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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Are They Joking? Hillary As Defense Secretary??

There is growing speculation that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will replace Robert Gates at the Pentagon when he steps down sometime early next year.

“It would be a mistake to wait until January 2012 [to leave],” Gates told Foreign Policy magazine, explaining why he is targeting 2011 for his retirement. “This is not the kind of job you want to fill in the spring of an election year.”

Clinton has won praise for her performance at State, according The Hill, and forged a strong relationship with Gates, the only holdover from the Bush administration. Her many supporters argue she has the most credibility with the military of any Democrat and would be a logical choice to take Gates’s place at the Pentagon.

The appointment of Clinton to replace Gates would be historic. The former first lady and presidential candidate would be the first woman to serve as Defense secretary and only the second person – after George C. Marshall – to have served as both secretary of State and Defense, according to The Hill.

Still, the Hillary-for-Defense speculation drew a familiar retort from some Washington veterans: It must be August, when the congressional recess makes for a slow news cycle. They viewed the suggestion as a slightly less far-fetched version of the other fantasy that has been making the summer gossip rounds: that Obama will swap Clinton for Vice President Joe Biden on the 2012 ticket and send Biden to run the State Department.



  1. We really screwed up on Aug. 26th 1920 , the 19th amendment. No more samiches.

  2. Based on 9:41 comment, I am not surprised that we, ES people, are considered racists and bigots.

  3. That comment is enough to make any straight woman turn gay.

  4. I think what 9:41 is over emotional people deciding the fate of the country , When have you ever made an emotional decision that ended up right ? I think you should have to be a property owner as well to be able to vote. Oh and 10:23 who ever believes that about the good people of the E.S. are prejudice and bigoted .

  5. Did you hear what Rev Jackson said about the De fence, he said De fence did not need painting.

  6. 1:20 When asked his views on Beirut he said "Beirut...he was a good baseball player but personally I like Hank Aaron"

  7. haha. That is so bad.

  8. It would save a bunch of money. The Clinton's were known for having military not wear their uniforms around them so I guess one can assume that the GIs would be expected to pay for their own clothing.

  9. I wouldn,t count on it.I think she will be given the VP on the 2012 ticket.O'bama would force Biden to resign or maybe even getting Mullins job in exchange.I absolutely would not vote for this ticket,but O'bama may just feel that desperate


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