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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Comment On Biden-Kratovil Fundraiser

“Frank Kratovil voted for the $800 billion Obama-Pelosi stimulus and continues to call it a ‘good thing.’ And for him, it is: Joe Biden’s thank-you visit will add hundreds of thousands of dollars to his campaign account. But for everyday Marylanders, it’s wasted their money and failed to create jobs. Contrary to the congressman’s belief, that’s not a ‘good thing’ – but it’s a great reason to fire him.” – Andy Seré, NRCC spokesman

Since Frank Kratovil voted for the $800 billion Obama-Pelosi stimulus, Maryland has lost tens of thousands of jobs:

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics for Maryland, 2009-2010

Yet Kratovil has continued to defend it, saying this summer: “The stimulus was a good thing. It's a good thing we did it.”

Most Marylanders clearly aren’t seeing any benefits from the stimulus, but Kratovil’s right in one respect: supporting the stimulus was a “good thing” for his campaign coffers:

“Vice President Joe Biden will help fatten Kratovil's account today, when he headlines a fundraiser in Bethesda for the Eastern Shore congressman.” (Baltimore Sun, 10/27/10)


  1. Bad move, Frankie-boy. It's right up there with NPR firing Juan Williams.

    Folks on the Shore don't cotton to that Bethesda-Montgomery County crowd and consider Biden to be a stand up comedian posing as a politico.

  2. George Bush initiated the stimulus.

  3. Folks on the Shore don't cotton to that Bethesda-Montgomery County crowd

    Your showing your ignorance.


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