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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

2 Weeks - Let's Take Back The House

This campaign is based on the simple goal of defeating an incumbent Congressman who forgot the reason he was sent to Washington.  When I started my 2010 campaign, many people said Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama’s support for Frank Kratovil made him unbeatable. But I held strong to my belief that Washington D.C. is broken and that we need someone to step up and do their part to change things.

We've come a long way since those early days, and now we finally have the chance to cast our vote and break up the team we have in Washington.  We're now two weeks away from Election Day – and I need you to stand with me in this fight.

As I travel around the District, it's clear our campaign has the momentum and enthusiasm to win this election.  To keep this momentum going, it's vitally important you stand with me and do your part for this campaign.  Below, you will find the three things you can do right now to help the campaign.

My opponent has grown desperate.  He and his Democrat friends are spending millions of dollars to attack me.  Despite these phony attacks, Frank Kratovil knows that he can't run away from his record of lost jobs and a stalled economy.

Our campaign has been endorsed by several prominent organizations – Vets for Freedom, The Trust in Small Business, Gun Owners of America, Associated Gun Clubs and many of Maryland’s leaders.  You can view all of my endorsements on my campaign website.

I've always maintained that this campaign is not about me, it’s about the people of Maryland’s First District.  Now is your chance to stand with me – let's send a new team to Washington and get our country back on track!

Thank you for your support.

Andy Harris, M.D.

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