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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Burn Ban?

"Hello Wicomico,

there is deception afoot. I spoke with Jim Finneran today and asked him about the burn ban. He told me that at a meeting of all fire depts. last night, he and Rick were advised that it was still too dry to burn. So today I contacted 3 of these depts. about this. I was told by all three, they have no idea why the ban is still on. Now what does that tell us? There is dirty work afoot. Residents, get involved, ask questions."

Voting Taxpayer


  1. WE pay this idiot finneran HOW MUCH?

  2. Ok First did you ask to speak to the chief? He would be the one to speak on that question not a paramedic or someone sitting at the firehouse. If it was at a meeting last night could be that the person that attend the meeting had to go to his family supporting job today and did get time to post at the firehouse. Name the fire companies you call and quite starting rumors...

  3. What "dirty work" is afoot? Explain this big conspiracy to me please.

  4. Sussex ban is in effect due to Ozone levels.

  5. Why do you talk to lawn ornaments?August 26, 2010 at 4:37 PM

    And you would also call the pentagon to talk to the janitor about the next top secret military exercise in Afganistan. Get a grip...request to talk to the Chief next time. That is the person incharge of the fire department and also it was the chiefs that made that decision last night. I bet you have a 20 foot pile of "yard debris" just itching to burn. Get off your phone-calling-talking-to-janitors lazy butt and take your debris to the landfill. Hey, here is a conspiracy---why do those that complain the most about fire departments never enter the firehouse asking if they can help?!?!?!?!?! "Station 51 clear."

  6. I live on a farm, have a 20 foot debris pile and was a volunteer fireman for 15yrs. The burn ban is joke and I am not going to spend the time and money to haul truck loads of wood to the landfill. The gas and diesel will do much more damage to the environment than burng trees and tree stumps. Maybe I'll put a big grate over top of it and call it a bbq grill for whole cows......

  7. Sounds like they want to hand out some yard debris fines before they lift the ban. We've had 8 INCHES OF RAIN IN 2 WEEKS!

  8. 4:37pm:
    How about me asking if I "could help" a local fire dept when I already have a Fire 1 certification and also Emergency Vehicle Operator certification, but then being told that the members' vote was "not in my favor!" Please explain to me why that might happen. My thought is that I am NOT a drunk, drop-out, red neck that thinks they are God and can bark orders like a drill sergent. Well guess what, I am a military veteran and I refuse to have a low-life treat me like a dog. All because "I WANTED TO HELP!!!"

  9. 437, Not everyone who has limbs down has a landscape trailer or pickup truck, or a job that will pay to have it done. We need to get our yards cleaned up, and need the ban lifted because it is now safe to burn. If things dry up in a couple weeks, the ban can be re-instated.

    It's just that simple.

  10. They've been burning brush piles on the corner of Chestnut Way all stinking day long {right where the 3 viscous dogs are}...and nobody done a darn thing about it.

  11. Oh yeah? Thats right across the road from Norm Conway's cousin, the only one allowed to have 2 occupied homes on 1 lot....1 tax fee

  12. Hey 4:37 be easy on the JANITORS will ya!!!

  13. yeah maybe on the WEST SIDE not here on the East of the sludge filled MISSISSIPPI RIVER in the SALLISBURY.oh i mean the famous Wicomico SEWAGE RIVER.ha ha April Fools

  14. If you really want to know if its safe (not legal) to burn, call forestry, they know better than anyone if the brush and soil are "wet" enough.

  15. Now you know were the money goes, look out Ricky, you're about to be unemployed. Thank you voters of Wicomico County for seeing him for what he is.

  16. County Concil, Lift the ban!!!
    It's gone on to long.

  17. Yea man maybe then we could afford to live here again


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