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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

House GOP To Push For School Vouchers

Despite the opposition of the incoming D.C. mayor and the Democratic president, key House Republican lawmakers say they will push a popular school-voucher program that was canceled by the Obama administration.

A spokeswoman for Rep. John Kline, Minnesota Republican and likely chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, said her boss and other House leaders continue to support the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship program and intend to pursue its revival.

"Congressman Kline is very focused on restoring the program," spokeswoman Alexa Marrero said.

She added that presumptive House Speaker-to-be John A. Boehner and Rep. Darrell Issa, incoming chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which oversees D.C. affairs, also "remain strong supporters" of the D.C. voucher program.

Advocates "can count on" Rep. Jason Chaffetz, Utah Republican and the ranking member on the Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee that oversees the District of Columbia, to push for re-funding vouchers, said his spokeswoman, Alisia Essig.

In 2009, Mr. Chaffetz co-sponsored Mr. Boehner's Preserving D.C. Student Scholarships Act, which would have re-funded the Opportunity Scholarships program, she added.

In 2004, the Bush administration established the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship program to provide economically disadvantaged students up to $7,500 in tuition to attend private and religious schools of their parents choosing. But President Obama wanted to direct federal dollars elsewhere, and Congress obliged by prohibiting new students from enrolling in the program.

Local school-choice advocates said Mr. Obama opened wide the door for a renewed push for vouchers when, in post-election comments last week, he said that education is one area where he and Republicans might find "potential common ground" in expanding the voucher program to aid children trapped in underperforming D.C. schools.     

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  1. Fix the schools these kids are already stuck in. Otherwise it's a waste to send just a few off to another school .

  2. If the parents want their kids to go to private school, then they can pay for it!
    Why should I have to pay for someon's kid(s) to go to private school?
    That's just not right!
    If you're "economically disadvantaged" then how in the world does that "entitle" you?
    That's what's gone wrong in this country. The ones who have made a "choice" to be economically disadvantaged now want to be given even better options than those of us who choose to work for a living and better ourselves.
    If you're economically disadvantaged, I'm already paying for program after program for your behind - get a job!

  3. 3:34 I agree. Vouchers are nothing more than another form of welfare. People prioritize things in their lives - well most of us do. If private school was a priority, people would set the money aside for that. If they don't have the money to set aside they could make he decision to get a part time job or to cut something else out to make it happen. If they truly don't have the money....stuff happens. It can NEVER mean that everyone else is expected to pay for it. That's socialism....oh that's right...never mind.

  4. I am wagering that only children whose parents already receive government services would be eligible for these vouchers....meaning only them and children of the elite will be in the private schools-which means the children of the working-class poor are shafted yet again.Of course "O" supports it.


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