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Monday, September 06, 2010

Globalist Soros Launches Frontal Assault Against Tea Party

Soros and the foundation left have launched a website designed to go after the growing Tea Party movement. Teapartytracker.org will post video interviews and blog entries gathered by folks on the false left who never grow weary of demonstrating their outrage over the very idea of a grassroots political effort overthrowing establishment Democrats and Republicans in the district of corporate criminals.

Teapartytracker.org will be sponsored by the NAACP, Think Progress, New Left Media and Media Matters for America. Think Progress is a George Soros operation connected to John Podesta’s Center for American Progress. Podesta is Clinton’s former chief of staff. Media Matters for America is the brainchild of a MoveOn consultant and Podesta’s Center for American Progress. Soros is a major supporter of MoveOn.

On July 13, the NAACP unanimously passed a resolution repudiating the Tea Party for alleged racism. The resolution followed accusations that the Tea Party had accosted members the Congressional Black Caucus as they traipsed the district of criminals mall on their way to vote for Obamacare, a grand larceny scam cooked up by large corporations. “Civil rights icon John Lewis was spit on, while Congressman Emanuel Cleaver was called the ‘N’ word and openly gay Congressman Barney Frank was called an ugly anti-gay slur,” a press released issued by the NAACP claims.

On April 1, Infowars.com provided evidence that protesters in fact did not spit on Missouri Democrat Emanuel Cleaver or did they hurl racial epithets at members of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Cleaver later said a Tea Party protester did not spit on him intentionally. “All I’m saying is we all have to defuse it, and I think it is not in my best interest or in the best interest of this nation to stoke it,” he said on March 30 during a Fox News interview.

The NAACP and the Soros-funded anti-Tea Party operation, however, do not share Cleaver’s desire to defuse the situation. Instead, they plan to extract as much political mileage from the fictitious incident as possible.

In July, Soros’ Think Progress stitched together a video purporting to show that the Tea Party is chock full of racists.

Recall “Crash the Tea Party,” an effort exposed earlier this year, designed to portray the Tea Party as racists and reactionary throwbacks. Tea Party hating liberals “couldn’t sell the transparently nonsensical idea that Tea Partiers are just a bunch of racists, homophobes and morons, so the Crash the Party agents on the Left are infiltrating the Tea Party in order to pose as a bunch of racists, homophobes and morons,” Mark Tapscott wrote for the Washington Examiner on April 11, 2010.

Keep reading here


  1. Soros is more evil than Hitler,Stalin and Castro combined. He hates the USA and has the money to put his puppets like Obama in office.

  2. Soro's another foreign invader .

  3. The left is scared to death and desparate to stop the people who still love this country. The Tea Party is gathering momentum and as more people wake up to what is happening, it will become harder and harder to stop. Hang in there folks, this developement just drives home that we are slowly winning the war for our liberty and freedom.

  4. How many of these organizations get Tax dollars as non-profit, which eliminates them from Political ads that violate Federal regs? Soros means forgien involvement in US politics. How much US taxes does he pay and how much does he weasel out of?

  5. 12:10 It seems to me that Obama's extreme church should lose it's tax exempt status as well.

  6. George Soros is the power behind the president. How scary is that!!! Unfortunately, it is true.


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