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Friday, November 05, 2010

Obama Doesn’t Rule Out Bypassing Congress To Cap Carbon Emissions

In a White House press conference Wednesday, President Barack Obama did not rule out using regulations issued by the Environmental Protection Agency to cap carbon emissions in the United States without an act of Congress.

Meanwhile, on October 25, the EPA announced new regulations to limit “greenhouse gas” emissions by heavy-duty trucks and buses.

In the last Congress, the House of Representatives passed a “cap-and-trade” bill that would have forced carbon emissions caps on U.S. industry in the interest of protecting the planet against warming. However, the Senate never voted on the bill.

During his Tuesday press conference, Obama initially conceded that Republicans had run for Congress in this election expressly opposing cap-and-trade and that therefore it would be unlikely that cap-and-trade global warming legislation could pass in the upcoming Congress.

“I think there are a lot of Republicans that ran against the energy bill that passed in the House last year,” said Obama. “And so it’s doubtful that you could get the votes to pass that through the House this year or next year or the year after.”

Later in the press conference, Obama was asked if he was “open” to using EPA regulations to limit greenhouse gas emissions in the same way as cap-and-trade legislation. While indicating he would like to work out a compromise with Republicans in Congress, Obama did not rule out using EPA regulation to limit carbon emissions and said the EPA was operating under a “court order” to treat greenhouse gasses as pollutants.

[A court order. Must be more of that pesky judicial legislation-- Editor]
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  1. Now that Global Warming has been proven to be a hoax, it will be necessary to collect the Global Tax some other way. Illegally taxing Americans via the EPA will be the path of least resistance.

    This is the same EPA who refuses to analyze or explain the chemical fallout of the weather modification program. No explanations are offered, no apologies, and absolutely no permission is requested for them to spray us daily from UN and militray aircraft. They have been doing it since 1998 and will continue to do so indefinitely. They create draught and alter the jet stream with the aluminum and barium salts.

  2. u know for the next few months, obama will be doing more of the same throat-cramming he has been doing. he has 2 more years to smooth it out. expect more destruction attempts from the left

  3. Our President, whom I watched take the oath of office, is now saying that the legislature (of the people) is not that important. He can, at will, ignore that part of our government and impose his will by other means. Heil, Obama!!!

  4. Here we go again! This jerk just doesn't care what the people want. It's all about him!

  5. repubs must be more vigilant; pro-active and wise. they can head this man off at the pass.


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