention one of our strongest allies in the region (Japan).

    The election is over politicians. The idea is that we come back together to push for America's best interest and end the political score keeping.

  4. 9:32
    It would be great if the politicians actually wanted to look out for "America's best interest", but they obviously don't! They are working for people other than the American people. They have authorized the foreign trade agreements which have ruined our jobs base and destroyed our manufacturing industries. The corporations who have benefitted are the ones who finance their campaigns. They will not bite the hand that feeds them.

  5. 9:32
    the american people are questioning spending 2 billion dollars to take 3000 buddies to a hostile nation and stay in a hotel that was bombed in recent year by terrorists. i thought it was hillary's job to negotiate with these unstable countries. this is nothing but another joy ride at the countries expense. we are broke, printing money and quickly going down the tubes as a nation. i am sure he will have a good time

  6. OMG You people are ridiculous!
    This number of 200 million dollars a day is a pie in the sky number put out there by people like Michele Bachmann to stir the pot.
    There is nothing backing up this number.
    Here we go - didn't take long.
    Wait for all the inquests on beginning January 1, 2011 - that's what they do best! Then, lets talk about wasteful spending.
    I'm not in favor of wasteful spending by ANYONE in Washington, including the President but sometimes you have to stop and think. If they're constantly pointing fingers - shouldn't they be looking in the mirror???

  7. 11:14
    no we are not ridiculous we are fed up with this out of control government. there is absolutly no reason to spend this money. we are broke, the feds are printing money (they call it quantitative easing) and this guy in the white house is out of control

  8. '3000 buddies"? Did you even read the article itself or take any time to create a thoughtful response? I guess Pres. visits to allies and other foreign heads of state were ok until Pres. Obama popped up.

  9. All of you are wrong. He's just going over to check on the call center people.

  10. 9:56 idiots like you who fall for every statement that Bachman or Palin put out to rile up the base are the reason we don't have politicians making better decisions. Why should they? There is no need to actually analyze an issue and find a concrete solution when all you have to do to win re-election is scream "socialist takeover".

  11. The figure MAY be high....MAYBE. Do you have any idea how much just ONE nuclear powered aircraft carrier costs to operate each day? How about a small army of Secret Service with all the latest electronics and weaponry? Full scale security sweep and continuous surveillance of the entire area of any location he is at? Food, hotels, accomodations and security for his family, aides, spouses, press, communications, military attachments?? Don't forget sattelite and Air Force support...This is just a SMALL slice of whats involved...

  12. Imclain, why are you constantly wrong. Do you lack the ability to mentally dig deeper?

    #1 the carrier would already be operating in the region, unless you have some facts to say it's coming out of port and headed that way.

    #2 Same for secret service no matter if the pres. is traveling to India or Indiana

    #3 He's getting the same treatment that ANY modern president would get

    #4 You guys are so riled up over this crap, you don't even look at exactly what the Pres. is doing over there, i.e. promoting trade which to the region, which has already resulted in a 3 fold increase in exports to India over the last 6-7 years. You want jobs, here they are.

  13. 11:51...My mental capacity is quite robust, thank you. I NEVER commented on whether or not Obama was spending big money that he shouldn't spend. READ what I said. I merely said that (regardless of who is President) the cost of a trip like that is huge. Thats all....YOU made the assumption that I was somehow criticizing your boy, Obama. Sensitive about things, are ya? I do, yes indeed I do, criticize that bumbling, inexperienced buffoon who seems to think that our government has an unlimited supply of money (and I hope you know that it has NO money --- you DO know that, right?) because HE has never had a REAL job or been asked to PRODUCE anything other than a grant request. So, other than the PERCEIVED slight to your boy, what in my post was inaccurate???


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