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Monday, October 18, 2010

Is Seth Mitchell Intimidating Residents And Business Owners?

Last week we reported a story about how Seth Mitchell confronted a woman in her 80's about having a Matt Maciarello sign in their yard. In comments I had exposed how this person was actually my Mother In Law.

We soon started seeing Seth Mitchell signs in the very same yards that originally had Matt Maciarello signs already there. TWO signs in one yard, that just doesn't make sense.

This weekend we started seeing Seth Mitchell signs popping up next to Matt Maciarello signs at business locations as well, hence the photo above. Seth placed his sign next to Matt's, almost in an attempt to block it, especially if you're heading south on Rt. 13.

Come on Seth, GROW UP and stop acting like a bully. If this isn't reason enough to vote for Matt Maciarello, well, just wait until my next post. It will seal the deal for who WILL be our next States Attorney in Wicomico County.


  1. It is obvious to me that Mitchell doesn't have the organization in his campaign. He has all shapes, sizes, colors and messages on his signs which is consider dumb. WE need someone with more organization than this campaign is showing. Vote for Matt!

  2. He swithes his signs to what he thinks we want to hear. The signs used to say Demand responsibility refering the Davis's DD. Now they say 23 years experience. As if Matt has only a few years.

  3. It isn't what his signs say that turns me off, it is what Seth says and his demeanor.

  4. Joe, Have not seen anything about when early voting starst here in our area? any idea? Libs run things here , probably scared of too much turnout!!

  5. Where can I get a Matt Maciarello sign for my yard-I can bet you one place you won't see a Seth Mitchell sign next to that one!

  6. Has anyone checked on why Seth left the States Attornys office the first time? How about an explaintion of why he left the Public Defenders office? He brags about having working there is he willing to share his performance reviews?

  7. I heard a judge banned him from one of the court and he was fired from a state job. Just rumors that I know of can anyone confirm/deny

  8. His behavior has been truly classless. Matt and his family have put up with the most juvenile behavior and threats from Mitchell and his shady crew.

  9. 12:59 Go to Mattforstatesattorney.com send him an email. The address is under the contact section. Or you can pick signs up at the republican HQ.

  10. Seth Mitchell is emmbarassing himself with the things he is doing and saying in this campaign. If he were to become our next State's Attorney he would embarrass our courts, our law enforcement, and the citizens of Wicomico County. No one in the State's attorney's office wants him in, no one in law enforcement wants him in. Enough Said!

  11. He says true experience which is a lie. He has 0 years experience as the State's Attorney. He is trying to confuse voters. He was a prosecutor for almost 3 years 20 years ago, big deal. The second in command at the PD office, where he used to work, came out in support of Matt. The police came out in support of Matt. Mike Lewis came out in support of Matt. Can the daily times do a little bit of investigation here before we have another sham election and wake up on November 3 wondering who we just elected. I mean almost all his big signs are in front of pawn shops for pete's sake!

  12. How many businesses did you terrorize just having signs of candidates that you didn't approve of? You think people forget all the crap you've done in the past. Believe me, they don't.

    I'm hearing no Sam's or Wal-Mart for you this year Mr. Big Stuff. I guess you'll have to wait till it snows to make videos of you doing great things.

    You're a two-bit punk.

  13. I had my Maciarello sign stolen from my front yard on Camden Ave. I had seen several other Maciarello signs in the area; they have all disappeared.

    As for when early voting starts, the first dsy is Oct.22 (Friday) from 10 until 8 at the Civic Center. It goes for six straight days, escluding Sunday.

  14. Does not appear that there is a "by the Authority of" line on that sign by the way.

  15. I put up a Matt sign in my yard...let me catch seth putting up one and he can come get it. Anyone else he has pulled this on can call them to come get it or just put it in the trash can.

  16. We also have a Matt sign in our yard and found ourselves confronted by Seth with an angry demeanor asking why we would vote for Matt and not him. When we replied simply that it was our right to vote for the candidate of our choice, he left obviously disgusted. He does not have the personal qualities that a man representing the law abiding citizens of our county should have!

  17. the placement of that sign shows his level of commonsense.


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