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Friday, October 15, 2010

Obama, Biden Campaign To Hold VP's Old Senate Seat

Delaware stop offers opportunity to portray O'Donnell as symbol of far-right GOP

It's a rare bright spot on the campaign trail for President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden: a visit to Delaware to rally support for keeping Biden's old Senate seat in Democratic hands.

With Tea Party-backed Republican Christine O'Donnell lagging badly in the polls against Democrat Chris Coons, the trip Friday could as much as anything serve as a chance for Obama to highlight O'Donnell's hardline views and argue that she's a symbol of a far-right GOP.

It is part of a busy campaign homestretch that will send Obama from coast to coast trying to raise money and generate enthusiasm for Democratic candidates trying to hold the party's majorities in the House and Senate. He's wrapping up the week with additional trips to Massachusetts and Ohio.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. I'm glad to know that the country is such good shape with it's economy, jobs, unemployment etc that the men that hold the 2 highest offices of the land can go on a coast to coast fundraiser.

  2. If Obama is so influential why is he in DE campaigning for Coons who is 20 pts ahead in the polls?
    Why isn't he out stumping for Reid, Feingold or Manchin in WV?
    Talk about a legend in one's own mind.


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