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Friday, November 05, 2010

Don't Believe What You Read On Salisbury News

Mr. Mitchell started off last nights meeting with that statement. Mr. Mitchell, do tell the residents of Fruitland how we lied in any way, shape or form. In fact, didn't we provide documents to PROVE everything we were saying was true, of course we did.

You better do a whole lot better than making such a statement when I'm not in the room because you had plenty of opportunity to challenge me last night when I did come through the door. But like a coward, you did not.

You remind me of your Brother, or is it the other way around. It doesn't matter.


  1. He has been robbing Fruitland for years. Fruitland, like Salisbury, needs a new city attorney with interest in something other than his pocketbook. Most of the work he has done has been self-generated.

  2. Ha! Mitchell would end you Joe

  3. anonymous 1:34, why do I gert the feeling this is one of the two. Bring it on!

  4. Joe:

    If he sues you, ask Seth to defend you!

  5. Joe , he looks a lot like Comegy , Mmm and acts like him too. Lawyers , disgusting people who milk society.
    Go get em Joe , burn his butt!

  6. Makes know difference but I went to Bennett with Andy Mitchell and he was one hell of a football player and wrestler.

  7. Does Mitchell have a contract? If not, why not?

  8. ya just better stay where you belong, trouble maker. Our city residents can read and decide on our issues without your tainted objections. oh yea, you look like a goofball sitting behind that desk.

  9. The business-owners in Fruitland would BANKRUPT the City if they chose to bring a lawsuit against them. I guarantee each and every one of them would gladly pony-up what they were expected to pay for their signs to retain a very competent attorney. I would suggest they get on the "right" side of the fence on this issue or they will find themselves embroiled in a situation they never thought possible.

  10. HA HA!! That fat porker (Mitchell) can't even end a meal....lol! I'm positive that just 10 seconds into a REAL fight, he'd be GASPING for breath and to have a little fun, just hit him and run a little ways away...it would be hilarious....him and Jonathan Taylor should stage a Sumo match for charity, but it's a good chance some of the proceeds would end up "missing"...

  11. Well if this job was so "wanted" why doesnt sombody else get retainted? I mean Pick, or Mitchell have gone thru alot of Admin changes, and if there was a better choice dont you think that they would have taken it? Is there a qualification for "city attorney" I mean is it like a specialty? are there other people who are qualified?

  12. He looks like he needs something to eat......NOT !!!

  13. 1:34
    Thats an interesting statement because no one has brought him down yet!

  14. 2:54, what don't you understand? The council is on the "right" side of it. BTW, there is nothing illegal about the ordinance. Cities all over do this. Doesn't mean it is right, but NOT illegal.

  15. I've sat and watched Andy during a council meeting. He doesn't sit and listen. There has been times when he's actually stopped Greg in the middle of a word to give his views. Instead of looking at Greg he'll turn to face those in attendance and address them as if he's part if the council. It'll be interesting to see if this new council president will allow Andy to walk all over him. Lee, I voted for you. I believe in you. Don't let us down. As for you Andy, I believe Joe especially when I see the documents to prove it. I also saw seven different bills from local businesses. I don't read every single comment because they aren't signed. Joe doesn't hide who he is, I can call him at any time if I need to discuss something with him. We don't always see eye to eye on everything but at the end of the day I'm glad to have him as a friend. Andy, I wonder about what you said last night. How much of it had to do with Joe bringing this to the residents attention or are you still upset over Seth's spanking?

  16. 3:46 Nobody in Fruitland has ever wanted to stand up to Mitchell when he's made mistakes and ticked off people at meetings. The new council should start looking around. Any good attorney could learn municipal law just like Mitchell has done. With all those closed meetings to discuss personnel issues they better find someone with more experience in employment law.

  17. ya just better stay where you belong, trouble maker. Our city residents can read and decide on our issues without your tainted objections.

    You sound like a little boy who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Sucks to be shown for what you are isn't it?

    Keep up the excellent work Joe.

  18. Calling somebody down is one thing, but the mean-spirited comments about his weight, etc are out of line.

    Mr Mitchell has not done right in and for Fruitland for a long time now-- he's milking the town dry writing ordinances, letters, phone calls, etc., but that's mostly because the town hasn't had a competent city manager or council for ages (till now), and they've encouraged it by leaning on him for virtually everything.
    But he has not maintained his proper role as city attorney, either-- he's been running the town for years.
    A proper city attorney would have told them-- "You are the ones to decide what you want to do- I'll just tell you if it's legal or not."
    If Andy Mitchell is going to stay as the city attorney, he needs to BACK OFF, humble down, and do just what he's asked to do by the council president.
    And if he's going to stay, he needs to stop making excuses and get his work done right and on time, and be absolutely certain he knows what he's talking about before he opens his mouth, instead of firing off the half-baked comments he's become famous for.
    He's done the taxpayers a great disservice, especially in this bogus sign ordinance, and he should not only repay all the fees he charged for doing it, but also all the fees for advertising it, and he shouldn't charge a DIME for anything related to making it right.
    If his heart is in the right place, I believe that's what he will do. Otherwise I think he should resign.

  19. 6:41 PM
    you still haven't named them jerk


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