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Friday, November 05, 2010

Is The Old Handshake Worthy Of Your Trust Any More?

As mentioned last night, the majority of business people came to the City Council Meeting in Fruitland to express their frustration towards the new sign ordinance that went into effect prematurely.

Here's what boggles the mind the most. Last night the City Attorney, (Mr. Mitchell) stated that this hasn't even been to the "first reading" yet they were already imposing the new law that hasn't even been been passed. Or at least, that's what they were saying, anyway.

The three new Council Members were just in shock over the newly proposed legislation and stated they wanted nothing to do with it. They clearly exposed signs of disbelief and flat out stated they wouldn't support it. The two standing/remaining Council Members stated they wanted to dig into it some more, one claiming she wasn't there for the "final reading" of the bill and the other stated he's on the fence.

Mind you, that Council member certainly cannot claim they didn't know what was being proposed and just because they weren't there for the final reading doesn't mean they didn't know what was up. This is what kept most of the business people on edge last night, they're not stupid people.

It wasn't until Salisbury News exposed the new legislation that the entire Council went into CYA mode. Many business people are still concerned that this bill may still pass but one thing I can assure all of you is, I am 99.9% confident it will not see the light of day. The new Council Members were sincere last night and quite frankly, they are the majority right now and it will not pass.

The word spread very quickly on the Eastern Shore about this matter as I spoke with other municipal leaders last evening. They too seemed to be against such a proposal for their City's but of course this was after the fact. The main reason why I believe so many were informed was because they had their ears to the ground hoping, (if it had passed) they too could consider proposing such fees to their Towns as well.

Finally, every one needs to keep a close eye on Mr. Gary Comegys, (President of the MML, Maryland Municipal League) and his proposed legislation to allow every City/Town in the State to start proposing fees/taxes on phones, energy bills and all sorts of communist tactics. The MML needs to be stopped and as I mentioned last night, the Fruitland City Council, (on the record) stated to me directly that the ONLY interest they had in Mr. Comegys was the return of the Maryland State highway User Fund being returned to each municipality, where it belongs. Other than they, they do NOT support Mr. Comegys proposal and the Town Manager stated on the record that they have already informed the MML they will not support that legislation.
We'll keep you posted.

In the end, business people and Council Members shook hands as the alleged "misunderstanding" should be put to rest in the very near future.

UPDATE: It turns out I walked into this meeting soon after the Council had proposed repealing the new law/legislation. I was unaware, (based on the two council members still on the council statements) this had taken place. Go Figure!


  1. They will just come up with another way to tax more so they can spend more. Government reps seldom look for ways to decrease -- only keep the money coming in to support their comforts. Whatever happened to real public servants?

  2. While the new council is at it maybe they need to look at other things going on in the city.

  3. 11:19, What makes you think that? Do you know the new council? Why not give them a shot? They are a different breed. They are there as a result of being "fed up citizens". If you couldn't tell that from last nights meeting then you are quite frankly just a complainer. You want good people to run for office, it's no wonder that they don't if this is the kind of crap they will have to deal with. By the way, the council (new) was working on this as soon as one of them had a conversation with a local businessman. Not knocking Joes blog, but the new council is going to be proactive, not just reactive. BELIEVE DAT

  4. 12:06 --

    Joe gets a big thank you for informing the public of this scam by Olinde crowd as a parting gesture.

  5. The sign tax may be killed in Fruitland, but don't be surprised if it comes to life in Salisbury.

  6. Annon: 12:06 Excellent and right to the point. Give the council and Mr. Konrad a chance. They are concerned citizens as well. Mr. Konrad seems to be a person with a keen business sense.

  7. I don't think anyone needs to worry about this new council (the new majority, anyway).
    But there is quite a mess that needs cleaning up, and there will be some screaming and hollering while they do it, but it must be done.
    The sign ordinance was a starting point.

  8. Don't worry. We'll be watching and waiting to see if the new council will do what is right. They passed the first test last night. And now we will see if they will reduce careless spending. The new police station drawing looks like Taj Mahal. We can't afford such an extravagance in this small town. Unbelievable! And have you looked into what has been spent so far just in legal and engineer charges? I'm afraid to ask. I know it would only make me madder.

  9. Chef Stewart of Flannery'sNovember 5, 2010 at 4:47 PM

    I want you to know concerned citizens gave joe the information about the ordanince, the meeting and everything else. Joe has the best outlet in the area to get information out to the public. If we waited for WBOC we would have missed it. The public needs to inform this blog on any happenings in the area. Salisbury better get the example from Fruitland, NOW!!! Stand up and be heard. I personnally spoke with Mr. Outten on Halloween and he went right to work on the issue. These new council members are also fed up with the political blah blah blah wink wink nod nod we have been accustom to. Don't be afraid or scared to state your opnion to anyone of them. Without your imput and a GOOD EAR that cares the same or worse will happen. I moved to Fruitland from Salisbury because of the problems I had at my place of business, and love Fruitland. Salisbury just turned a blind eye to my issues (everyone but Page Elmore and Brad at the Chamber). No one on Salisbury's council, Mayor, Rudy Cane ect. would help. Last night was a true example of people getting things done together. STAND STRONG, STAND UP AND ROAR!!!! Be heard. Attend council meetings, neighborhood meetings, chamber meetings and become informed. This is a start. Lets not stop here!!!


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