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Monday, August 02, 2010

Obama To Set Course For Changing Iraq Mission

President Barack Obama will set a course Monday for the nation's changing mission in Iraq as the military prepares to end its combat operations there.

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama will set a course Monday for the nation's changing mission in Iraq as the military prepares to end its combat operations there.

In a speech at the national convention of the Disabled American Veterans in Atlanta, Obama was to address the progress being made to meet his deadline of drawing down all combat troops by the end of the month.

A transitional force of 50,000 troops will remain to train Iraqi security forces, conduct counterterrorism operations and provide security for ongoing U.S. civilian efforts.

Obama has said all U.S. troops will be gone from Iraq by the end of next year.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. Two years after we leave it will be worse than when Saddam was in charge.

  2. 12:11, so maybe we should just stay indefinetly.


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