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Thursday, October 14, 2010


Parsonsburg EMS dispatched to WOR-WIC for an accidental shooting at the Police Academy. More to come....

UPDATE: We're told one cadet did in fact shoot himself in the foot. He will be fine.

Correction- It was a Salisbury University Officer that shot himself in the foot.


  1. Sounds like someone may have accidentally shot their self in the foot. Maybe a future Barny Fife!

  2. What was a officer candidate doing with a live round in his weapon at the academy. At the range yes, but not the academy which also serves as the community college.

  3. He might as well become a bus driver or something (no offense intended to bus drivers)...he'll NEVER live THAT down.

  4. Do you mean he shot himself in the foot - or he "shot himself in the foot"?

    Literally? or Figuratively?

    If a person literally shot himself in the foot, then wouldn't that mean that . . . in terms of having a job as an armed law enforcement officer . . . he/she also "shot himself in the foot" figuratively?

    Can one still be an officer after having shot one's self in the foot?

    Wife, I lost my job today.
    Really? How?
    I shot myself in the foot.
    What do you mean? What did you do?
    I shot myself in the foot.
    Yes, but how did you shoot yourself in the foot?
    I pulled the trigger and shot myself in the foot!
    Oh MY! You mean you actually shot yourself in the foot!

    Get it?

  5. Sounds more like the Mayor...

  6. I am sorry that the cadet had to rely on the services of Parsonsburg EMS. They got rid of all the good providers that they had. Some BAD stories are coming out of that place.

  7. I think people should be glad that he wasn't killed nor anyone else. Instead of the jerks on this blog making jokes about it. Police are under enough scrutiny. Don't forget the officer is human. A terrible mistake was made.

  8. And that is why university police should stay at the university

  9. totally agree!!! way to go ex-Lt. Col. and el presidente!!

  10. lets see, how many gun handling rules did he violate?
    1) treat every gun as if it were loaded-NOPE

    2)know your target and what is behind it-NOPE

    3)do not point your weapon at anything you do not wish to destroy-NOPE

    4)keep your finger off of the trigger until you are ready to fire-NOPE!

    Looks like he failed firearms training to me!

  11. 10:39--yes, we get it. We're not all dolts. We do know the difference between figurative and literal. But thanks for the elucidation, though I'd have to agree with 11:20 that that's a lot of work.unse

  12. 12:07 I am glad that no one was seriously injured or killed however, how you can fail to see the irony here is beyond me. not sure if they should give em guns if they dont know how to properly handle one yet. yes a terrible mistake was made, one that should not have happened if they are far enough into training that they are using loaded guns.this person responsible should consider another line of work.

  13. Officer was Joel Davies of the SU Police Dept. Is a great officer that had an unfortunate accident. He is not a cadet or a new officer so stop with all of the jokes, etc. He is a great husband and father and they are lucky that it was not worse than it was.

  14. Give that officer a Tazer!

  15. Is this guy related to John Robinson.

  16. Looks like there will be an opening at SUPD soon folks.

  17. yea it is a tragic mistake. Accidental discharge is accidental. Shouldn't be excused by no means. And yes the guy will never live it down, even if he makes it thru academy. He will always be the guy who shot himself in the foot. But look at how many cadets go thru an academy Nationwide. this doesn't happen often folks. Just hope if he stays in he will learn from his mistke and he will prolly end up being the safest gun handler in the police force who has shot himself!!

  18. I am so glad u all r having fun at this mans tragic mistake. U people are need to get a job. O that's right most of u don't.

  19. I hope the officer recovers. EVERYONE makes mistakes and EVERYONE has accidents.
    Sweet Lord will you help all these perfect people off their thrones.

  20. The guy isn't a cadet? roflmbo that makes it even more funny. You losers keep on defending him. You're funny too.

  21. There are people behind bars for discharging a loaded weapon in a private dwelling, wreckless endagerment for 7 years, felony charge. Is this guy in jail? discharging a loaded weapon in a public school? why not? he needs to get the same charges as anyone private citizen would get!! Put him in jail. What would a gang banger get for doing the same thing?

  22. 12:08: I remember when a city officer accidental discharged his weapon and shot another officer. It happens folks, they are called accidents. No one was seriously hurt that's the big picture.
    When you get behind the wheel tomorrow morning, you don't expect an accident, yet you carry insurance. It can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime, and any occupation. Grow up people.

  23. Will this be treated as a double standard? Will he get off with "a mistake"? If he was from Booth St, would he be treated as a "thug"? or menace to society? a random act of violence at a local college? As a community we need to be careful how we demonize some and excuse others. shouuldn't law enforcement be held to a higher standard? Wonder how this will play out............... Glad he's OK!

  24. gee wiz. glad he is fine. But may want to give him one bullet and make him keep it in his pocket. Come on people have a sense of humor.

  25. 8:07 pm, how about if you go back and read up on what actually defines reckless endangerment. Next, back up your statement regarding exactly how many people are incarcerated for reckless endangerment, and for what amount of time, with some facts.

  26. Anon 5:53, LOL butno he can't be. Robinson uses only old ammo that disintegrates upon impact, or so he says!

  27. The officer who shot himself is a good officer and family man. I'm glad he is ok and no one got seriously injured. He doesn't deserve these ignorant and rude comments, but I guess it's typical for the eastern shore. Also, I know of accidental shootings that occurred within other state and local agencies, so no one is perfect.

  28. These SU officers are only at su for two reasons, they retired and its a second career ie: Ed. lashley and the others that were cops elsewhere and for whatever reason could not hack it in the real police world. Not much more then security guards. Glad he is ok, but what does he need advanced officer survival skills for?

  29. Why did they call an ambulance ?? They should have juct called a TOE TRUCK.

  30. Question for all you Code Blue defenders: what if he shot (by your definition by accident) an innocent bystander in a public school? Would you defend him or throw him under the bus like any other? Plaxico Burris shot himself and is in prison. If you want mercy and understanding for one of your own....then give it to everyone else and keep your ignorant comments to yourself when a high school kid shoots someone in one of our local high schools. Or, do you want everyone treted the same? Wonder how our community will respond? Wonder what charges will be given? Is he white? Is he from Booth Street? These aren't rude comments at all. Fair is fair! By your definition, everyone makes mistakes?

  31. 8:33 Look at the history of how gun violations are prosecuted in Wicomico County. Possession is bad enough. Discharging one in a public setting is the worst case scenario. Don't defend one of your own for what could have been a fatal mistake to an innocent victim.

  32. Are you people crazy?! How can you reasonably put this incident in the same class as the Plaxico Burress incident or a westside gang banger discharging a firearm? Give me a break. There's a huge difference between a police officer in legal possession of a handgun in training and someone UNLAWFULLY carrying a firearm in a NYC Nite Club. Anybody with an IQ larger than their shoe size can see that.

  33. First note: While in the military I had one friend accidentally shoot another friend while timeing the unloading, tear-down, and rebuild of his 9mm. The victim lived, but the shooter was convicted and sentenced to a matter of years in prison.

    Second note: I personally had accidentally discharged my weapon once, but not only did it not turn out too bad, but I actually received a DAUGHTER 9 months later! I am thankful everyday for that accident!

  34. 10:17PM, Don't hate!


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