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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

HR1388 Parental Rights Stolen

My name is Mike Edson, I am a veteran, concerned citizen, and currently reside in California. This e-mail regards HR1388.

On April 18, 2009, our U.S. House of Representatives voted to support HR1388. The subsequent Representatives in approval legislated parents to relinquish their parental rights by mandating our children into community service programs. What discussions occurred on the House floor to sustain thoughts that parental rights do not matter? HR1388 was given to the U.S. Senate for passage, however the Senate graciously removed “mandate”. The bill was signed with the goal of involving all students in secondary schools served by the local educational agency.

Maryland Representatives Kratovil, Ruppersberger, Sarbanes, Edwards, and Hoyer have redefined volunteerism and conscripted our children by supporting HR1388 and need to justify their disrespectful actions to every American family prior to the November. I hope the appropriate Tea Party and electorate agree.

1 comment:

  1. "community service for our government=a chance to brainwash our children


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