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Monday, November 01, 2010

BREAKING NEWS: Critical Accident On Rt. 113

There has been a major accident on Rt. 113, in Newark, MD..... Four confirmed fatal and four sent by helicopters. Units are still on the scene. More to come.......

The image above is not from the scene.


  1. I heard the scanner when Newark's EMS Unit went on location he stated looks like multiple patients. He also requested 2 additional EMS units and then requested the next due Rescue truck. I am sorry to hear about 4 fatalities. I hope this isn't true. God Bless them and their families.

  2. That is terrible news. One of the worst things I've heard about in awhile. That's all it is lately is tragic bad things happening. So sad and so sorry for all involved. God Bless them all.

  3. This is such terrible news. My prayers go out to the families involved. This stretch of Rt. 113 needs badly to be completed to four lanes. There are few places to pass and obviously a lot of frustrations by impatient drivers. Money should be alloted to complete dual Rt. 113 ASAP!!!! Lives will continue to be lost until then.


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