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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

ACORN Bankruptcy Filing Raises New Questions And Concerns

While the rest of the nation was out voting last Tuesday, ACORN -- the major voter registration organization in cities and among the poor -- was quietly filing for bankruptcy in a Brooklyn, N.Y., courthouse a few blocks from its main office. 

But despite the bankruptcy filing, many of the group's critics remain suspicious of the community organizers' intentions.

Court documents show that ACORN -- the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now -- suffered a massive loss of public support over the past two years, and that the group and six affiliates now are more than $8.6 million in debt and have only $218,709 in cash. 

According to the filings, ACORN took in $46.1 million in 2008. That dropped to $16.2 million last year, and contributions dwindled to just $1.57 million in the first 10 months of this year.

GO HERE to read more.

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