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Thursday, November 04, 2010

Boehner Expects 'Whale Of A Fight' With Obama

John Boehner, the man expected to be the next speaker of the House, tells Fox News he expects to go toe-to-toe with the president over taxes and health care.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. if you are tired of socialism at its best,you better grab um by the horns or you know where the horn is goin....cut the fed.people still dont get it.

  2. The historic election was not so the Republicans work with this Socialist!

  3. This election was not about Democrats losing ground or Republicans gaining ground. It was about people getting ousted for not getting the job done. This could flip 180 degrees again in the next election. People only want the politicians they elect to do what they are paid to do. In the future we will see a lot of single term politicians who will be getting the boot for not stepping up. I feel certain that in 2012, if we are still looking at 10% unemployment, high foreclosure rates,... you will see a lot more of those current long term politicians out of a job.

  4. No doubt 10:22PM WORD!!


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