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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kratovil Continues To Hide From Constituents

Where’s Frank?

Rep. Frank Kratovil continues to hide from the voters of Maryland’s First Congressional District.  You would think, that in an election year, an incumbent congressman would want to get out there with the folks that will decide his or her fate in November.  Not Kratovil!

Evidently, Kratovil’s experience with town hall meetings scared him pretty badly.  Consequently, Kratovil has consistently ducked constituent town halls since last summer.  Instead, Kratovil has used a series of tightly controlled photo-ops and press events to make constituents think that he’s out and about the district.  However, if you want to ask YOUR congressman questions you are out of luck.

Kratovil’s DC office claims that all of these “events” throughout the district are open to the public and that Kratovil would answer questions there.  Fair enough – EXCEPT – Kratovil’s staff doesn’t make events public until the day of the event.  They even go so far as to state:

“We send these press releases out to the local media.  We can’t help it if they don’t print it.”

While I find myself in a strange place defending newspapers such as Salisbury’s Daily Times, we have to ask – How can they print that Frank Kratovil will be in the area on Friday if Kratovil’s staff doesn’t send the release out until AFTER Friday’s edition is published?

In addition, why should constituents have to traipse around in a cornfield in order to ask their congressman a question?  Again, Kratovil’s cracker jack staff have an answer – you can send them an email and they will respond.  Sorry guys!  We don’t want some canned response from Kratovil’s staff.  We want to look Frank in the eye and ask him a straight question.  We would then appreciate a straight answer!

It appears to me that Frank Kratovil simply doesn’t want to risk being put on the spot by his constituents.  That’s a shame.

from Delmarva Dealings


  1. It's a shame , it's politics Joe.
    You know it and everyone knows it.
    He has been brain-washed with $$$$$$$$$$.

  2. He voted against healthcare reform.....goodbye. The people who elected him wanted a yes vote, instead he worried about people who are not going to vote for him anyway.

  3. 5:02

    You must be a Kratovil troll! He was granted permission to vote against it because the dumbocrats has enough votes to pass it without him.
    Had there been fewer votes he would have been a yes for sure.
    And the people that elected him DO NOT represent the majority!

    He's hiding alright. Just like the rest of the dumbocrats. They're hiding because that know that they're toast in november!

  4. G.A., Let me take it a step farther.

    I have made numerous, (and I do mean numerous) attempts top get Frank Kratovil to come in and do an interview. ALL of his Staff say they'd welcome the opportunity, yet wqhen I attempt to call back there's no reply.

    Now, some might say, well, he doesn't like you Joe. That may be very true. However, if there's one thing Frank Kratovil and his entire Staff know is that we have the largest audience of any local news source.

    IMHO, they're ignoring me based on convenience. Getting back to the point of your Post, Kratovil used to send me EVERYTHING. I did NOTHING to upset him in any way. However, all of a sudden, (out of nowhere) we got closer to the elections and they clammed up. No Press Releases, NOTHING. Mind you, that was right after Chuck Cook got on board with Kratovil and became a whore for the cause. Is it all because of Chuck Cook, or is it based around the democratic machine playing chess and making sure they simply say NOTHING so they can't look any worse than they already do.

    I truly don't have the answers to the exact reasons why but I will say I have done my best to welcome Frank Kratovil and Martin O'Malley to join us for a healthy interview. Neither have committed to doing so, therefore I not only smell a rat, I smell Chuck Cook. .Maybe it was a pile of chicken sh!t but what's the difference.

  5. Fruit Generic CitizenAugust 19, 2010 at 6:00 PM

    Where's Andy Harris? Seems his campaign strategy is to stay out of sight except for a few events where he doesn't speak. Maybe they learned their lesson from 2008 - the more people hear Andy Harris, the less they vote for him.

  6. While I don't want to be called out for speaking on behalf of Andy Harris, let me at least say the following. Andy is a practicing Doctor. He also serves on the Senate, raises several children and then hits the campaign trail, UNLIKE Frank Kratovil. Now I'm not sticking up for Andy, I just happen to know his schedule and let me assure you he outdoes Frank 2 to 1. Frank was a no show in Crisfield also. Yeah, they say he was on the floor, I call BS on that one.

    Frank is no different from Julie & Mike Brewington, Mike Calpino and Chris Lewis, all afraid to face the real voting public. LOOK AT MEEEEEE!!!!! That's all they want. Oh, I can't forget, LOOK AT MY GUNNNNNNS!!!! When your SHORT in every other department, driving big pickup trucks and showing off guns says a whole lot on the Eastern Shore. Oh, that is, if you advertise it all over your Blog on a regular basis, that is.

