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Monday, October 18, 2010

Fire On Division Street


  1. Joe It bothers me alot why these
    "apartments" are allowaed to stay a place to live. There is only one wqay out of this place on the second floor. The fire was in the stairs, in the wall, and the whole next to it. The male living in the upstairs actually jumped down the front of the building off a porch. If there had been children in there they could not get out. There is no other way out of this unit! The other sescond sstory apartments on the same block have the same delima. I have ask code ande compliance about this. I wsas told there is a stairwell to get down. This is INSIDE of the center of the house. When there is a fire on the first floor where does it go? UP... Several of these houses have lots of children living in them and it is NOT fair to put their lives in danger for a few dollars to build and outside fire escape..There again it is our government telling us what is best for us.

  2. What about it slumlords - why do you keep putting people in harms way? Just for the almighty dollar?
    Shame on You!

  3. But but but the slumlords of salisbury don't want any regulation.


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