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Monday, September 06, 2010

MD Primary – House, District 38-A

Republican Primary -

The race to succeed the late Page Elmore has become the most exciting on the Eastern Shore, if not in Maryland.  FOUR strong Republican candidates have lined up to challenge for the GOP nod.  Two – Crisfield attorney John Phoebus and Princess Anne farmer Charles Otto lead the pack.  Phoebus has proven to be the best organized candidate with the most specific proposals.

Jobs have proven to be the number one issue in this race (along with most others).  While all four candidates call for lower state spending, lower taxes, a pull back from excessive state regulation, and for the state to get out of local land use policy, these are generalities to be expected from all GOP candidates and even Democrats on the Maryland shore.

Phoebus has been the only candidate to discuss specific measures which will protect our farmers and watermen, as well as help to bring jobs to the Eastern Shore and Maryland.

In addition to calling for a repeal of the O’Malley sales tax increase, Phoebus has called for a reduction or elimination of the state’s corporate income tax.  Since this tax is one factor which makes Maryland highly uncompetitive in attracting employers, this single proposal could steer the Shore’s economy back towards the private sector and away from dependence on the largesse of the taxpayer.

Phoebus has also called for a new regulatory scheme where the western shore should bear it’s fair share of the burden for polluting the Chesapeake Bay.  Some may scoff, but District 38 needs someone who will fight for the lower Shore’s interests rather than go along to get a few scraps of pork.

While District 38-A Republicans should be gratified by having four candidates run for this seat, John Phoebus is the clear choice.

Democratic Primary -

Somerset County Commissioner Mike McCready is unchallenged in the Democratic primary.


  1. Phoebus has been caught in to many lies and is nothing more than a good old boy who will only take care of his Somerset buddies. He can't be trusted and is two faced. He'll tell you what you want to hear and then do what he's told by the power elite in Somerset County. Don't waste your vote on him. Cannon is honest, fair and listens to the issues and acts accordingly. Brewington is just taking up votes and Otto while a nice guy doesn't have the experience.

  2. Phoebus is the only candidate running who can take it in the General Election. Go Phoebus!!!! And you better take another look at Cannon and his voting record. He talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk.

  3. I dont feel anything at all when I view his picture, nothin. Its like a blank.

  4. Anon 1753 -
    I wouldn't argue with most of your assessment of John Cannon. However, why don't you tell us what lies John Phoebus has been "caught in". I'm not aware of any. I also know that John Cannon isn't trying to win this primary by making wild accusations about his opponents.

  5. Even though you might be right about Phoebus, God help us if he is the best we have to pick from...especially to replace Elmore.

    Makes me wanna move...back to Delaware...if I could, I would.

  6. Anon 1951 -
    Sounds great. Why? If you are going to trash someone, at least TRY to give a reason. John Phoebus is an outstanding candidate and will make a great delegate from 38-A.

  7. John Cannon?? Are you kidding me?
    The guy wants to steal our development rights!

  8. After having served with Charles Otto on various boards I am convinced that he would make a great representative. He doesn't have the experience of a career politician, but that isn't what we need. We need Otto's independent views, common sense approach, and conservative values in Annapolis.

  9. John Phoebus is hands down the best candidate for this job. He has a track record of fighting for issues that concern the ordinary citizen. He has been a public servant for our area and has given hours of time to many different issues. He is not afraid to speak out for the rights of others. One of his opponents, Charles Otto,does not seem to be able to speak for himself in public or on the radio. Do we want someone in Annapolis who cannot handle public speaking? I don't think so. Phoebus is overwhelmingly the people's choice.

  10. Chas. Otto will serve this district better than any of the other candidates. He will represent the people and spend their money just as it was his own. And by the way, Otto is really running a great campaign. GA it is only because you don't know him as well that would be why he isn't getting your nod. If you knew the man, he would be your type of representative.

  11. Anonymous 9:16, GA is not the only Board Member. You'd be better off addressing the entire Board than just GA Harrison.

  12. As someone who wants to open a small business here on the Eastern Shore of MD, John Phoebus is clearly the best choice for any small business owner here locally.

  13. While I believe that we have been blessed with 4 good candidates of exemplary character, I agree with Salisbury News that John Phoebus is the best candidate. I attended the NAACP candidates forum at UMES last month, and was disappointed to learn that the AFP candidate forum for the 38th district was canceled because I wanted to hear more from all 4 of them. But, in my opinion, Phoebus was the only one that has thought through what our problems are here on the Shore and the best possible, tangible ways to deal with them. Cannon scares me with his answers to dealing with land issues, Otto is a nice gentleman farmer, but I want someone who will FIGHT for us, and Brewington has her heart in it for the right reasons, but I'm not sure they wouldn't eat her alive up there (I would like to see her get her feet wet locally though!) Phoebus has been the only one trashed on most of the blogs, so that tells me he is the doing something right! LOL....

