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Thursday, November 04, 2010

Fruitland City Manager, Attorney & Council To Repeal Sign Ordinance

Rarely ever seen in the City of Fruitland, the new City Council faced one of their largest crowd ever seen inside these chambers. Business Owners stood very firm, challenging the City Manager, City Attorney and two members from the former City Council, we will not stand for such fees.

Let me assure you Folks, I have never seen more dance moves without music than tonight's meeting. The excuses were just flying everywhere, I didn't know it was as bad as it was. I didn't understand it all UNTIL we saw how much the bills came to.

NO, you've just never been on the receiving end of Salisbury News exposing the TRUTH. Business Owners just weren't taking this crap and in fact one of the business owners wanted to know, one by one, I want to know where you stood on this to know how I'll be voting the next go around.

My hat is tipped to WMDT for taking the time to come to this meeting. I tried contacting the VP of WBOC as well to let them know how serious this matter was but they never returned my call. I must say, the new Council Members clearly wanted nothing to do with this legislation and it was very clear on their behalf, it needs to go through the motions until the final reading where they'll simply vote it down.

All too often in our past we always heard, "You cannot fight City Hall." NOT TRUE AT ALL. I will have more on this tomorrow but I wanted to brief you on it tonight to let those who were not there, (it couldn't be many because there was 70 people there tonight) how things went.

More to come.....


  1. Thanks for coming out Joe. As for WBOC we are on the wrong side of their area. There was the canidate meet and greet that 47 canidates and over 350 people came and where was WBOC??? WMDT was there all night. We know they are more interested in Delaware than DELMARVA. Thats ashame becaues they were the news leader. Now I watch WMDT along with many many others...

  2. My hat is tipped to the new council. I feel like we truly have a voice.

  3. Way to go Rosko and crowd! Good job holding the new council accountable!

  4. Outstanding! Kudo's to the council for disposing of this crappy bill and to you Joe for bringing it to everyone's attention and helping to get it flushed like the crap it is.

  5. 7:40
    Im glad Im not the only one that has noticed WBOC does not report on much going on in Maryland. If a chicken crosses the road in Delaware they are there to report about it.

  6. Well I'm so glad Spencer could take the time out of his busy,busy carefree day to grace us with his presents.

    Spencer thanks for your time! Glad to see youhad time to stop spending other peoples money and show.

  7. I knew our new council members wouldn't let us down!

  8. We had our meet and greet. Joe was there covering the meet and took pictures. Joe is everywhere. Fruitland people stand up and fight city hall. With information from Joe we can win.

  9. Thanks again Joe for standing up for us small business owners your support is greatly appreciated. Also thanks to the council for hearing us out and wanting to repeal this ordinance.

  10. turn it up.I'm a little hard hearing. the business journal is where you get the real spin...

  11. This is the way it should be. These people represent YOU, and they work for YOU.
    This is what has been needed for many years-- ACCOUNTABILITY.
    Get used to it Mr Konrad, Mr Mitchell, Mr Carey.
    The lights have been turned on, and they will stay on.
    The City of Fruitland is in for some way-overdue changes.

    (PS- The verification word is 'gater'-- good one! Watch your butts, boys.)

  12. Andy Mitchell should have to repay EVERY CENT that has been paid for anything involving this ordinance, including all the advertising and charge nothing for the work of repealing it.
    What a bogus deal. They should fire him.

  13. Rosko wasn't there. Where was Rosko???

  14. Thanks to the Fruitland Chamber of Commerce for fighting this rotten ordinance.

  15. WBOC's call letters should be CRAP, because that's what they are, they remind me alot of the Daily Times.

  16. Joe:

    Please wake up the suckers in Salisbury, where the City Council recently asked the General Assembly to let them put a sales tax on food, gas & electric bills and telephone bills, and much more. It was Gary Comegys idea.

    We need to pack the City Council here, just like happened tonight in Fruitland, when they meet next week (Nov. 8).

  17. I was at the meeting tonight but please dont think the fight is over. Nothing was repealed tonight only a promise to take it back through the process. They did suspend all the bills sent out until it is gone thru. Everyone still needs to show up at the next couple meetings dealing with this. Only a total repeal of the ordinance should be acceptable. There should be no annual fee for signs. My question is how many complaints were brought to the council over the last few years about crappy or dangerous signs that would have them even consider something as crazy as this? My guess would be little to none. My opinion is this was the complete doing of the new code officer trying to pay for his existence since he used to be a sign shop owner.
    If there are truly dangerous signs or illegal signs then pass an ordinance that penalizes the guilty, don't just group all owners as guilty. If you don't want all the beer & cig signs plastered all over the place then outlaw them or place strict rules regarding them.

  18. Like his hero Bob Ehrlich, their attorney, Mr. Mitchell, thinks that a fee is not a tax.

  19. Joe ... just a short note to say "THANK YOU" ... a hundred times over ... for your coverage on Fruitlands sign issue. We would also like to thank the "NEW" city council members for their anticipated REPEAL of the sign ordinance in question. They handled the meeting tonight with a different attitude than previously experienced. Joe ... please keep up the great work you do to expose the wrong doings ... or mistakes that happen in local communities. "WE THE PEOPLE" came alive again tonight here in Fruitland, Maryland. Thank you SBY NEWS and Joe Albero and thank you so much to the business owners and citizens of our little town. Joe Albero ... "BIG BROTHER" will be watching! With much respect ... The Pusey Family.

  20. Andy Mitchell should go the way of his brother Seth-----OUT

  21. To The Pusey Family & Others,

    "A Mirror Can Only Reflect The Image You Put Into It".

