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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

JetBlue Flight Attendant Curses Out Passenger, Uses Emergency Slide To Exit Plane And Run Away

Imagine this sight: Your JetBlue flight has just touched down at your destination when a flight attendant takes to the public address system, drops the F-bomb, pops the emergency door and exits the plane via the emergency slide. We're really hoping someone out there has video footage of this incident that went down at JFK Airport today.

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  1. Awwww snap! Haha. I love it. I guess the customer isn't always right.

  2. id love to do that to a few people. the public folks are f'd in the head man!

  3. flying is one of the Rudest of life experiences from the airline help to fellow flyers its unbelievable how people loose all civility

  4. They shouldn't have arrested him--ESPECIALLY if the passenger was from Pittsburgh. I am from Pittsburgh and I know how we are. This could be totally justified. Maybe the attendent was a Browns fan. I could see how the attendent could be pushed to the breaking point by a Stillers fan. At least he was smart enough to make a run for it.

  5. Maybe she was going on strike lol.Jetblue is just Valujet with a new name.After Flight 592 and the careless incompetence they showed I wouldnt fly them for free!

  6. blutojthetotmom...... Actually the old Valujet is now Airtram. Facts are important when you trash someone.


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