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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rutledge Extends Thanks To Our Supporters!

Jim Rutledge and his wife Kim wish to express their thanks to all of their friends and supporters who made this Campaign for Freedom memorable and gratifying. With your help, we received more than 73,000 votes in the face of being dramatically outspent by a formidable opponent who had the personal means and the will to take to the radio and television waves in the final push. In spite of the advertising onslaught, Jim Rutledge won victories in Washington, Frederick, Harford, Cecil, Worcester, Wicomico, and Montgomery Counties. All of these successes were attributable to the passion that you brought to the message of Constitutionally limited federal government.

Congratulations to Dr. Eric Wargotz on his victory. May God bless and guide
him and his family in these challenging times.

Live Free

Jim Rutledge
Former Candidate for the US Senate in Maryland
Candidates to Follow!
 Friends - I encourage you to help local and state-wide candidates with their campaigns.  Here are a few I highly recommend you support. 
Help the Harris Campaign immediately:
First: Contact the local coordinator and volunteer:
Western Shore: Kathy Szeliga at kszeliga@aol.com
Eastern Shore: John Findley at jfindl1@gmail.com
Second: Sign up at Andy's web site to receive important updates from the campaign: www.andyharris.com
Help the Campbell Campaign immediately:
First: Contact Bill directly and volunteer: whcampbell@verizon.net
Second: Sign up at Bill's web site to receive important updates from the campaign: www.whcampbell2010.com
Help the Holt Campaign immediately:
First: Contact the local coordinator and volunteer:
Hal Ashman at gokenholt@gmail.com
Second: Sign up at Ken's web site to receive important updates from the campaign: www.kenholt2010.com
Third: Please attend Ken Holt's Campaign Organizational Meeting
Wednesday, 29 Sep 2010
Mount Peru
10627 Jones Road
Kingsville, MD 21087


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