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Friday, September 03, 2010

Delaware GOP Afraid To Let The People Choose

The Delaware Republican establishment calls Senate hopeful Christine O'Donnell a liar who "could not be elected dog catcher."

The fierce attack underscores GOP fears of the tea party-backed candidate knocking off their hand-picked choice, Rep. Mike Castle and winning the nomination.

The state holds its primary Sept. 14 and the GOP sees Castle as the best candidate for the seat long held by Vice President Joe Biden. Castle has been the state's lone congressman since 1993.

State Party Chairman Tom Ross said in an interview that O'Donnell is not a viable candidate for any office in Delaware.



  1. Mike Castle is a RINO. He has voted with the libs as often as not, and deserves to be shown the door.
    The idea that only a 'moderate' can get elected is archaic-- the people are fed up with liberal foolishness, and are not looking for the 'Liberal-Lite' candidate.

  2. The left is desperate !

  3. This shows how out of touch the GOP is. People want someone conservative. Why elect someone like Castle who votes with the dems? We may as well elect the dem as Castle. GOP, take a look at other states where the tea party candidate won. You might want to change your position and support O'Donnell.

  4. Christine is Hott and deserves a chance at this position. Although I think she is a looker, she is definitely more conservative than Mike "the RINO" Castle is. I agree with 11:30 AM that the GOP is way out of touch nationwide. Vote Republican and vote out most of the incumbents.

  5. The people want and need someone who votes with commonsense and factual analysis. Not driven by the whims of the party bosses. By you guy's comments, sounds like castle is the man.

  6. Mike Castle is not a conservative. He has never claimed to be. That said, O'Donnell's campaign has been one of lies and rumor mongering. I would love to support Christine O'Donnell for the Senate. In fact, I did when she ran last time. Unfortunately, O'Donnell has gone so far over the top this year that she has shown herself too irresponsible to be elected to any office.


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