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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sheriff’s Challenge To Obama: Give Me Half Hour, I’ll Show You How To Secure Border

Sheriff Paul Babeu of Pinal County, Ariz., is issuing an invitation to President Barack Obama: If the president will come and spend a half hour with Babeu in Arizona, the sheriff says, he will convince the president he can succeed in securing the border and thus make himself a hero who transcends partisan politics.

Babeu’s southern Arizona county, while not contiguous with the border, has been designated by the Justice Department as part of a High Intensity Drug Trafficking region that is a major route for drug and alien smugglers bringing narcotics and illegal aliens into the United States from Mexico. Babeu has joined with Sheriff Larry Dever of neighboring Cochise County, Ariz.—which does sit on the border—as well as with Arizona’s two senators, John McCain and Jon Kyl, in endorsing a ten-point plan for securing the border.

Noting that President Obama has visited Afghanistan to assess the security situation there, CNSNews.com asked Babeu in a videotaped interview whether he would like the president visit with him in Arizona so he can have the opportunity to persuade the president that his plan to secure the border will work.

“If the president gave me a half hour, I am confident that I could convince him and to show him the way that he can personally secure the border, and he would be the hero of everybody that truly transcends bipartisan politics and secures that border,” said Babeu. “I believe that if a leader truly wanted to do that we have the means and the resources necessary to secure our border and to protect America once and for all, and then we can get to the point in the future, only after the border is secure, that there is some type of discussion about what do we do with the approximate 13 million people who are here illegally.”

The ten-point border security plan backed by Sheriffs Babeu and Dever and Senators McCain and Kyl includes provisions to complete 700 miles of double- and triple-layered border fending, significantly increase the number of drone surveillance aircraft patrolling the border, and deploy 3,000 National Guardsmen to the Arizona section of the Mexico border alone until the governor of Arizona in consultation with local law enforcement officials certifies that the border is secure.

Read the rest here


  1. We have been under an invasion for years and the government has turned a blind eye. Time to take our country back.

  2. Obama does not want to secure the border he want future voters to come in plus his Muslim friends.

  3. Think the sheriff might consider running for president he just might get elected.
    These are the kind of people we need running our country .
    Thank you sir.

  4. You go Paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Make it UNDESIREABLE for them to want to come here in the first place!
    Amend the 16th Amendment - one parent MUST be a LEGAL citizen!
    Start fining employers who hire the illegals - immediately.
    There are 2 BIG reasons these people come here - take that away and they'll stay home! The ones that are here will go home too!

  6. If they cant get a job they wont come, we are going after the wrong people. To all the companies that hire them I consider it a crime against the state. If and when the time comes you would/will be dealt with.

  7. Obama isnt going to go being he cant prove that he himself is legal..

  8. 11:13 if you want to make a dumb argument, at least refer to the correct amendment.

  9. Many of them don't even need to come here to work. They come. have an anchor baby and we keep giving them money. STOP giving them the money and they will stop coming. IF an illegal shows up at a hospital. Deliver the baby and send them both back across the border.

  10. 12:50.....or just deport the illegal parent and allow the baby to stay and be adopted by an American finmily that can't have kids. THAT will break the illegals from coming here thinking that having a baby on American soil will prevent them being deported.

  11. Sorry, got the amendment NUMBER wrong. You knew my point though.
    Some people want to do nothing but call out other people for grammar, etc. rather than be part of a solution.


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