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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Today's Survey Question

Are You Fed Up With The Kratovil & Harris TV Ads?


  1. I'm more fed up with the negative ads that the special interest groups sponser in both the MD Congressional campaign and the DE Senate campaign. If you can believe half of that stuff you must wonder why the candidates aren't in jail ! It is disgusting.

  2. A cute one was just on showing Kratovil as a Rockette. He needs to go home.

  3. Yes, especially Harris.


    All the rest of them too!

  5. Yes. But it did educate me about two things. The flat tax is worth doing but will probably not happen for many years, and that Kratovil is, well, stick a fork in him, he's done.

  6. Yes!! Typical mudslinging that you see in every election. The TV stations are getting rich off of those two.

  7. Absolutely! I am sick of politicians attacking thier opponent as opposed to telling me what THEY stand for and what changes they would make if elected.

  8. I agree with 12:18! Yes to the question also.

  9. No, but I don't watch local yocal TV stations and the wall street journal doesn't cover the redneck races.

  10. not at all. i love em!

  11. I'm tired of ALL of the mudslinging done by folks on both sides of the fence. They don't play nice before elected, so you have a good idea that things will be slippery once they are elected.

  12. if the politicians could raise the money to save the economy like they raise money to save their jobs we would be so much better off. i am tired of it all!!

  13. being fed-up with political ads goes without saying. I will admit to being fed-up with just Kratovil in general as well!

  14. I do not condone the negative adds , the way Kravotil has slung mud at Harris is sick.
    It has confirmed my vote with Harris.

  15. I sick of them all!! Thank God I have Directv so I don't have to put up with that unless I want to watch 16 or 47.

  16. YES!!! Can't anyone run an honest campaign? Leave the mud in the playground.

  17. yes sir. Whats really amazing is the fact that niether side can see what negative campaigning did the Mike Castle.

  18. Sick of all of them before they started. LIES LIES and MORE LIES

  19. Yes. So tired of all the ads. From everyone.

  20. My goodness , I'm sick of it , that Kratovil guy needs a good spanking. That's not fair what he's doing!

  21. The one comment brought up a very good question. Why aren't they Both in in jail, or at the very least, out of politics?

  22. Only the Kratovil ads. He is what is is, the ads can't change that.

  23. No, If i were to base my vote on the silly ads, then maybe I shouldn't be voting, its about what good they will do for the state not about silly ads

  24. Contrary to popular belief, TV stations are not exactly getting rich from this. Under Federal law, stations MUST run the ads at the LOWEST price category, the same prices they charge for public service announcements and non-profit ads. Ads for Pohanka, Mattress Discounters, etc. are much more profitable and stations consider the political stuff to be a royal pain in the butt.

  25. A necessary evil, since most voters make their judgments from tv ads rather than careful research and voting records.
    Nov. 2 can't get here fast enough.

  26. Way to be "unbiased" Joe.

  27. Yes, I'm fed up with them as well as the O'Donnell-Coons ads in DE. I think one factor in Harris' '08 defeat was the tone of his ads; in some cases, I felt he went over the top. I am a devoted, active Republican, but I could see myself voting for Kratovil--because of the anti-Kratovil ads as well as his relative moderate stances.

  28. I love all the talk about fiscal responsibility then see ad after ad, costing dollar after dollar.

    I'm sick of all ads, yard signs, UNSOLICITED phone calls, etc.

  29. What about Andy Harris's ads are mudslinging? I must have missed his ads. I draw a big distinction between an ad that shines a light on someone's voting record and an ad that out right mistatements of facts. Kratovil's ads about a 23% tax is a lie. If we had an informed electorate, they would know the Fair tax idea and i believe they would support the idea. Pointing out that Frankie votes with Pelousy(spelling intentional) 85% and voted for cap and trade. Frankie may not want to own these votes, well to bad.

  30. Not only am I fed up with the tv ads and the political signs around town, but I cannot stand the telephone calls at home. Kratovil's representatives have called my house numerous times, and I keep telling them to stop calling. And if I don't answer the phone, they will just leave a message. I can't wait for this election to be OVER!!

  31. I think I'll mark the bottom ballot spot: Neither.

  32. Yes - I am a republican who hated Harris' adds so much last election that I could not vote for him. This time they are both such idiots.I just wish they could tell us what they stand for - not lies about the other guy. Neither have any character. Their campaign managers are complete fools and lack character and originality.

  33. Hate negative ads.

    Still voting for Kratovil.

    "Fair tax" sound wonderful until you figure out that what Bill Gates would have to pay would wind up being about 1/1 millionth of what he has, but my hard working struggling sister would pay 23% of her tiny income just to feed and get basic necessities for her and her kids.

    If she and Bill Gates bought the exact same stuff and nothing more, he wouldn't even notice anything out of his wallet. My sis wouldn't be able to keep the roof above her head. And it's people like my sis who keep the Bill Gates types in business.

  34. 9:52,

    Have you worked the calculator at www.fairtax.org using your sister's income?

    I think not.


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