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Monday, October 25, 2010

Coons Took 'Bearded Marxist' Turn

An article Democrat Chris Coons wrote for his college newspaper may not go over so well in corporation-friendly Delaware, where he already faces an uphill battle for Vice President Joe Biden’s old Senate seat.

The title? “Chris Coons: The Making of a Bearded Marxist.”

In the article, Coons, then 21 years old and about to graduate from Amherst College, chronicled his transformation from a sheltered, conservative-minded college student who had worked for former GOP Delaware Sen. William Roth and had campaigned for Ronald Reagan in 1980 into a cynical young adult who was distrustful of American power and willing to question the American notion of free enterprise.

Coons, the New Castle County executive who is running against GOP Rep. Michael Castle for the state’s open Senate seat, wrote of his political evolution in the May 23, 1985, edition of the Amherst Student.

The source of his conversion, Coons wrote, was a trip to Kenya he took during the spring semester of his junior year—a time away from America, he wrote, that served as a “catalyst” in altering a conservative political outlook that he was growing increasingly uncomfortable with.

“My friends now joke that something about Kenya, maybe the strange diet, or the tropical sun, changed my personality; Africa to them seems a catalytic converter that takes in clean-shaven, clear-thinking Americans and sends back bearded Marxists,” Coons wrote, noting that at one time he had been a “proud founding member of the Amherst College Republicans.”

GO HERE to read more.


  1. Okay, I'll say it. While he was in Kenya did he meet Obama?

  2. I bet if you follow the money the stimulus went right to Kenya.

  3. I guess we will see how smart Delawareans are.

  4. Erlich or O'Malley...Coons Or O'Donnell...the list is endless...which incompetent idiot do we pick from and expect anything other than imbecilic performance?...are these people the BEST that rise to the top?? Are the people supposed to think that THEY can lead us to better economies? To a more stable and productive future? To a less reckless and elitist government?? On a scale of 1-10, these choices are about a 3, maybe......

  5. Simple political theatrics. No matter which candidate you support, I hope that you would do so based on their plans for the economy, national security, etc. and not on 'bearded Marxist' or "witchcraft'

  6. Uphill battle??... Good one. I like how the article states he is running against mike castle when it is actually the loon christine o'donnell.

  7. 12:16 Coons is a Marxist and you call O'Donnell a loon ? Based on what or is that just the usual drive by stuff the left is so fond of?

  8. 12:16, it's not that the article is incorrect, it's just that it's so out-dated it's from before the primaries....if you click "GO HERE", you'll see the article is from all the way back in May.
    Maybe we can get some more updated information here??

  9. 5:53 The point of the article is Coons political transformation from a Capitalist to a Marxist after a trip to Kenya. wake up !


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