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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wargotz Asks Mikulski "Where Are The Jobs?"

Latest unemployment claims show Mikulski failures

- Yesterday, the Labor Department said initial claims for unemployment insurance rose to a seasonally adjusted 500,000 people. Economists had expected that number to drop not increase. This is the highest level since November of 2009. This information comes on the heels of the Labor Department's report of 131,000 jobs lost in the month of July.

"Where are the jobs Senator Mikuslki?" Eric Wargotz M.D. asked.

Eric Wargotz is a physician and small businessman who understands what is needed to create jobs. "The government should give small businesses the tools they need to create jobs." said Wargotz. "Private businesses will create the jobs we need to get us out of this recession not the government."

Wargotz's philosophy is a stark contrast to that of Senator Barbara Mikulski. Ms. Mikulski believes government is the source of job creation. She believes deficit spending on new government programs is the solution to our economic woes. In contrast, Eric Wargotz believes private enterprise will get our economy moving again. Wargotz opposes higher taxes supported by Mikulski and believes we must cut spending to get our national debt under control.

Eric Wargotz recently launched a "Fire Mikulski" billboard campaign across Maryland.


  1. Free enterprise is gone , good while it lasted , just a matter of time. Private business pays the governments salaries , when they go it ,will be pure socialism in the U.S.. Thank you mr. obama !

  2. Well into the last recession, when asked where are the jobs, Republicans constantly repeated "well you know, unemployment is a lagging indicator". Now in the face of a recession that is waaaayyy worse, they seem to forget this fact. Politics as usual.

    Conservatives do have one thing right. Polticians, go home and stay out of the way. All you do is spout BS from both sides of the aisle

  3. Everybody wants to blame Obama for the toppled economy, when Bush built the structure, catering to Wall Street and big business. Thats like blaming the Firement in New York for the demise of the twin towers, because they where there trying to save what they could. Also, lets not forget who flew out Osama Bin Ladins family and friends, right after that, when no one else could fly. Some people have short memories.


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