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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Salisbury Mayor Joins Mayors For Peace

The City of Salisbury is proud to announce that Mayor Ireton has recently joined Mayors for Peace. The largest, fastest-growing international municipal organization now has over 4000 city members in 144 countries. Mayors for Peace was founded in 1982 by the mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with a mission of the abolition of nuclear weapons. The goal is to ensure that no city ever has to suffer the way those cities did.

The Mayors For Peace 2020Vision (elimination of nuclear weapons by 2020) has been supported by five strong resolutions adopted by the U.S. Council of Mayors, the most recent of which focused on the fact that the $62 billion budget set aside for nuclear weapons could be better used to support our cities during these challenging economic times. The organization is working to have the international community take the next step with nuclear weapons, that is, a nuclear weapons convention, like the treaties already adopted to ban chemical and biological weapons, landmines and cluster munitions.

Mayor Ireton recognizes that the detonation of a nuclear bomb over Salisbury would be the ultimate disaster for its citizens, and being a part of this organization is his way of helping to prevent this 100% preventable disaster. We hope his constituency will praise him for this enlightened step. For more information, you can Google Mayors For Peace, 2020Vision Campaign, or contact Harvey Zendt at hzendt@yahoo.com.


  1. I'm thinking that if they didn't start the damn war, they wouldn't have been bombed..

    Maybe he should have joined an organization like Mayors against Bataan style death marches.

    I'm only saying..

  2. When you consider that a nuclear attack would decimate Washington, D.C., Dover, DE, Norfolk, VA, Baltimore, MD, it's easy to see that Salisbury would be gone, gone, gone, too, but not in a flash. Rather, it would burn and be the site of massive nuclear fallout.

  3. WOO HOO.........This big deal announcement doesn't change my opinion of Salisbury's incompetent Mayor one bit.

  4. Poor Jimmie...He doesn't even realize how ridiculous this is...

  5. if the mayor wants to be peaceful, he should start in his town. he should treat everyone with respect and dignity, now just a select few

  6. Anonymous said...
    if the mayor wants to be peaceful, he should start in his town. he should treat everyone with respect and dignity, now just a select few

    1:36 PM

    I agree with this commenter. I invite Jim Ireton to all of our community meetings and he has attended only 2 and that was just after his election. Hasn't been back ever since, but all is well as he only stayed there for a total of 10 minutes each. Every comment I made he came back with a condescending reply. He certainly doesn't have respect for anyone that put him in office. He shows more respect to his enemies from the Tilgman Camp, ie. Pick and Chambers.

  7. 2:50 boy ain't that the truth. He has dis'ed Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen a million times now while calling the race card playing tub at the end of the table "Sister Shanie" all the time. I was actually glad when he went after her Monday night.

  8. Whoopie! The outfit is probably sponsored by Iran and North Korea.
    Aren't there any issues here in Salisbury that could occupy the honorable mayor's attention? What a joke!


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