    When this Council was placed in front of that mirror, there was no denying who was who.

    I believe the citizens of Fruitland will be well served with this new Council. It was the first day of School today for many and together, (and I mean all of you) YOU made a difference.

    The only tool Salisbury News provided was the chalk board for all to see. You were civil, yet you meant business and they knew it. Good for all of you.

    I have always enjoyed coming to Fruitland as it is a wonderful community. You have many battles facing you with the water and sewer as well as taxes, impact fees and so forth. However, you're a community of volunteers who have always proven to be unconditional to the City. It was time for the City to recognize that tonight and that they did.

    Please stand as brothers and sisters in your other local municipalities to fight Mr. Comegys and the MML proposals wanting to allow ALL Maryland Municipalities to add additional taxes to all sorts of things. Stuart from Flannery's can fill you in on the details and it's important you call him and ask about it because it will kill your businesses. It was nice to hear your City Manager say they do not endorse Mr. Comegys proposal but every other municipality will need your support.

    Together we can beat Big Brother.

    Thank you for the kind words.

  22. Wow Anonymous 8:15 if you do your homework a little more you would know that I have been at alot of these meetings, check the attendance logs...

    Anyway if you have such a problem with me, why dont you come on down or call me and we can either see what we can do to meet in the middle or we can agree to disagree.

  23. Andy Mitchell needs to get out or be fired.He is a joke to Fruitland.I am suprised,how some people act.I don'like him or his place brother,Seth,and what are they doing for our community.I'll tell you one thing about Seth Mitchell.Talking about other people is gossip,and what has either one of the Mitchell brother's done for our kids in this town? Well,NOTHING.I thought Fruitland would be a good place to live,not anymore.We can'afford to live here. Our taxes,sewer,water,and everything is higher than anywhere else,right? And this sign issue, for God's sake,Andy leave these businesses alone.I know that you must be making a bloody fortune off these poor people in Fruitland, put your money where your mouth fits,and sitting on your A--.,To the council,you all better ask God for help on this mess.Don't look to Conrad,what is he going to do,he is not God,and this town needs to stop trying to make people MAD. All I can say is, GOD help us all!!!

  24. I once again have to tip my hat to Joe Albero. SBYnews has done more to effect change in our regions political arena than any other entity that I know to date.

    Thank you SBYnews. You are a valuable resource for our community.


  25. I have confidence in Mr. Konrad and this Council to do the right thing. In my opinion, Mr. Konrad
    will be a great asset to our city in support of businesses both small and large. Give these folks a chance.

  26. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for coming out Joe. As for WBOC we are on the wrong side of their area. There was the canidate meet and greet that 47 canidates and over 350 people came and where was WBOC??? WMDT was there all night. We know they are more interested in Delaware than DELMARVA. Thats ashame becaues they were the news leader. Now I watch WMDT along with many many others...

    7:40 PM

    WBOC was in Delaware pimping for Chris Coons!

  27. Anonymous said...

    Like his hero Bob Ehrlich, their attorney, Mr. Mitchell, thinks that a fee is not a tax.

    9:44 PM

    Typical Dumbocrat Kool Aid drinker who heard some of Owe'Malleys negative attacks on the MSM. Bob Ehrlich is well aware of a fee and a tax. Your heroes Marty and Norman are the ones that screwed us with the taxes and fees. They are smart enough to know that people like you are stupid enough to fall for their lies and get re-elected.

    You idiots will be sorry you put O'Malley and Conway and the likes back in office.

  28. Mr. Rains

    My problem with you is that you are one of the problems in Fruitland! How many times have you been contacted about the conditions of the property that you own? Your property is a eyesore to the area. You allow garbage to blow all over hell and creation, the traffic problems that are caused by the trucks that you and your tennants have racing in and out of your property blocking the streets and at one of the most dangerous intersection of Fruitland. I have heard ALL of your own tenants dont want to be there and would move if not for a iron claded lease and the fear of lawsuits! The poor homeowners and business around you I feel so sorry for them, and just because you were so buddy, buddy with the "former" council members and got away with alot of things that most of us would not. But its a new day in Fruitland! So keep shaking hands with the likes of Ray Carey and you go ahead and kiss and hug all over Ms. Ortiz.

    So go spend some more of other peoples money, sit at your big desk that was given to you,figure out which toy you are going to play with today.. and please, please grace us with your presents.....NOT.

  29. Wow - 8:42 AM...

    I don't know who you are but you sure DO NOT know Spencer Rains. He was NOT given his business...or his "big desk" as you put it. Nor does he have tenants on his property...or block the intersection. I have been in and out of the property tons of times and my troubles with seeing are always from the trailers next to the property - not Spencer's property. I really think you need to talk to Spencer about your issue instead of slugging allogations about him and his company all over the place.

  30. I agree with 12:55 I dont think that you have the right people named here 8:42, I can only assume that your referencing the property inwhich Catering by Chef Steward (Flannery's)is located. That property is owned by Adams Rentals A.K.A (Kris & Kevin Adams). (On a side note Kris Adams is the President of SAPOA this is a scary bunch of Slumlords in salisbury who have their eyes dead set on Fruitland as their next breeding growns) I cannot agree more with 8:42 on the conditions and the traffic associated with the with the property that Adams housing runs there. I have heard thru the "grapevine" that Spencer and Steward Davis almost came to blows in the parking lot and that Adams Rentals was trying to steal 10-14 feet of his property under somekind of maintenance domain law? Gotta watch out for Crazies!


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