  14. Julie Brewington was rejected from the Deale Island parade because she did not pre register. I was standing right there when she said, I forgot. We can't afford a dumb blonde forgetting where her own afp meeting is, where her kids are or how many she's had to drink. Does this woman have any other clothes besides a black shirt and a pink sweater.

  15. Meet and Greet with Julie Brewington, House of Delegates 38A

    Please call Eleanor at 410-546-4246 to RSVP by September 6th

    3 Attending
    .Julie Dilworth Brewington.Sally Jones.Bob Stout

    12 Maybe Attending

    90 Awaiting Reply

    37 Not Attending

    WOW!! Approximately 150 people invited on FB and only three attend. What makes that even more embarrasing is Julie is one and so is her entertainment.

    Julie, please save face and back out now.

  16. Cannon wants the farmer's land to be as low in value as possible, so he and his development partners can scoop it up cheap for max profits. His votes on county council tell that story without doubt.
    Brewington's the best looking, but her priorities have to be her family first.
    Otto's supposed to be a nice guy, a gentleman farmer, so his farm is his priority. How can he be effective representing us? I think the State House sharks would eat him alive.
    Phoebus is an unmarried lawyer, his priority is representing people in court and winning. I want him working for me in Annapolis.

  17. It was very sad for the candidate's forum to be cancled because Mr. Otto and Mr. Cannon didn't want to attend. How do they expect to look out for the best interst of the people in 38A when they can't stand up to debate the issues in a local forum. We need someone who will speak out and fight in Annapolis for the people in 38A, that person is John Phoebus. Phoebus is the best candidate hands down.

  18. I saw Julie at an event in Crisfield the other night and she appeared drunk. Not only that her cigarette breath was gagging me. I had no idea the Cougar smoked?

  19. Charles Otto has a prior commitment tomorrow evening, meeting with voters in District 38A. He had committed to this meeting before the forum was announced. He keeps his commitments. As the President of Wicomico Farm Bureau, Charles fought for the property owners against the down-zoning that Cannon supported. He has been instrumental in protection of property rights and property values. He did the same at the state level under a previous Governor's 20/20 plan, which would have given the state control over county planning & zoning. That proposal was solidly defeated after Charles fought hard for MD property owners. Charles was appointed under Governor Ehrlich to the Nutrient Management Advisory Board, which reviews regulations for environmental benefit and practical implementation. He has a science degree from VA Tech and is the the candidate with the best background to fight for watermen and small businesses that are facing the same type of environmental regulations the ag community has already faced. Send Common Sense to Annapolis and VOTE OTTO!

  20. Otto walks around on his campaign and lets Danny Tyler or Kevin Anderson or Dan Powell talk for him. He just stands there, looks nervous. On the radio, he lets someone else do the talking for him. In his TV ad, he barely says anything. Those professional voice over people aren't going to go to Annapolis with him, who's going to talk for him there? More importantly, who's going to speak for the citizens of District 38A? The answer is easy - John Phoebus.

  21. Otto refers to himself as a reluctant candidate but said he was running because others wanted him to run. Phoebus is a motivated candidate who wants to serve our district. Do we really want a reluctant candidate? Vote Phoebus

  22. Otto lets Danny Tyler, Kevin Anderson or Dan Powell talk for him? Then why has he been door to door talking with voters? Why has he attended forums, meetings, etc and has spoken at each on of these events? He speaks when he needs to speak, we need more people like that. Not someone that just talks to talk. Vote Otto!

  23. The statement that the forum was cancelled because Otto didnt WANT to attend is untrue. He had already committed to be elsewhere before the forum was announced.

  24. So - the forum @UMES scheduled for tomorrow night is cancelled. Would Cannon and Otto be willing to attend another debate before Sept. 14th? What is more important than putting yourself side by side with other republican candidates so that voters can make a choice? Should we vote according to who has the most yard signs out? Don't think so. Either put yourself out there, or step down. Cannon and Otto - reluctant to run, reluctant to debate, reluctant to serve.

  25. George Washington was reluctant to serve as President. Its called humility and not being power hungry. Charles Otto has been serving the lower shore for his entire adult life. He most certainly is not reluctant to serve. He is a common sense conservative with deep Christian values, and he will be honored to serve as your Delegate.

  26. The most trusted occupation in America: FARMERS. The least trusted occupation in America: LAWYERS. Go OTTO!!

  27. Great. We have Forest Gump, a Slimy lawer, and a land grabber RINO to choose from.

  28. John Phoebus is running for something - Delegate. Charles Otto is running against someone - John Phoebus. That's clear from his message and his entire campaign. People don't want all of the negativity that seems to go along with him or his supporters. They want someone who has positive ideas about how to help people of District 38A. That person is John Phoebus.


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