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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Report: Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated The U.S. Government

The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the U.S. government as part of the movement's drive to promote holy war against the West, a report said.

So far, the government was said to have done nothing to stop the Brotherhood infiltration. The report by the Center for Security Policy cited the success of one Brotherhood operative in gaining access to the White House under both Democratic and Republican administrations.

"Relying on Brotherhood operatives for 'outreach to the Muslim community,' let alone appointing them to influential government jobs, is a formula for disaster," the report said. "It gives prominence and legitimacy to enemy agents engaged in covert and not-so-covert acts of sedition. It facilitates their penetration and influence over the intelligence, law enforcement and national and homeland security agencies responsible for discerning and defeating such threats."

Titled "Shariah, The Threat to America," the report said the Brotherhood, with headquarters in Egypt but heavily financed by Saudi Arabia, has dominated Muslim politics in the United States. The report, prepared by teams headed by former Deputy Defense Undersecretary William Boykin and former Defense Intelligence Agency director Edward Soyster, said the Brotherhood oversaw everything from Hamas fundraising to training for FBI agents assigned to the Muslim community.

"As a result of this modus operandi, the Muslim Brotherhood is not only able to prevent any appreciable challenge to its efforts to dominate the Muslim-American community," the report, released on Sept. 15, said. "It is also able to exercise effective control over nearly all the Muslim organizational infrastructure in the United States, including most of those Muslim-American groups that are nominally outside its network. In any event, the latter pale by comparison in terms of their influence to those U.S.-based Islamic groups that are Ikhwan [Brotherhood] operations."

The report cited Abdul Rahman Al Amoudi, an Eritrean native who in the 1990s became executive director of the American Muslim Council. Under the administration of then-President Bill Clinton, Al Amoudi helped develop guidelines for government dealings with the Muslim community and often met senior White House officials, including National Security Advisor Anthony Lake.

Later Al Amoudi met George W. Bush during his successful campaign for president in 2000. In 2003, Al Amoudi was arrested and prosecuted on charges that he served as a senior financier for Al Qaida.

The report said U.S. intelligence and security agencies have been prevented from properly analyzing the Brotherhood threat. Analysts could jeopardize their careers should they employ "accurate language to define the enemy threat doctrine," the report said.

Under President Barack Obama, the Brotherhood was believed to have gained even greater influence. The report cited White House counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan, an enthusiastic supporter of Saudi Arabia who has denied any Islamic threat and called for a U.S. dialogue with the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah.

"Indeed, it is hard to overstate the danger associated with the president of the United States having as his top advisor in these sensitive portfolios someone so severely compromised with respect to shariah and the threat it poses," the report said.

Here is more


  1. I'm waiting for another shot that will be heard around the world , come on let's get on!

  2. Muslims in the government , well that's not new news , the highest office in our land is occupied by a muslim. They have infiltrated the military and killed some people already. What is wrong with the people of this country? Come on revolution!!!

  3. Tell me, how is this shocking? As 10:10 said, we have a secret Muslim in the White House? All this multicultural tolerance crap that is being spewed is just leading to the destruction of our country. I'm all for people living together, but when a group of those people have as a stateed goal that they want to kill us because we won't convert to their blasphemous lifestyle, I think that we need to stop being so accepting and instead guard the gates.

  4. Muslims own 90% of all the fuel dispersal stores, 7-11's and a multitude of other markets......just wait until they UNIONIZE.

  5. Boycott foreign owned business's!

  6. Yeah they infiltrated government, its called OBAMA...

  7. 7:09 I have been for a long time. I also refuse to buy things made in other countries. I will pay more for MADE IN THE USA!

  8. So has every other Religion and Nationality. As we speak, Mexicans are invading our Country every day. So this is news??

    Yea, yea, Obama did it...Don't you clowns ever have any other any other dog to kick. If your so smart, and have all the answers, why aren't some of you running for President??

  9. 12:10 He needs to be kicked right back to the muslum countries. He needs to be impeached and kicked out of our country. He has run our deficeit up and is allowing other countries to come in and take over. I hope you don't have any small children cause they will have a horrible life when he gets done!!

  10. 3:33 I stopped doing business anywhere the foreigners own...no more duncin donuts, royal farms, 7-11 I changed my phone and internet sevice from Verizon cause I had to talk to people in India or Phillapines when I had a problem, I don't do business with or even talk on the phone to anyone with broken English. It disgusts me!! If everyone would stop patronizing these places and let them know why maybe they would not think this was the land of pleasant living!


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