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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Biden: Don't Underestimate Tea Party Chances

Vice President Joe Biden urged Democrats not to underestimate Tea Party candidates, warning that if Republicans win in November, there would be serious consequences for "the things we care most about."

GO HERE to read more.


  1. Biden's platform is based on scAre tactics. The things we should care most about are faith and family.

  2. "the things we care most about."
    Free money, healthcare, and subsidized housing.

  3. 9:54 Faith and family do not involve the government and should not.

  4. the things we care about most is small government; liberty; the bill of rights and the constitution remaining in tact; freedom to "pursue happiness" without government interference.
    joe biden and his cronies don't get it. well; hopefully this nightmare is soon to be over.
    all those that continue to look to the government for your sustanance; remember this: what the government gives they can take away at anytime. get off the government dole and "do for yourself". stop living on backs of the rest of us.

  5. BIDEN enjoy your last years in politics.

  6. Get off the govt. dole, but don't touch my social security or medicare.

  7. to 5:04. i'm going to try and make this as clear as possible. i have been working since the age of 16. since the age of 18 i have "contributed" to this "system". by the way; we had NO choice. i wanted to take MY money and earn and invest elsewhere but no; our government wouldn't allow this. so for 44 years money was taken from me to put in this "now failing" system. we were told that all this money was in a trust or "lockbox". of course none of us believed this but this is what the government tried to make us believe.
    bottom line: grow up and shut up.
    this is now a big problem brought on by a crooked; bloated; self-serving government.
    oh; i'm still working and i'm limited to what i can make each year until age 65. also; my social security is being taxed AGAIN.
    life is good .... go figure.

  8. No, it worked like this:
    You paid in for social security. A small fee for administration was taken out and the money was distributed to the retirees of that time. During the 1980's additional money was taken and placed into a fund in the form of government bonds that earn interest (Reagan and Tip O'Neill). This was to help with the baby boomer generation that would be so numerous. Those bonds are still there and have the same value as if they were privately owned. That they are "worthless IOUs" is a right wing scare tactic.
    The system is solvent until 2037, last I heard. You will take out far more than you put in.
    And no one stopped you from investing elsewhere in IRAs, etc.
    Glad to straighten out your misconceptions.

  9. The things Joe cares about most like making deals so his son can breeze into his AG post with no competition then take his old senate seat after good old boy Mikey plays out his last six years. OMG the Tea Party girl messed that one up.


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