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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Places Where You Can Pay To Stay Behind Bars

One former Turkish prison is now a luxurious Four Seasons Hotel

What cage is three stories high, rotates, and was designed for human beings, not rats?

It’s the Squirrel Cage Jail in Council Bluffs, Iowa, and from 1885 to 1969, this prison stacked its inmates in pie-shaped cells that revolved, so jailers could see all the prisoners from a single vantage point. If it sounds like a lazy Susan jail, that’s exactly what it was — and it’s the only one ever built.

Prisons have long been popular tourist destinations; famous spots like San Francisco’s Alcatraz, Cape Town’s Robben Island, and the Clink in London allow travelers a glimpse at their infamous past — sometimes with a tour from former inmates. But other less-famous jails — often a bit more off the beaten path — have strange features or an odd history that equally warrant a detour.

GO HERE to see more.

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