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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Maryland Judge Says It's OK To Record Traffic Stops

A Maryland motorcycle rider who recorded his confrontation with a traffic cop had the right to do so, a county judge ruled.

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  1. Oh well thank you mr judge. We have a right to record our reality?

    We actually have a right to do that?

    Do we yet also have a right eat, drink or smoke what we please?

    Are we men - or are we Devo?

  2. thats good news for the state, now it can be called evidence of the stupid things the guy did on the bike.

  3. 9:52-How about the off duty cop in an unmarked police cruiser pulling his sidearm for no reason. That officer should at the very least be suspended without pay, if not fired for his clear overreaction.

  4. @ 9:52. Way to completely miss the point.

  5. 10:27 The were far from showing the entire vidio. He had been chased at speeds of over 140 mph (on vidio showing on his speedometer) doing tricks, then evading/eluding, which is a felony. btw, the trooper never pointed his gun, merely showed it as part of his idenfication, and to avoid further problems. As always, another side to the story. search for the rest of the vidio, I recall it's over 5 minutes.

  6. It's only legal when you record a public official who has no expectation of privacy while working. Citizen to citizen is still illegal.

  7. You expect privacy on the street?


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