    Andy Harris is a strong candidate and even the democrats I have spoken to have flat out stated they're sick of Kratovil, seriously. Many of them worked their butts off to get the man elected, then he didn't vote for ANYTHING the democrats wanted. So many people have been concentrating on what the republicans think. Trust me on this one folks, while some may argue and disagree, think about what I've been told, it's true. They're NOT happy with him. They may still VOTE for him but they will NOT work his campaigns like they did the last go around and if Franks perhaps wins again this year, they say he will NOT win again in two more years. Looks like Frank's a gonner in the democrats eyes. Way to go there Chucky!

    Ultimately, Andy Harris is a very busy man. I have seen him at many local events, including Crisfield. The person making the above statement is a democrat anyway. Why would YOU see him if you don't care?

  7. While I don't want to be called out for speaking on behalf of Andy Harris, let me at least say the following. Andy is a practicing Doctor. He also serves on the Senate, raises several children and then hits the campaign trail, UNLIKE Frank Kratovil. Now I'm not sticking up for Andy, I just happen to know his schedule and let me assure you he outdoes Frank 2 to 1. Frank was a no show in Crisfield also. Yeah, they say he was on the floor, I call BS on that one.

    Frank is no different from Julie & Mike Brewington, Mike Calpino and Chris Lewis, all afraid to face the real voting public. LOOK AT MEEEEEE!!!!! That's all they want. Oh, I can't forget, LOOK AT MY GUNNNNNNS!!!! When your SHORT in every other department, driving big pickup trucks and showing off guns says a whole lot on the Eastern Shore. Oh, that is, if you advertise it all over your Blog on a regular basis, that is.

    Andy Harris is a strong candidate and even the democrats I have spoken to have flat out stated they're sick of Kratovil, seriously. Many of them worked their butts off to get the man elected, then he didn't vote for ANYTHING the democrats wanted. So many people have been concentrating on what the republicans think. Trust me on this one folks, while some may argue and disagree, think about what I've been told, it's true. They're NOT happy with him. They may still VOTE for him but they will NOT work his campaigns like they did the last go around and if Franks perhaps wins again this year, they say he will NOT win again in two more years. Looks like Frank's a gonner in the democrats eyes. Way to go there Chucky!

    Ultimately, Andy Harris is a very busy man. I have seen him at many local events, including Crisfield. The person making the above statement is a democrat anyway. Why would YOU see him if you don't care?

  8. DId he not just vote YES for this Teacher / Union money? The one that is supposed to be for Students education by keeping lousy teachers instead of firing them. I would hide to knowing the Voters know I agreed to rob SSI again, for these teachers / Unions, while saying SSI is in the red.

  9. He voted to save teacher's jobs, 6:23. And firefighters and cops too. the bill closes a tax loophole for companies that ship jobs overseas. I'm glad to see that you hate teachers and like companies that are screwing the American worker. you sound like a true conservative.

  10. Anonymous said...
    He voted to save teacher's jobs, 6:23. And firefighters and cops too. the bill closes a tax loophole for companies that ship jobs overseas. I'm glad to see that you hate teachers and like companies that are screwing the American worker. you sound like a true conservative.

    9:21 PM

    Oh Bull Shit you liberal moron. What bill was out there for him to save firefighters and "cops" jobs? Please tell us what the bill is.

  11. Yeah Chuckie Boi Cook of Ireton fame is doing a little bit of pimping for Jim Mathias as well!!

  12. he is a hiding incumbent liberal and his voting is controlled by Washington

  13. And your surprised that Kratovil won't sit down for an interview with you? I hardly think that he'd get a fair shake on your blog.

  14. 9:21 If the billwas on saving jobs, Why are they not spending it and holding it for the next fisical year? Also, These so called saved jobs are working for another fisical year since the budget has already been passed. The next fisical year that this money will be allocated has not been drawed up yet / or proposed. They are working on projections and we see how their projections work. They fail miserably. No Ido not hate Teachers. I dislike the ones that are lousy and do not fullfill their obligation to the Students while mooching off the Tax Payer. Learned about budgets and how the process works. As for as companies that ship jobs overseas, Bill Clinton, pushed very hard by the Unions for passage, sign NAFTA into law and had it take effect after he would be out of office. This Bill is what allows companies to ship jobs overseas. Sound familiar as to what is happening now, especially with Healthcare? You have not learn your history? You can label me what you will. I beleive in living within your means and be responsible in spending and for your actions. Your response sounds like Quack Quack Duck, the Teacher.


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