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Monday, August 09, 2010

UPDATE On Accident In Fruitland Area

First of all, let's get a few things straight right here and now. NO ONE DIED in this accident. In FACT, BOTH drivers will likely be discharged from the Hospital TODAY.

As horrific a scene as this may appear, there are no major injuries, thank God. The information I have received comes right from the most reliable source I know who just left the Hospital.

The vehicle pulled out in front of the Sheriff's Deputy. Princess Anne and the Maryland State Police are handling the accident.


  1. I passed by after the accident happened. To read no one died is a miracle. I passed by as they were loading 2 halves of 1 car on 2 separate tow trucks. God was watcing after somebody today.

  2. Thank God everyone will be OK. Thanks Joe for keeping up updated with the facts!

  3. Unbelievable no one was killed---Thank God for that!

  4. You really have to wonder how fast the police car was going to cause that much damage though...... I know that they are legally permitted to speed in certain circumstances, but it seems that they forget that they always must obey the laws of physics.......

  5. I passed the seen around 1415 northbound. The destroyed car shown in this post and in the previous post is a 1980's vintage 4 door Chevrolet Caprice Classic.

    I believe there was a third car involve, it revived damage to the left front corner. It was parked on the right shoulder on the northbound side north of the intersection when I passed.

    Sand Box John

  6. Speeding possibly, but did the other driver look before pulling out? I see a lot of morons that pull out without looking here on the easter shore. They are called California stops.

  7. Regardless if the vehicle pulled out in front of the police officer, the officer was traveling way, way too fast in order to split a vehicle in half.

    The other question is, was he responding to a call and were his lights and sirens on?

  8. anonymous 7:20, the BIGGER question is, you remain anonymous, yet to come off sounding like a crash expert. Perhaps you should call the Sheriff's Office and ask them for their professional opinion on this matter. Better yet, call the MSP and ask them instead. There are a select few who always want to pick on the Police Department. The bottom line is, the white vehicle pulled out in front of the UNMARKED Cruiser.

  9. Sorry Joe I have to disagree with you on this one. Yes the driver pulled out in front of the police officer. Sometimes you can't judge how fast someone is going or what would normally be enough time is nto because of the speed of the other vehicle. We have all seen how the police can fly down the road. This officer had to be flying if he was able to split a car in two. There are a lot of "ifs". If the officer had been going slower could he have avoided the accident? If the other car would have looked once more would he have pulled out? if if if

  10. would this a completely different story if it were not a police officer?

  11. Joe, what does it matter if the cruiser was unmarked or marked? I'm not picking on the police department I'm just noting that the police vehicle was traveling too fast for the condition of the vehicle that pulled out in front. Bear in mind being a taxpayer my money paid for that unmarked police vehicle, even if it was paid for with drug seizure money like it reads on some of the chargers. Because my tax dollars paid for the cops who were working that drug enforcement detail. I might just be a crash expert btw. Last, everone on here makes anon. Comments and have been for years??

    Again was he responding to a call and were his lights and sirens on? Or was he just running late for something? I'm curious to see how fast the msp crash team report result is. Btw, the crash team is normally called out in the event of a death or possible pending death of a driver in order to reconsruct the crash.

  12. Why do people have to put the deputy on trial here? My God! These guys risk their lives EVERY day for us. If the worst they do is speed when they are off-duty, then so be it. He didn't INTENTIONALLY hit the other car. It was an accident in which the other driver apparently had some fault. Can't you just be overjoyed that both walked away!! God bless them both!!

  13. true the police fight for our lives but they also get away wit things they shudnt..and every one wants to put their faults on the hushity hush well guess what...both were at fault...and its just tht simple..it dont make either of them any more at fault...one shud have looked closer and the other shud have been driving at a safe enuff speed to avoid an accident.....no no sirens wer on no flashing lights..if had been the driver wud have been more alert to the fact reguardless of any blind spots and not only tht but there was no ATTEMPT to stop no skid marks from nothing...so befor anyone tries to defend any side they shud know ALL the facts...tht or have evidence to judge at such.

  14. Interesting, I understand that speed was NOT a factor! Were you there? Maybe there wasn't time to hit the brakes. And the whole point is that no one should have to defend anyone because there should be NO TRIAL on the freakin' blog!!! Let Joe report the facts and let those of us who know the people involved get info without everyone's opinions and supposition getting in the way!!!

  15. ok..ur right this is interesting. speed was not a factor? tht there makes no sense whn you put those words and wasnt TIME to hit the brakes in the same sentence..especially because time over speed equals distance..And were you there or are u speaking up for a loved one or a friend as i am.. i know the driver was in a Box Chevy caprice classic made from all metal was torn in half due to the other car which was no where nearly as damaged. obviously the impact was determined by the speed of the deputy....and this is not a trial you are right about that but. this is america and the public should know about this and voice their opinion. this crash was horrible. and yet all it got was this little article on the internet and an even smaller article n the news paper...why is it being covered up so well? why wasnt this let out on the NEws station? there were camera men at the scene? so why didnt it reach t.v. so that the public eye cudnt c. and even still ppl want a small blogg to b on the hush too ...its absolutely ridiculous

  16. Caught me. Yes, I am sticking up for a friend. I too have wondered why this was not on the news but keep in mind, if it were, there would be no opinion aired. If you feel you must air your opinions, I guess I should not be opposed to that either, but I will say two more things and be done with it.

    First, even traveling at a legal rate of 55 mph, yes, it would be possible that there would not be TIME to stop depending upon how close they were when it happened. I don't know how close they were when he pulled out, but there is no way if there WAS time, my friend wouldn't have hit the brakes. He has a family to live for.

    Secondly, your equation is not right. Distance over time equals speed, so distance equals speed x time.

    Regardless, I DON'T know ALL of the details only the important one. They both are alive.

  17. Excuse me...but mine was a typo its distance/time= speed...so there for your equation is also incorrect.. GOOGLE it. but i was actually speaking for myself im also speaking on the behalf of my loved one..or did u forget that he has family also.
    all im saying is that it was kept quiet for a reason. and this bloggs is meant for the opinion of others and its not up to u to decide what other ppl say or think no this is not a trial but there definately will b one...yes they both walked away..but one of those r less fortunate and have to pay for another car. but not too many seem to care about that...and like Forrest Gump says "And thats all i have to say about that."

  18. 403 Very well put!

  19. Ok Forrest, well algebraically, my formulas are both correct. Not sure you can GOOGLE that so just trust me. I'm good at math.

    My comments are not meant to take ANYTHING away from your friend. I feel just as badly for him. If it hadn't been a law enforcement officer and had been someone else, he would still need a new car. It was an accident!! The officer was NOT driving at an excessive speed.

    What sucks about society and everyone's opinions is that everyone just wants to blame someone for everything! And sometimes it's just better to count your blessings instead of worrying about who you can fault for your misfortunes!


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