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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cannon Supports “Green” Pick for Planning Commission

Wicomico councilman John Cannon is back with the Democrats and helping to carry water for County Executive Rick Pollitt.  Today he voted to confirm the appointment of Jacob Day of the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy to the Wicomico / Salisbury Planning and Zoning Commission.  It’s a shame that Mike Pretl and his pals can’t vote for John in the upcoming 38-A GOP primary.

While Cannon did everything but answer the questions put before Day in his quest to portray the nominee as an unbiased expert it is doubtful that voters who care about nagging little issues like property rights will be fooled.  The ESLC supports ag down zoning.  So does Cannon.  No doubt that Mr. Day does too.



  1. That is why Canon will loose his bid for senate seat

  2. G.A. Harrison has no idea what he's talking about. Watch the video on PAC 14. I did. Even the three council members who didn't vote for Mr. Day hung their heads and stumbled over EXTREMELY brief comments saying they want representation from the Eastern part of the county and rural areas. Every one of them said he's obviously extremely qualified. Mr. Holloway went so far as to say at the end of his comments "I'm embarrassed to say it, but I won't be voting for Mr. Day".

    He also seems to presume a lot in the article - saying "I assume" and "I believe" several times. Have you ever talked to Mr. Day? I'd love to hear what he's told you if you've talked to him.

    Mr. Harrison - your special interest lobby has no place in our community. Please keep your small-minded garbage to yourself. Do you even know anything about Mr. Day (or anything else for that matter) that you didn't get off a web site? This is just silly and you ought to be embarrassed.

  3. Who is "Canon" and why will he "loose" his bid? Has he 'tightened' his bid? Don't post comments if you can't spell.

    PS: John Cannon isn't going to lose a thing.

  4. This is why frequent readers are finding that, more and more, GA tells the same old story. When was the last article he posted that didn't accuse Pollitt of "stealing?" The day GA posts something that is "just the facts, maam, just the facts" will be the day I might actually pay any attention at all to what he has to say.

  5. Here's the "green" candidate himself from a pic on the web: http://jacobday.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/IMG_1540.jpg

    Looks like a shade of green I'd support.

  6. I saw this play out on Pac 14 and you are right on target, G. A.The three who voted against this appointment all said it was due to the composition of that board -- no one on there is from the rural area of the county -- no diversity. I live in the county and I don't need someone from the city to tell me what I can and can not do with my land--especially a tree hugger. That Pretel guy already costs us taxpayers money when the sues over land issues. John Cannon, I'm ashamed you would vote like you did --you will not have my vote for the delegate seat.

  7. 3:47 - Nice try. Way to pick and choose what you wanted to hear. So, should we have all of the other people on the commission resign since they live in the suburbs or in the city or in town? Can a person from the rural area fairly decide issues that affect Salisbury or someone's land in town? Think before you speak/write. You just sound dumb.

  8. Anon 1540 -
    No, the three council members did not hang their heads. I stated that he possessed expertise. He also has a bias that is not expectable.

    It's amusing. When I was working for the school impact fee I was tagged as anti-development. When I opposed the great land grab I was called a "tool of the developers". Sorry, I'm neither. I just happen to believe that the average taxpayer shouldn't have to subsidize the infrastructure required by development and I don't believe that our farmers should lose their property rights without compensation.

    Embarrassed? Hardly. I sign my name to what I write.

  9. Anon 1542 -
    Let's see, of all the posts I have written a fairly small percentage have been about Rick Pollitt's attempt to down zone the A1 district. Where else have I accused Pollitt of stealing?

  10. GA, I also don't believe farmers should lose property rights they've been afforded without compensation either. But I'm not sure I've heard anything from Mr. Day that would indicate he disagrees.

    And he seems well qualified and level headed. I for one will give him a chance before I judge him.

    I don't know him so I'm not going to tell him to jump on this site or anywhere else and say what he thinks, but that might help clarify so that we can all take positions based on information rather than speculation.

  11. Pollit is packing the P&Z Commission now because he knows that the next Council will be more true red Republican and won't support his shenanigans like this scam.

  12. Mr. Day is right in Pollitts hip pocket.what a snow job slick Rick gave the Council and all of us.this county sucks they need to clean house uptown and get rid of all the corruption Dinasors. starting Shea Pollitt Creamer Baker etc, the co. council all but Joe Holloway.this is a new era come November Election.YOU all suck bunch of CORRUPT Bastards.

  13. Anon 1620 -

    As I stated in the main post, there is no question that he would bring expertise to the Planning Commission. However, that is not the same as being qualified if, like me, you would hope that the members don't have an agenda.

    Mr. Day has repeatedly stated that he doesn't bring any bias. I'm not aware of groups like the ESLC hiring big advocates of property rights. So, when Mr. Day makes decisions that are anti-development (rather than abiding the existing law), when he votes to support the next land grab proposal, what are we to do? He has a fixed term.

    As I noted, it is just like the last two SCOTUS nominees telling us that our right to keep and bear arms is "settled law". Justice Sotomajor has already proven that she was less than honest. Justice Kagan will be next.

  14. 3:47 You don't have to insult me for what I think about this situation. After all, it is my opinion. That commission has seven members--2 appointed by the city, 2 appointed by the county, and 1 appointed by the city & county. Two council members sit on it--one from the city & one from the county. The vacancy is a county vacancy and therefore a resident from the county(rural area) should have been appointed.

  15. I'm a democrat who will votefor Cannon.

  16. The great land grab is the reason John Cannon has lost so many votes in his quest for Delegate of 38A. Sheree Sample Hughes represents a large area of farmers, does she think they'll forget her vote to take their land in November? I damn sure won't and I'll remind everyone else in District 1 of her vote to seize our lands without compensation.

  17. Did I miss a vote where the county seized farmland without compensation? Did Big Rick actually steal something? Could someone fill me in with the details? When did this happen????? Does the sheriff know and we can we expect an arrest?

  18. Well he's no longer dangling his feet on either side of the fence is he?

  19. You people really dont know what has to be done, do you? You want to see tommorow today? Look backwards, its all right there.

  20. 5:03p I doubt if you will be able to vote for Cannon. He won't get through the Republican primary.

  21. John Cannon will carry the race for State House of Delegates because he is an upfront guy. He doesn't "skirt" around the issues and he does his homework. Cannon is the only candidate that truely wants to work for the people he represents.

  22. I had the pleasure to teach Jake when he was a student at Bennett High. He was one of the finest young men I've taught. As a senior he designed and oversaw the construction of the JMB Memorial Garden to remember 3 of his classmates who left this world far too early. As the foremost wing of JMB is almost gone as of this afternoon you can see the garden from College Ave. It will be an integral part of the space in front of the new building. What a shame to cast aspersions on him without knowing him. Partisan politics is going to tear this country apart. Facts don't seem important any more.

  23. 9:05 you are either a family member or delusional to think Cannon will carry the race.

  24. It was a simple party line vote.

  25. Anon 1703 -
    With all due respect, I don't think Cannon is going to make it through the primary. If you are a Democrat then you won't get the chance.

    Anon 1843 -
    Were you on vacation? No, the legislation didn't pass; but Rick Pollitt sure was working with John Cannon and Bill McCain on the "grand compromise". The only reason that didn't pass was because Sheree wanted to steal more from the farmers than Cannon was willing to.


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