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Friday, November 05, 2010

Please Be Prepared To Help This Family

Hey Joe -

I have a family friend with 4 kids and daughter with 2 kids that was burnt out of their rental home on the Eastern Shore of Virginia without insurance and lost everything last week.  I just learned this yesterday.  At the time the daughter was working away from here and did not lose anything in the fire so she has no current needs. 

All total they have a 2, 7, twin 9, 13 and 16 y/o all boys that need everything from shoes to caps.  Mom and Dad need clothes also, 36-30 or thereabouts for the man with an XL shirt and 9-11 size shoes.  For Mom large pants and blouses with approx. 6.5 size shoes.  Right now all that they have is a kitchen table and chairs, dishes and a microwave. 

Currently they are sleeping on the floor with few covers to keep them warm as of recent nights.  Bedding, sheets, dressers, nightstands, lamps, linens, blankets, bookbags, clothing, jackets, pantry items. . . the list goes on an on, we all know what we use on a daily basis to make our lives move.  I will say that they are moving into a 3 bedroom mobile home for now so beds, a couch or 2 and/or loveseat, a recliner and even a small entertainment center/TV stand should suffice. 

They are not folks that want you to dig into your pockets but would rather have that jacket junior doesn't wear, shoes that mama no longer fits into or the bunk beds in the attic.  Likewise, the gentleman is a contractor and lost most of his tools of the trade from rakes and shovels, to power tools, you name it.  The wife barely escaped and has spent a couple nights in the hospital due to smoke inhalation. 

We need to help these folks Joe!  They are hard workers and need a boost.  I don't quite know how to facilitate the logistics of this as I have never done anything like this before but I have an enclosed truck if there is some way we could accumulate donations in order for me to deliver them.

Editors Notes: We are currently working with all parties to get a drop off location and contact numbers. We should have things put together some time this evening and we need your help. You're welcome to contact me in the mean time at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com if you can help in any way. Many of the people involved are Farmers who are out in the fields during the day, so it may take some time to get back to you with answers. Thank You!


  1. Please understand that I don't wish anything bad to happen to good people, but why are we always called upon to bail out those who either fail to be responsible enough to purchase insurance or too cheap to do so? I was laid off from my job 6 months ago and do not have two pennies to rub together. My wife and I also decided that we were not exchanging gifts for our birthdays or Christmas so we can do all we can for our children. We have bills that are behind and have companys calling for payments, but we still maintain insurance and always will if we have things that are necessary to cover! Even when I am broke I would still do what ever I could to help, but why must I help someone that did not chose to help themselves? Again, I am not a scrooge and am not stuck up. I am a Christian man who volunteers for as many things that I can, but these are the same people that bad mouth things like insurance and protection, so did they learn their lesson??

  2. Joe, you should have this woman contact HALO on the corner of Snow Hill and Shiloh. They might be able to help. As well as the other second-hand shops in Salisbury.

  3. 11:52----Perhaps these people couldn't afford insurance.

    "You" do not have to help these people if you don't want to----that is a choice each of us can make ourselves.

    I'm sorry you have lost your job---and it sounds as if you are angry & resentfull! Do remember "these 2 things" get you no where it only stands in the way of your progress.

    For sure I wish you & these people the very best & know people will pull together to help.

    Thanks for helping Joe! EW

  4. 11:52 you should have just kept all that to yourself... i have my problems too, i work everyday, i own my house, and have bills to pay, but right now I CANT afford insurance...so does that make me CHEAP??? and you call yourself a Christian man?? and by the way no one asked YOU to help. should of just kept your big mouth shut. why didnt you post who you were??? coward!!! there are children involved here, be a real man next time nad just help or keep you mouth shut.
    Barbara Kunie ( Salisbury)

  5. Good For You barbara!

    This person is not a Christian. No good Christian would have such a heart.

    No, more than likely its just that other Blogger hiding behind anonymous trying to stir the crap once again.

  6. Same old same old. Many people don't have money for renters insurance but my God they have money to get their nails and hair done. Not to mention they always manage to pay for a cell phone. Some get big, fat tax returns every year and blow it on big screen tvs, clothes, etc and NOT insurance whether it be health, life or renters.

  7. Did they get temporary assistance from the Red Cross?

  8. why haven't they called the Red Cross? Volunteers will meet with them and give them vouchers for food, clothing, shoes, medicines and temporary housing.

    the eastern shore of virginia fire departments don't always call the Red Cross for help like they do in Wicomico and other MD counties.


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